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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Sometimes, living in this country, I feel like a camel with a sore back.
  2. No thanks
  3. Yes. White rice 3 times.
  4. That ship has already sailed. The US is so divided now that nothing can save it. It's pretty obvious isn't it? It began before Trump was elected. It may not be civil war but the left will never accept anything other then what they want so of course how can the US, as we knew it, continue. The term that many used a couple of years ago didn't help either: "He's not my president." The current administration has given Xi quite a happy time knowing that he can take Taiwan whenever, not to mention the US and Putin a fairly strong currency etc. Global trade is ruined and without it there will be no peace. This is what we leave our children! This blame game is pathetic.
  5. The swamp is destroying the country. Unfortunately what happens in the US happens in Canada.
  6. The hate is blinding around here...bye, bye
  7. Not properly licensed and open illegally after hours. You want police to do their job? Police chief in charge of that area should be charged and jailed. 15 years sounds good to me! Perhaps this "scourge of Thailand" (bib) may raise their heads out of you know where!
  8. Did anyone catch the amount of drug in this huge smuggling episode? Vape cartridges containing oils derived from pot! I would imagine the drug weighs about as much as the dirt under my finger nails. She's not my favourite person but this is a sham.
  9. Is it better to be a friend or enemy of this US gov't? Unfortunately at present that question is more difficult to answer then in the past.
  10. The school bus driver is in the wrong. This is his fault! He saw a car coming. They have no flashing red lights on school buses here! If the children were on his bus and he was stopping to let them out, then he should have held them in the bus until it was safe for them to leave period!
  11. Yeh right, just a little vacation. About as stupid as the rest of the administration's moves.
  12. Seems to be a lot of those uneducated types around that country!
  13. 38% approval rating. Hard to believe it's that high. The wrecking ball president.
  14. I was just on one of those 120 km/h highways between Korat and Saraburi. There were speed signs at 120, then one km later they would say 90. Then back to 120 and then again 90. Of course I doubt it's a problem for Thailand, just part of the experience eh.
  15. My son's grade six French class in the West had a teacher who could not speak French. He can't speak French either. I really have nothing to say on this topic but just wanted to relay that....sorry.
  16. Yes I have. One goes by with kids on the roof everyday. I have 200,000 km on my car. I've been around. No we don't have the full story and it doesn't matter. You don't leave school children on the side of the road if you are a school bus driver, unless they are at their prescribed pickup place with their caregiver, period. I don't care what country you are from! The driver needs to never work at this kind of job again and the sad state of school busing in this country probably matches the education system. I see school buses that couldn't pass a 2 minute inspection. Just some jerk driving kids to school for a baht or two and couldn't care less about the children. Most likely the drivers would not pass a two minute inspection either. Innocent children deserve better.
  17. But not for the poor Thai. Can't pay then will die at home untreated. Tired of these private money grubbing hospitals.
  18. How can a child drop a bag from a moving school bus? Yes of course they sit outside on the roof or stand at the back of an open bus. What a joke all around. The driver is trash and so are the transport rules for children in this country. Pathetic.
  19. Occasionally I agree with you. This is not one of them.
  20. Yeh right. Who was it that said, "He's not my President!" How many of YOU said that? You don't like it, then accept a president and vote him out, when the time comes. No, you would rather divide your country and it will never go back. The US is finished because of so much hate. It's unbelievable.
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