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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. On 1/30/2020 at 2:03 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think in a way there is fake news about that virus all over the word all over the media.

    Because let's look at the real risk. How many people are sick? How many people died?

    And then compare those number with how many people die every day in traffic accidents in Thailand alone.

    The virus risk is for most of us 0 or very near to 0. Why should we worry?

    The Spanish flu killed around 50 million between 1918 and 1919. The death rate of coronavirus is estimated to be 2-3%, which is slightly higher than Spanish flu. With small numbers infected in Thailand it’s hard to imagine that many could die. But bear in mind that sometime in late November 2019 only one Chinese person had this. This particular virus is highly contagious, and unlike Ebola and SARS it appear s to be transmittable by people who are not showing any symptoms. 


    In early February 2020 your comment appears sensible, but if this contagion spreads we’ll be in a completely different world.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, rabas said:

    I don't see how that can work. Patient studies so far (on groups with known outcomes) put it around 8%-14%, which is SARS like, which makes sense.  Anyway you must use a fixed population all with known outcomes.


    Some disturbing corroboration from Kan Chen a formal senior scientist at J&J and Harvard trained immunologist in Shanghai:

    "According to the clinical experiences of a physician at the epicentre of 2019nCoV, it is the late-onset and sudden cytokine storm that kill many patients, not the infection resulted pneumonia. This is how most Spanish flu fatalities died.


    Ironically it’s not the virus that kills you, it’s your own immune system going into overload that does the damage.

    • Thanks 2
  3. On 1/27/2020 at 3:50 PM, Sheryl said:


    There have been no bona fide reports of anything remotely of the sort.


    Rumor mill is in overdrive. Please do not feed it.


    What has been proven -- and is no surprise at all as usually the case -- is that there are infected people who are asymptomatic and (less common but hardly unknown) it appears they can transmit the virus without having symptoms themselves. 


    Asymptomatic people are not keeling over dead nor are the overwhelming majority of symptomatic people. Case fatality rate even among the cases serious enough to be identified and hospitalized is under 5% and these are the more severe subset. The true fatality rate is likely a tenth of that since most cases don't get identified as the person has what seems like no more than a cold and does mot seek medical care.


    Most deaths have been in the elderly and people with weakened immune systems as is true of any flu.

    But it’s not just “any flu”, as the death rate is significantly higher than an ordinary flu.

  4. When the flight to the UK with British and Europeans citizens arrived in RAF Brize Norton yesterday I was surprised that none of the bus drivers picking up the passengers were wearing masks? 


    I think their company were very complacent and negligible in allowing them to drive to Liverpool with those passenger seat on board and no protection.


    I don’t blame air crew for refusing to fly to China.

  5. 4 hours ago, adammike said:

    N95 is the US standard the EU equivalent is FFP3 as long as the mask meet those standards and they fit properly and you are clean shaven they will help.

    I had viral conjunctivitis a few year ago and that turned out to be one of the flu viruses so it can get in via the eyes and a mask won't stop that.

    Get hand sanitizer and use it and wash your hands at every opportunity with soap and don't touch your face.

    I read an article today on the Guardian app and the journalist stated that N95 is the equivalent of FFP2, and that the FFP3 mask is superior to an N95. The general view was that they are not foolproof but at least stop you from touching you’re mouth and nose.

  6. BMW is sporty and in my view more exciting to drive, but I'd prefer the Mercedes as it is a front wheel drive and is more stable. I drove a BMW with low tread at the rear and aquaplaned on a rain sodden motorway ... not a great experience, but a lesson learned. 

  7. I looked at this a while back. My understanding is that you are not taxed on that dividend as long as it was not transferred to your Thai bank account (or brought into Thailand) on the same Thai tax year it was paid. So if it was paid on a previous tax year you are in the clear.


    i believe that the Thai tax year is 1 Jan to 31 Dec. Best check as I am not 100% on that.


    To be clear, a dividend paid into a foreign brokerage account on 12 November 2019 is not taxable if transferred to Thai bank account on or after 1 Jan 2020.

  8. The public might perceive a greater threat due to the greater number of Chang vested foreigners escaping the draconian immigration rules of Thailand. I never felt threatened in PP, but the night life area felt a bit sinister, with a need to keep your wits about you. I recall a nice upmarket street with a few decent cafes, and lots of high end cars, a half decent shopping mall, and people pissing on the street.

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