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Everything posted by patman30

  1. you will always own 49% of the company on paper if you choose to put in company name but you do also need to pay tax each year, usually around 12k to pay an accountant to do for you.
  2. doesnt work like that for my house the company owners the house (not myself or the wife) i am the director of the company i can replace my wife as a shareholder, and i can transfer the company to someone else by making someone else the director etc. anything owned by a company does not come into dispute in divorce as it is not owned by the married couple, it is owned by the company, a seperate legal entity. if you are the provider and your GF knows her current world ends without you you shouldnt really have a problem, or at least you should see it coming if it does.
  3. how many people aged 150 have you met to even know what a mental age of 150 is like? stop talking nonsense and asking about dating schoolgirls
  4. you buy after LEGALLY married its 50/50 (not the village ceremony) but in case of divorce do not expect your wife to be able to buy you out or to be able to sell quick unless dirt cheap and you cannot split the land and put half in your name Land office has no say in company issues which is what owns my house have purchased a few plots of land the plot i am building on is actually in the MILs name as it was easier at the time due to lockdowns TBH if you are so concerned about divorce and recouping money if it occurs it may be better to just rent somewhere i would say, the 100k for marriage is not bad at all, its not even 10 baht of gold the dowry etc is more a show of face to the rest of the village although myself we did not have the traditional one, just a quickie in registry office with 2 motobike taxis for witnesses
  5. the fraud is when you use the lawyers staff to act as shareholders the wife pre signed a few things, no idea how much they would hold up but its not a concern for myself yes having similar wood top, with brickwalls on ground floor
  6. you mean when a girl is aged 10 but YOU thinks she acts like she is 30 is that what you mean?
  7. are you asking about schools so you can find a date? do you know the laws here? when you state "upto age 18" it is very clear which age we are talking about
  8. have bought land with the wife you both need to be present, you sign to say you agree to the purchase (this is the same for legally married Thais) bought house with wife in Company name, myself, wife and MIL are shareholders with myself as director wife and MIL already signed to say they cannot dispute any of my actions as director i can replace them as shareholders or transfer/sell the company when i please one thing you may need to consider the cost of building is rising rapidly reused wood is by far the cheapest option right now, which has not been the case for a long while but its not for everyone i have a wooden house being built now, another option i looked at was using box culverts steel took a jump in price last year
  9. the problem is its Ya-Ba and its cheap again they clamped down on yaba years ago as those selling moved onto the more profitable ice/meth
  10. Aliexpress is fine to use, always check reviews/feedback FYI Both Aliexpress and Lazada are owned by Alibaba Group
  11. words matter you should use the correct ones when trying to make a point
  12. its not decades though is it? why i asked if anyone use now if they took years to add the 150 baht fee they may still be cheaper than other banks yes i used them for a few years after the ATM fee was introduced at all other banks, which was also not 20 years ago as you claim
  13. Anyone use AEON ATMs ? years ago they were the only bank not charging an atm fee (i no longer use ATMs unless Thai card)
  14. i know what will be released this year.???? and it's a giant leap.
  15. oh i skipped that, yeh thats nuts really. there is always something you dont have that they suddenly want
  16. All i know is in Thailand i have never seen a Benz with working indicators.????
  17. Amazon are good with this TBH you pay a deposit on import duties if there is possibility of siezure, Amazon will not let you buy. Just as you can no longer import foods via amazon since the nonsense started, whereas you could before.
  18. some offices also want a same day ATM slip as you will see from reports on this forum but yes the teller can also do what you state just be sure to make deposit/withdraw before asking for the letter etc. i had to go get new letter as balances did not match????‍♂️ (they also wanted a copy of EVERY page of bankbook, as i dont use the account and money just sits there)
  19. Normal, home visit with witness present, they only speak to the witness when visiting me, couple photos and done.
  20. how will BTC miners remain profitable if the price does not double every 4 years ? how will a system capable of only 440k transactions a day become THE global financial system ?
  21. Helpful tip As you go to the bank, before you enter use the ATM and withdraw 1000 baht and keep the slip then go into bank get letters and bank book updated????
  22. personally i think weed should be a requirement to drive a stoned driver is the most cautious driver on the road as they whiz down the road at 5mph????
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