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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. The Spanish flu of 1918/19, thought to have originated in Kansas, came in three waves, with the mutated second wave being the most aggressive and deadly. 

    if you are fit and healthy better to get it and join the herd. Older and at risk people need to severely alter their lifestyles for a couple of years, avoiding crowds, for example. 

    A vaccine will be problematic if this thing mutates, although if you get it it’s likely any further contraction will be less severe. 

  2. 44 minutes ago, Proboscis said:

    But if you don't test, you will end up like any of the countries currently in lockdown, with hospitals over-run and not enough respiratory support to go around, with people dying in their thousands or, if things continue to go bad, into their hundreds of thousands.


    There is a severe economic problem with not testing - it is that many key employees, including doctors and nurses, will be in quarantine when they should be deployed. A test would release this resource.

    Where did I say you shouldn’t test? If I were Donny I’d call you out on fake news.


    Trump was boasting that the US had this under control, with low numbers. The testing rollout is going to blow that lie out of the water. That was my point.


    But the problem now is that if this is widespread in the community, testing is far too late. Think of the Human Resources you will need to trace contacts.



  3. My fear about this is that it follows a similar path to the 1918 pandemic, which came in three waves, before disappearing. The first wave was like a heavy flu, with some deaths. But it was the second wave that caused the most deaths. The virus mutated and became more efficient and aggressive. It killed many in the 20-35 age range, and some died within a few hours. The third wave was milder, and didn’t cause the same level of damage. At least 50 million died. 

    Let’s hope that we knock it on the head by the end of the Summer.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

    Reports where?

    I read it on Zero Hedge blog then on the Daily Mail website. A team of Chinese scientists used a bus with cameras on board to identify everyone, where they were seated, etc. The guy with the virus passed it on to several passengers who were in his own airspace, he never touched them. The conclusion is that the virus is transmitted airborne. So the poster wasn’t posting an urban myth.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    70 people infected out of a population of 69 million people.  Pandemic has not reached Thailand yet IMO


    Grocery stores, malls, restaurants would be more of a concern to me.


    Good advice on cleanliness, washing hands











    How do you know the number is really 70? And if accurate, remember that Northern Italy and South Korea had much less cases a month ago.


    An American specialist in infectious diseases has reportedly said that the virus is being breathed in, rather than being transmitted from hand to face, on most occasions. He was interviewed on the Joe Rogan experience. He reportedly said that N95 masks can be effective but the others don’t offer much protection.


    For older people the key is to avoid getting it, because if you do and it causes pneumonia, you will not be cared for. In Italy they are so overwhelmed that they are not intubating people over 60, and people with a poor health history. So take this seriously, it is not just a flu.

    • Like 2
  6. It’s impossible to know the real numbers, even if the government were trying to be honest about it and making every effort to keep an accurate record. 


    Id work on the basis that you are surrounded by the virus and take every precaution ... frequent hand washing, avoiding crowds, not allowing visitors to your home, etc. Soon even the Thai authorities will be unable to hide the impact.

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  7. 8 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

    So did i ,but it took hours of searching to find them amongst the 99% of males that were there,then they had the photo shoot.

    You didn’t look very hard ... I recall the two news programmes that were aired interviewing an Afghan with his family and an Iranian with his wife and sick baby. Not to mention the crying young girl having her eyes washed by her mother due the tear gas from Greece.

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