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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. Good enough for her another prime example of celebrities getting involved in politics that she should just have kept her big beak out of
  2. Maybe in the 60's, Koh Larn still quite nice
  3. Probably have ran out of silly expensive projects so someone had to come up with a new idea to prove their worth in their unelected position
  4. Don't understand why not just fly to Russia and your going to have just as many problems as if you were landing in Swampy, just wasted a bunch of fuel and caused the environment in Bangkok even more problems. Unless the pilots actually agree also that airport/airplane safety in Russia is totally sht.
  5. This is by far one of the most interesting topics I have read regarding the current taxation discussions. I have a question for someone probably who is more knowledgeable than me on this subject. If I transferred money from the UK to my Thai Bank account (then immediately to my wife's account) or directly to my wife's bank account would any of that be taxable we are talking well under 20M baht. Also would you need to be married to give it as a tax free gift or would long term partner also be applicable?
  6. I am not sure any specific groups of people behave more badly than others, any nationality or religion will have aholes that give the rest of them a bad name it's just sometimes all the aholes congregate in one place giving that group in question a bad reputation.
  7. And in Tomorrow's news.... The Trump/Musk organisation launch new 8 Litre V12 car promising maximum hyper-car performance
  8. The only hats I wear are usually made of latex and prevent me from getting unwanted itches after a night out
  9. It is so reassuring to know the billions they get from countries around the world is going to good use, to provide common sense statements.
  10. This also is against forum rules to suggest a full scale ban on people from a certain country I am very surprised the moderators haven't removed all your anti-semetic posts
  11. Are you saying hatred of Jewish people is rational? If so you have broken one of the moderators previous posts rule on forum etiquette
  12. I would prefer one with a no YaiJung sign there given they bad mouth 4 entire nations with one swish of their keyboard.
  13. All I see is a guy walking down the street with his shirt off. The business owners putting the signs up should be arrested as that is probably the highest form of discrimination you could get.
  14. All I see is charity sites saying payformyholiday.com
  15. f If you have any more information please enlighten me and the rest of this forum? "Tragically, after several days, he was found deceased. As of now, Thai authorities have not released details regarding the circumstances or cause of his death." The best part of 3 weeks and we still don't know what happened to him? Either he was James Bond or why would there be such an intentional mystery around his death, you seem quite clued up about this disagreeing with everything everyone suspects so reckon you should tell everyone your theory.
  16. This topic should be closed , it is either clickbait or speculation, given I have a friend in the embassy that know nothing about this
  17. Do you have the audiobook version of this bob, barboy whatever your name is, I got half way through it but needed to board my flight to Cambodia
  18. No he hasn't the UK has in the background in response to Trump put up the Tariffs on his imported favourite American pies so he has moved to cornish pasties now.
  19. No offence to the reporting, but it definitely comes off as biased. Throwing around terms like ‘ethnic cleansing’ is heavy, it’s not as black and white as it’s being framed here. What actual evidence is there to back up claims that Israel is committing ethnic cleansing? Are we talking about mass graves being found like in WWII or Bosnia? or is this more about political and military conflict? Because they are two very different things, or even reporting bias. The term ‘ethnic cleansing’ isn’t just dramatic, it’s subjective unless backed by solid, undeniable proof. Context matters are we looking at forced displacement, military actions, or actual attempts to wipe out an entire population? Big difference. Trump had his fair share of controversial moments no doubt (the whole ‘new Riviera’ comment comes to mind) but let’s be real Americans knew what they were voting for his foreign policy was always going to shake things up, and people either love him or hate him. 'ethnic-cleansing' is just outright wrong need to look at the facts.
  20. If this wasn't a US only post and international post I would say Liz Truss who was the UK's temporary prime minister for a couple of months before she got kicked out, introduced a mini-budget that made everyone worse off, tanked the pound and crash the stock market, quite an achievement in a couple of months, Trump is a beginner! Trump 2.0 will pay off in the long term for the yanks and hope some of his sensible Woke, Gender, LGB and Immigration policies will rub off on the UK!
  21. Hahaha OK I probably deserved that I could go into it into a bunch more detail about why Trumps Muslim (not allied) friendly countries would not cause an issue in world security as the previous poster suggested. It would take a whole new topic 🙂 audi Trump is buddies with MBS, Bahrain closer to Israel after the Abraham Accords and Pakistan formerly with him having a relationship with Imran Kahn obviously not now but a similar common goal towards Afghanistan but that is always up and down. Turkey buy Russian stuff, Jordan hates Isreal and the US are still killing stoopid Iraqis that don't learn etc. but Iraq still hate ISIS nearly as much as the US do so some common ground there!
  22. This is very oversimplified, he will just stop giving them money (to most of them) Saudi, Bahrain and Pakistan probably prefer Trump as for Turkey, Jordan or Irag who cares?
  23. Maybe he has just got a foot fetish?
  24. Oohh someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. No I am not or ever have been a duty solicitor, but I can actually read! Bail conditions can be set pre-charge and often are so you are incorrect there. Given he has another relationship and work here it would not be beyond the realm of possibility he might want to leave sounds like they have nothing on him he may want to go to Laos that has less favourable extradition with the UK so wondering if the passport is in his bail conditions is valid I would say
  25. Good, who could ever say Women vs Men was ever a fair fight, some exceptions of course like my x-wife for example 🙂
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