Probably best to wait until the rules are ironed out and published.
Double Tax treaties are well and good, but if the Thai tax is greater than the foreign country tax, you may be expected to pay the difference in Thailand. Another point already made is that you could be asked to pay tax and reclaim ... a nightmare scenario for most (and I'd have thought unlikely).
The killer blow is that the expat will no longer be able to bring in income earned in the previous tax year without being subject to tax. This is a game changer, and Thailand may find that it vastly reduces the number of foreigners living here. Perhaps that's the idea?
RIP Joe. I haven't looked at the forum for a while so I'm saddened to hear this news. Ubon Joe was a mine of information and will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him and many more people who never met him but read his posts.
Everyone has a right to opinion, particularly about what Russia is doing in Ukraine. Does it disturb you that people are "raging against Russia"? It's as if you think they have no right to?
A good question, one I’d like to know the answer to? I suspect you only declare income that is considered taxable, so no need to declare overseas earnings not remitted to Thailand during the tax year.
A good Thai accountant with experience of expat returns would be your best bet.
Almost completed "The Honourable Schoolboy" by John Le Carre, the second book of the Smiley/Karla trilogy ... interesting because it takes place in the Far East ... Hong Kong, Vientiane, Saigon, Phnom Phen ... all places I've been.
I’ve been reading Putin’s People by Catherine Belton. It’s about the rise of V Putin in Russia and the activities of his authoritarian regime, which has led to the tragedy in Ukraine. The west have been sleeping at the wheel where Russia is concerned.
I’ve also just finished The Cryptocurrency Queen by Jamie Bartlett, which documents the rise of a crypto Ponzi scheme called One Coin, headed by Bulgarian fraudster Ruja Ignatova. Ruja disappeared and is now on the FBI’s most wanted list.