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Everything posted by patman30

  1. always possible thats who called it in "hey we got big money ferang play tonight but they play too good, come now"
  2. we use One of THESE to chop our banana trees up to you what motor you want to purchase once chopped ferment the chopped tree in water and use for chicken feed
  3. when are they going to streamline immigration with eExtensions?
  4. you contradict yourself if you do not want me to reply to your comments do not reply to mine replying to comments is what a forum is for nobody was discussing shopee's terms, but the legislation is being discussed might be wise to at least get yourself on the same page as yourself lol before replying to comments that make more sense than your own. another 🤡 for the ignore list.
  5. This is only possible with COD ok just like the OP says "Dubbed the "Contract Committee Notification on CoD Service law," this legislation impacts cash-on-delivery (CoD) transactions," make your mind up? you can only open before paying if paying COD you literally contradict yourself while at the same time claiming the OP is misinformation from the OP ":this legislation impacts cash-on-delivery (CoD) transactions,"
  6. the "solution" is to fix the COD scam applying it to other payment options makes no difference if the delivery driver is not asking the receiver for cash they can just take it inside, without the need to check it is something they actually ordered if any issue with something they did order, they can easily return it just as they normally would the COD scam is where companies are sending out small items with COD the receiver pays the small sum only to realise they or anyone else at the address did not order the item again there is no need to waste the drivers time to confirm you ordered the parcel if not being asked to pay cash when receiving it
  7. because they want a cashless society, keep up. gov do not care about companies companies will fold and do as told the customer will simply adapt to using a different payment method, or not get the goods they want. i always use COD but this recent "problem" they have decided to fix, was never really a problem, and the fix seems good on the surface to the customer, but will be impossible for the companies to allow this just think now how many old AN members will now be wasting the delivery drivers time, opening up their 150 baht order to make sure everything is correct and working "just give me a minute so i can plug it in and make sure it's working"..... couriers will soon have complaints from staff, some staff may just leave if their days become too long courier has 2 choices increase their fees by a lot so they can have a lot more delivery staff or just scrap COD, and all deliveries that would have been COD are now a little faster too
  8. sounds like they are trying to force couriers to stop providing COD
  9. i did not state "bitcoin" i specifically stated "BTC" for BTC..... due to a restricted block size, with a maximum of ~500,000 on chain transactions a day and a fee market it is incapable of becoming a globally accepted/used currency used by all. there is no counter argument to this fact.
  10. thank you for validating my point.
  11. how many transactions can BTC process in a single day? check mate.
  12. Got an Intel compute stick when they came out, good few years back always worked when needed, still works now fine for regular browsing, viewing movies etc lots of companies offer similar sticks great for travel with one of those handheld keyboards not sure how available the compute sticks are here though nothing wrong with mini PCs but do not expect them to be run like a normal desktop i do also have a few low end mini ITX board/CPU rigs that work fine for what they do but are slow as you would expect you can also build high end mini-PCs if DIY you can also use a raspberry Pi as a computer just fine, although limited to linux afaik
  13. another engagement post another account added to the ignore list
  14. all depends what you have handy, how strong the metal is, and how tight it is in there if you cannot put something in there to get good enough grip to unscrew just get some thin pliers and slowly just bend the metal inwards if it is thin enough have you first tried seeing if you can remove any of that PTFE tape? if you have a dremmel or something similar you could carefully cut it out
  15. i agree with your post, except this line where you contradict yourself trying to use my words or maybe you misunderstood my point but from my pov first time around, you and your wife did not fulfil your family roles as you both were prioritising business over family but you do reinforce the point i was making that young people are too busy with work and waiting till in a better position can be beneficial to the child, no matter how you raise your child.
  16. yes, exactly this, 60 is fine providing there is a very good chance you will see 80 and you are very secure financially. As for education.... my personal view from my own experience is schools slow down the learning process, and teach us to remember and repeat, more than to think for ourselves. that is just my experience though, i dropped out of high school at 14, last employed at 25 and retired in my 30s but that is not for everyone, and home schooling is not for every parent either.
  17. agreed, however i still stand by older is better than young sadly this is the world we live in but there are very few young people capable of providing a quality life for the child when they are still 20 years old they are simply too busy with work etc and many have their priorities wrong at such an age, now if they can work hard, retire before 40 then have kids and all the time they need to raise them and spend time with them whilst being able to provide for the child's needs and also having much more life experience..... that is where i am at, intentionally.
  18. agreed, for this you need maturity and financial stability, something many young adults lack. Yes, and we just agreed, people have a better understanding of everything when they are older, and as i stated younger adults do not have the time. i believe the the traditional family unit, The Male/father should lead and his wife support him while they both fulfil their roles we keep getting to the 70 year old extreme end of the argument, which i have said is not good but having children young or very young is worse than having them when a bit older 40-50 (60 even if in great health and financially secure) the woman's age is less important to myself providing she is healthy and can care for the child older women having children can be much more problematic but then we get into the age gap argument maybe i am assuming too much, but your past maturity is why you were not foolish like most to rush into something with the wrong person, and you wish you had them sooner as they bring so much joy, i wish i had the joy my boys bring sooner, but if they came sooner i might not be on the path i am currently on, which is very enjoyable as i have my boys with me.
  19. people are quick to assume, many do not realise speed changes throughout the day etc. never had an issue PC or mobile in 20 years if movies or TV shows, one could always stream from Fmovies (again no issues here) or if you have got a VPN, Tubi has a lot of ok stuff, much more than before when it was available here. i do like Tubi as they do get lots of older stuff but for limited time only, sometimes just 1 month
  20. i am using AIS sim i literally just downloaded utorrent and downloaded a torrent from TPB never once heard of any such blocking happening here what happened "last time"....? ok i am a fool should have looked first before typing this is just another enagagement post with false details to get the replies another added to the ignore list AN please just tag these type posts so i do not waste my time on them
  21. you see i took the opposite approach i grafted when young, so i could provide better so my boys could enjoy a better upbringing now i can enjoy my time with my boys which is much more enjoyable with them than without them. and whatever else you think i could be doing, been there done that got the t-shirt.
  22. again i was never comparing one person to another you can easily say there are plenty of dumb 20's in the world just as there are plenty of dumb 70 year olds and you are also appealing to extremes the average person will not be well travelled and those who can have their view of the world, which may seem amazing on the surface but all it means is they are still yet to enter the real world and why would a backpacker suddenly be a good role model father? they are likely either in a lot of debt or living off mummy and daddy very few can actually earn and travel i never planned to have children when young, as it would not be fair bringing a child into this world without stability many people have the illusion of stability, and many just do not even think about it so talking about what is fair for the child why is it fair to bring a child into this world without any stability, where the parents must work and have little time for the child, and the child must be indoctrinated by the state as the parents do not have time to raise them? i am semi-retired but done so young, i now have 2 boys, who will be my entire focus i have land, house, car, solar, food, everything i need to care for them and all the time i need to raise them to be the best MEN they can be. i could not have done this when younger, it would have been impossible.
  23. i was not referring to a young person being compared to other people my younger self was an idiot compared to my today self you cannot have a better understanding of this world when young compared to when YOU are old our understanding of this world typically increases with age. well for most of us it does, you may be proving me wrong though lol
  24. young parents, do not have a good understanding of the world, they are also usually too busy working and trying to socialize to actually raise their children and sub that out to the state which well.... you can see the state of young adults today. Not saying 70 is good, pros and cons to all ages but children raising children is not the best strategy imo
  25. This is where it gets tricky here and i hope every corrupt official realises the consequences of going cashless cashless = no more (unseen) brown envelopes
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