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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


    It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

    The patients are now used as a pawn in the propaganda war against the reds.

    So you're saying it's too bad many didn't die and then they could be dragged up on the goovernment stage and then paraded around town? I'm not following you. :)

  2. for the barnham house grenade attack...

    So now there is a positive link between the reds andf the grenade attacks. Very bad day for the red team PRwise

    positive link?

    hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

    Now, why does it suit his needs fella?

    A photofit is issued by the police of a man involved in the grenade attack. That photofit is an extreme likeness, uncanny in fact, of a red guard who searched the hospital last night. The resemblance is so close and the two events so interconnected, why is the statement above jumping to conclusions. At the least the man in the photo, now on stage needs taking in for questioning, and if he is I will bet a pound to a pinch of rocking horse sh*t that they are one and the same guy.

    It's an exact likeness of a very distictive face. I don't think there's any question it's the same guy. The question that remains is, was the sketch created to target a known UDD operative or was the person describing the assailant for the sketch artist totally unaware and giving an honest account of the attackers.

  3. How would that solve anything? Seriously guys, cracking down on the red shirts will not solve anything. The government needs to address the root cause of the problem. Cracking down on them or dispersing them will just make them regroup elsewhere. This problem isn't going away.

    Fair comment.... what is the root cause of the problem in your opinion?

    The military coup. The fact that many pro-TRT/PPP/Puea Thai voters believe the election was robbed from them and a puppet government installed by the army. It doesn't help either that Abhisit goes on BBC HardTalk and talks openly that he's not making decisions, but the army is. If Abhisit really has the majority of Thais behind him, he should hold elections and confirm his mandate. To average Thai, he lost the election and became Prime Minister. A lot of red shirt supporters I know don't even support Thaksin and don't want him to come back.

    What's so wrong with holding elections? The Democrats are on their way out anyways, through the Election Commission that will eventually dissolve them, we all know that.

    Hanging on at all cost and risking a civil war breaking out in Thailand ...I don't know, just doesn't seem worth it. Chavalit today suggested a power-sharing interim government of all parties in Thailand until elections can be held. Doesn't seem like a bad option to me.

    Why would a civil war breakout because elections are held 8 months from today and not 3 months from today? Particularly since the government has the right to run another 20 months before elections.

  4. I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

    One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

    So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

    They are oppressors of their own people. Originally that oppression was sponsored by westerners because they had a common enemy, now it would seem to be sponsored locally. It's more complicated than that, but that's the jist of it.

  5. TAN Network: INN: Reds set up barriers in front of Chula Hospital again according to Gen Katiya's orders

    THE NATION: reports from Chula hospital say reds r rebuilding blockade in front of the hospital after having taken it down earlier today.

    MOTHER F*(#)@rs

    Hey, maybe Thaksin is going to check in at Chula Hospital. Oh, wouldn't that be a hoot!

    Maybe Thaksin is been treated for his comma or what so ever in Chula hospital, by Dr. Tul? You never know. This is quite possible.

    In Bizarro World it is.


  6. TAN Network: INN: Reds set up barriers in front of Chula Hospital again according to Gen Katiya's orders

    THE NATION: reports from Chula hospital say reds r rebuilding blockade in front of the hospital after having taken it down earlier today.

    MOTHER F*(#)@rs

    Hey, maybe Thaksin is going to check in at Chula Hospital. Oh, wouldn't that be a hoot!

  7. Since pre 2001 elections, I have been very anti and wary of Thaksin. I initially supported the PAD in their attempts to expose his crimes and to oust him, however, I backed away from PAD after listening to their increasingly vitriolic rhetoric and the Suvarnabhumi debacle and condemn them utterly. I even began to sympathise with some of the reds and their cause earlier this year thinking that they had a few good points and that they may help further democracy. I'm completely with you up till here. After this Chula Hospital (where I was born!) incident, as well as having seen some of the shockingly disgusting red graffiti all over Bangkok during a brief visit yesterday, I am now as anti red as you can get. You didn't witness anything before last night that might have put you off them? Say the Black Shirt militia? The hate speech? Their publications? Roadblocks?, etc? It really is amazing that these people don't know when to stop (PAD and red). Good intention aside what they have done and are doing must face accountability. Arrest, trial, goal.

    I may have changed my opinions over the years but my principles remain firm. These mobs must be delt with and measures taken to make sure that no future mobs think they can get away with this behaviour.

    Last nights screw up was surely OTT and horrible PR, but it pales in comparison to armed militias and dead bodies and petrol soaked barricades in the inner city.

  8. Now the reds have blockaded Khon Kaen airport too. Looking for a multicoloured leader.

    It seems you are only allowed to protest if you are a red supporter.


    So now that want to alienate the people of the single region that offers them even 50% support. I don't think Abhisit needs to do anything to defeat this brain trust. Just give'em a little more rope...

    i think khon kaen offers them a lot more then 50%!! its a red shirt heart land


  9. Now the reds have blockaded Khon Kaen airport too. Looking for a multicoloured leader.

    It seems you are only allowed to protest if you are a red supporter.


    So now that want to alienate the people of the single region that offers them even 50% support. I don't think Abhisit needs to do anything to defeat this brain trust. Just give'em a little more rope...

  10. I remember when the Berlin wall was breaked down in late 1989. A lot of east germans and farrangs in Germany(russians) where saying like all these piggy whiners on this home page, who get their circles disturbed in the small soi's of Bangkok: "Set in the military, Thailands economy at stake, act on these terrorist, arrest their leaders, big trouble annoying a hospital". There will allways be voices like that, but they should try to understand the counterpart. Why are these redshirts risking their lives, what is worth doing that for? Well maybe there is a reason! In some countries these voices are called conservatives - I call them PIGGY WHINERS - they don't like change, that is inevitably. Change is coming to Thailand.

    OK, so tell us. What are the issues that the red shirts are prepared to die for?

    Please don't give us the list of 6 wooley demands.

    I want to know what policies they would like to see implemented. And I can NEVER get an answer to this.............

    Nobody is objecting to change. I for one would like to know what changes and when.

    Do you know of any of the changes the democrats have implemented to date?

    Well, it's two diffent things really. None of the Red Shirt rank and file are prepared to die because their leaders have told them the government will either back down and acquiesce to their demands or that their "black army" would protect them. OTOH the Red Shirt leaders are certainly prepared to let people die, and the reason? to push for non accountability of federal budget disbursements to the provinces, hopefully by a PTP government. What, you say? No one's talking about that? Well, that's what this is all about, looting the treasury.

  11. And its been going downhill for the UDD ever since.

    2010-04-10 12:32:18

    Red emerald Buddha image at Rajprasong rally site breaks into two parts

    BANGKOK: -- When police officers served arrest warrants for three red-shirt leaders at the Rajprasong Intersection Saturday, the Buddha image table collapsed, causing the red emerald Buddha image of the protesters broke into two pieces.

    Two police officers from the Metropolitan Police Bureau came to the back of the stage at 11:30 am with arrest warrants and they demanded to see whether Wiputhalaeng Phattanaphuthai, Worapol Prommikabutr and Pramual Chuklom were behind the stage.

    Protesters then shooed away the two officers. While guards of the red shirts were asking the two officers to leave, a loud noise was heard as the Buddha image collapsed. Guards rushed to cover the broken Buddha image with newspapers and would not allow photographers to take photos.

    THE NATION: About the collapsed worship table at red stage, which broke a red buddha statue, leaders take it very seriously. 90% of thais would.

    THE NATION: News reports are saying red leaders turn pale like corpses when they saw the broken Buddha.

  12. Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

    Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

    A clear description of the electoral system

    But ! one has to understand that those "we want democracy" claims as well as the "this is all for the poor of Thailand" claims are nothing but BS. The red's agenda is Thaksins agenda and his supporters here. The final goal for Thaksin is simple, total control of the country without any resistance.

    Penang or Lankawi start sounding great by now

    Thanks Herm... I was hoping for an honest attempted explination from a red supporter...

    I hope ive offered a valid question to the reds... Lets have a reply that satisfies a valid question...

    Logic does not resonate with the red shirts, while reality doesn't resonate with Abhisit!

    Abhisit has to govern to a standard, with the realization that many of the allies that should be aiding him are fickle at best and betrayers at worst. If he doesn't stick to the path he's on it makes him no different than any other leader Thailand has had and the country cannot move forward. I believe he has been successful in removing or at least neutralizing some variables in this highly entropic environment. I think he's consolidated some other variables under his leadership and as each day passes, if he stays on course, I think other impediments to progress will see he may represent the best way forward. You may say I'm a dreamer....

  13. You read only what they want you to know.Nobody ask:Why are the redshirts checking this hospital?

    Something happen before,what upset the red shirts.

    Trying to justify the undefendable again.

    There's always a justification/excuse for criminal behaviour from the reds.

    Incitement to violence in Truth Today has been justified as "free speech".

    Killing soldiers has been justified as "self defence" or done by "fake reds" or "men in black".

    Trying to topple a government composed of MPs who represent a majority of Thai consituencies has been justified as "democracy".

    Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers has been justified as "checking for weapons".

    Now this invasion of a hospital. It is irrelevent what upset the redshirts, they are not the law, they have no right to go rampaging around a hospital and it shows a complete lack of humanity for recovering patients.

    What are the redshirts going to try and justify next? Book burning? Beheading of the bourgeios? Expulsion of foreigners? Evactuation of the elite from Bangkok? Mass murder?

    These criminals need to be hunted down and removed from civilized society.

    Nice post nick.

  14. Announce to the protesters they have 24 hours to go home, because at that time helicopters will drop teargas to disperse anybody remaining. Small numbers in the afternoon anyway. No fatalities. Crowd dispersed. Then be prepared to deal with the outbreaks in other cities which are starting anyway.

    Either that or Abhisit concede to RS demands.

    Either that or do nothing, and watch Thailand rapidly go down the tubes.

    Be a leader Abhisit, make a decision now. The country needs a decisive leader.

    He HAS made a decision. He's decided to pursue a peaceful and lawful resolution to the crisis. He's also decided to continue the work of government which can be observed in the Parliament tendering and passing new legislation and other initiatives of national interest everyday.

    I understand. If his police and Army were able to maintain law and order that would be a prudent strategy. But to allow near-anarchy and mob lawlessness in the interim with the world watching is a mistake IMO.

    The police force in Thailand doesn't work on behalf of the public, it works on behalf of itself. If that wasn't clear to everyone before, well it out to be now, eh? If he survives this crisis I think he will face less obstruction in reforming it.

  15. Announce to the protesters they have 24 hours to go home, because at that time helicopters will drop teargas to disperse anybody remaining. Small numbers in the afternoon anyway. No fatalities. Crowd dispersed. Then be prepared to deal with the outbreaks in other cities which are starting anyway.

    Either that or Abhisit concede to RS demands.

    Either that or do nothing, and watch Thailand rapidly go down the tubes.

    Be a leader Abhisit, make a decision now. The country needs a decisive leader.

    He HAS made a decision. He's decided to pursue a peaceful and lawful resolution to the crisis. He's also decided to continue the work of government which can be observed in the Parliament tendering and passing new legislation and other initiatives of national interest everyday.

  16. Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

    Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

    ... after waiting so long to see of how it works out, that's the perspective of a terrorist supporter like Weng and the likes.

    Maybe he should consider changing his TV member name to "SquealerThe Pig". More apt I think.

  17. I find it interesting that at the start of all this many red supporters were saying that Abhisit was a puppet of the army and the elite and that he didn't make any decisions anyway.

    Now, all of them are saying it's ALL Abhisit's fault and he has blood on HIS hands.

    So, which way is it?

    I go for born with a silver spoon in his mouth Ammart puppet, no idea of the life poor people in Thailand have to suffer and probably no interest, interested at staying in power while the nation goes down the pan. Self centred, incompetent and like most toffs highly unpleasant. :) and smug, don't forget smug.

    We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. -- Anais Nin

  18. Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

    Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

    Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

    Yes, we're talking about a hospital. It's a hospital. Since when are hospitals in Thailand a political target? Only since the Redshirts came along and on the scene. If I knew nothing else of Thailand and the conflicts of the past decade, this would be all I'd need to know about present events, circumstances and the 'players', for sure. This would be all I'd need to know of the Redshirts and Thaksin.

    Maybe britmaveric can tell us in 6 words and 3 emoticons or less why freedom fighting "lads" need to force their way into a hospital and intimidate staff and patients? Maybe they're doing it for the "dosh"? Or maybe they're just immoral thugs.

  19. what I asked for was the PTP/UDD/Red plan for revitalizing Isaan. Where is it?

    I can not speak for the reds- but it may be that their 'plan' is simply this: that Thai society learns that any government that they elect must be permitted to govern wihtout military/judicial coups. Rightly or wrongly, I would expect that many of those who supported Thaksin believe they were robbed. People don't like being robbed. Now you can tell them that Thaksin was TOO corrupt (they'd fall over laughing- and I expect you would have a hard time keeping a staight face too- if you simply said that an official in Thailand was 'corrupt- so you have to say TOO corrupt) but they might think that the reason he was turfed had nothing to do with corruption- but rather because he threatened to shake up the establishment- and the system which legitimizes it- which they regard, perhaps with some cause, as having had a pretty good ride on the backs of the poor.

    Now we can talk till we're blue in the face about what they 'should' and 'should not' think- but it won't matter.

    This is the pickle we're all in now- and whatever is to be done?

    As many predicted at the time of the coup- the genie was out of the bottle- there is not putting him back in. Even a rudimentary study of history shows that revolutions happen, not when people are ground down- but when they have been give hope- and then that hope, snatched from them. (check out the Crane Brinton theory of revolution- something that the coupsters should but probably did not study).

    All discussion of 'shoulds' and 'should nots' become moot= drowned out in the raging torent of --- history and the forces that channel it.

    No Drivel. Why, because this whole movement is Astro-turf. The people are ferried here in company registered vehicles from the mercantile class who by and large are desperate to return to the past. Why, not democracy or the Crane Brinton theory, but because then they get to keep their power. they get to keep their illegal money lending [with usury], they get to keep their interest in the local [very local] political structures which ensure that all money from the centre goes through [well some of it] their adhesive fingers. This is nothing to do with torrents of history, only money. Plain and simple.

    So do they benefit from central government embarrassment, yes, do they really care about the poor, no, indeed they want the poor to stay just as they are, after all they have to have a convenient market do they not?


    They should get out their glass cutter and hang that post on the fridge so they can read it everytime they get another beer. The opportunism of a diffucult succession and a megalomaniac ex PM parasite are peripheral to the central truth you have outlined so succinctly. They are merely rallying points.

  20. Many Thais are probably like many people around the world and want more than they presently have in a material sense, the type of government that fulfills their wants is probably not even a real consideration.. If all of the mentioned people were truly aware and informed of living conditions that uncountable people endure and die from, the wants list may be rearranged and possibly shortened. If Norway was thrown up as a working examples of cradle to grave care for their citizens, they would probably leap on that wagon. (Pretty good example to), Brunei, Saudi Arabia, etc, could be other options.

    Of course, after you explain that Thailand does not have the required resources you will bust their bubble, again.

    Of course they're going to need to find some pretty large oil deposits first.

  21. :)

    Yes, probably the PM and the government is missng the "big picture". So apprently are the Red Shirts. In fact, as normal in Thai politics, what we really have here is a number of Thai politicians, each with their own group of followers (can I say "lackeys") who are mainly interested in their own self promotion and what advantages they can obtain for themselves and their own group. Nothing unusual about that in Thai politics (or most politics anywhere in the world).

    But one thing that is in "the big picture" although few are realising it yet, is that the power of Issan and it's farmers/poor people has grown enormously in the last few weeks. Even those Thai politicians who are not on the side of the Reds...or their politics..are now starting to realise that the Issan people are more powerful than they had realised before. That will make a signifigant difference in the future to Thai politics...no matter who wins the latest confrontation. The genie is out of the bottle now, and there will have to be changes made to adjust to the new realities. Those changes may be bad or good, but the future will not be the "same old same old" any longer. Yes, Thailand will have to change...the old sanook-sanook won't work any longer.

    Whether that will be bad or good in the long run...we'll just have to wait and see.

    As the old Chinese saying goes,"May you be cursed to live in interesting times".


    Agree, even Sondhi has noticed the change. Only the lackeys of Abhisit continue their rhetorics...(until Abhisit tell them to change...)

    Jerry, You can't see that there may be some possible merit in someone both the PAD and UDD cannot live with? Let's see if Abhisit can make any progress in winning converts. He's going to have to get his message out there though.

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