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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. German Engineer Killed By Bomb In Chon Buri

    CHONBURI: -- The torn-apart body of a German engineer was found in rubber plantation in Banglamung district here Friday morning, police said.

    Police said the remains of Uwe Keienburt, 45, who was an engineer of a real estate company, was found by a rubber tapper in the morning.

    Police said the bomb appeared to be C4 explosives tied to the body of the man, whose BMW car was found left about 500 away.

    Police said the killer used a remote control to detonate the bomb that torn his body into pieces.

    His wife, Araya, 40, told police that the German engineer left their house on Soi Sukhumvit 24 at 9 am on Thursday and disappeared.

    She said her husband had conflicts with a group of foreign real estate developers and he sued to receive a death threat.


    -- The Nation 21/08/09

    An 'engineer of a real estate company'? what on earth is that? 'he sued to receive a death threat'?

    Theres obvious issues with this report, but C4 strapped to a chap and detonated remotely means your dealing with someone with an advanced military knowledge(background) and connections, presumably local not foreign.

    Awful news for the family. RIP

    Previous Thailand scandal with German engineer of very similar name:


    probably just a coincidence however.

  2. Lanna,

    While your chart is exceedingly pretty and demonstrates your point about the inverse correlation of gold and the dollar in a perfect way. I do hope you realize that this has been achieved by a careful choice of indicies on the two Y axis.

    I have no objection to this - graphs should look as pretty as possible.

    Yes, I know it's not scaled properly. Still, you can judge relative price movement.

    Like here:


    The other thing Abrak is that Time is as important to me as price so its useful in that regard.

    There, that's better:


  3. I just took the one year correlation between USD and Gold as an example Abrak. I know you are very good in finding charts so maybe you could do the same for the 10 year correlation as I don't know where to find. Fact seems to be that Gold has reacted on Dollar index at least this last year.

    If you can post the 10 year or longer charts of USD index and Gold price and compare, we could see something.

    Maybe there is a point in time that Gold value followed USD index and I am very interested when that happened in order to find out what has happened.

    Sorry for my bad English.


    You can't find a much better reverse correlation than this IMO:

    USD vs EUR


    There's your 10 year $USD vs $GOLD


  4. can any seasoned traders guess what kind of commodity trading chart i am trading on?....

    i was shorting after the opening and would be closing out all positions really soon....

    well, it is not much.... but a winner is a winner at any rate and under any condition.... lol

    cheers everyone

    hope you all would be just as profitable as well, the rest of the evening or the rest of the day depending where you are enjoying yourself at.... lol

    Well from what I see it simply looks like the price of gold.

    But I am not a seasoned trader and I suspect that it is a fancy derivative of some sort. Still a simple gold chart wouldnt look much different.

    It'sthe GCV9 but that's not the question he asked. He asked what kind of commodity trading chart it is. I don't know, looks like most other candlestick charts except for his own indicators on it.

  5. Robert Prechter of Elliott Wave says dollar is at a turning point to strengthen. His view on the dollar starts at about 7:08 through the interview.

    Yes I was thinking it would collapse under the rancid actions of the Fed and Government, but Prechter has an excellent track record of being right. I believe it had something to do with the expected next market collapse and flight to the dollar pumping it up.

    Course if you believe in green shoots and are long in the market then none of this matters anyway as you will be cleaned out soon and investing won't be an option any more.

    No he doesn't. He missed several hundred percent of increases in the last bull market and he had his telephone subscribers long on the day of the '87 crash. He did call the botom in '82 and said there would be a bull market and he did get the bulk of his subscribers out for the '87 crash. His active subscribers were long again on that day however. Now he's the flavor of the month again.

    Personally, I like him, but would never follow his calls. I've seen far too many of his "ex subscribers" left gutted.

  6. I'm captain on a chemical tanker and recently called Mapthaput, after Argentina I think Thailand is the 2nd worst country in the world when it comes to customs. The port call cost me 12 bottles of whiskey and 2000 cigaretts just to get the ship cleared, not to mention all the several hundreds of papers needed, In other countries it is usually enough with 10-20 papers to clear the ship.

    And if that wasn't enough the customs officer went into the galley to get a few bottles of instant coffee and creamer before he left. :)

    What's the bite for a Suez passage these days?

  7. China:


    Yes, I'm following the index and some of the companies in it.....it's like the mountains in Le Tour de France, isn't it ? :)

    What's your view LRB ?..where are we going ?


    That IS my view, which is soon to be an Intermediate term negative view, though it may turn out to be wrong as the LT chart is showing signs it may have turned up.



  8. With all these economic indeces being created, the happiness index, now Thailand is mulling a national progress index, does this mean the end of the GDP index? Are all these new indeces rendering the GDP meaningless? Are they meaningless themselves?

    GDP and GNP I sort of understand, whats the point of these others?

    I think a new index might be ceated to take your attention away from the poor performance in the other historical indices. Just a guess.

  9. Heh heh heh Naam, I needed some entertainment and sure got it here. :D

    But I think I might have a solution to clear up some of this mess. Remember we have too many factories that produce all kind of useless garbage like farting teddy bears (seriously) or hamburger phones. I mean just look around you in some stores, it is pathetic. So get rid of factories that produce useless stuff. As a result more people will be unemployed sure but I have a plan for that. It would for sure result in a much cleaner environment and as less energy is consumed there will be less need to build dams that destroy life. So there is plenty of benefits you can figure that out yourself.

    OK now here comes the part that requires a bit of a different mindset, there is "The People Problem"

    My suggestion to the TV panel is this: All people between10 and 18 and let's say above 50 must be "Processed" and their meat made suitable for consumption.

    I know, I know it sounds crazy but think of it.

    This plan will wipe out a large part of the population and as a result I expect a shortage of labor available, so company's have to compete for resources by increasing wages. As a result more money will flow into the system. Prices of houses and all other stuff can be inflated again. My model predicts inflation rates between 15 and 20% for about six to seven years.

    Think of a few benefits like less cows have to be raised as we have enough human meat for a few years. Less cows means less methane in the atmosphere (cows fart a lot) less water and grain is needed to feed them so there will be plenty of food available to feed the poor in Africa for example. Once the population there is well fed and healthy they can then be employed and start building infrastructure and stuff so they can become developed nations as well.

    There is plenty of other benefits but this proposal is just a rough framework that needs some more details and stuff.

    As a pilot country we could choose the US as they have a bit of a history of killing so I believe the population would accept this without too much resistance.

    What do you guy's think?


    You've managed to roll up Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, 1984 and Soylent Green all into one brief post. Well done Alex!

    Anyhow, as many of the things that seemed so shocking when those books were first published have already come to pass why not this one?

  10. Thai Police in BKK are looking for a duo that bilked 3 Norwegians, 1 Swede and 2 Americans (at least - others surfacing?) on precisely the type of investments you mentioned here. Coincidence?

    is it a coincidence that certain persons are on the loose and some men in white suits (from an asylum for the mentally deranged) are looking for them to wrap them in white suits with overlong sleeves and decorative tassels? :D

    less humorous is the fact that you are clearly accusing a long standing member of Thaivisa (known personally to a dozen or so other members) of a crime. but uneducated àssholes (like you) are a dime a dozen and the readers of this forum are used to them and treat there verbal excretions accordingly. :)


    very lame!!!!

    There was a long standing poster here, known personally to not just a dozen members, but possibly over 20 members and 50 non-members, has been so respected and was considered by many to be a community leader .... turns out now he was a childmolester all along and under the guise of being a teacher, was .........

    So you see, he too had your qualifications :D but it turned out was a scammer from day 1.

    So Dr. Naam, please post your financial claims here. If its true, you should do this right away because it would put the matter to rest immediately. If you pumped to dump, admit it and you will be easily forgiven. We're all suckers.

    And reminding you - it was you who opened this door. Live with it Dr.

    There are a variety of ways to do this without giving up your identity, yet having the posted file be authenticated by Admin. here.

    Come on Dr. do it please.

    Kind regards

    Borderline slander, but be that as it may, as no ones "pumping" anything your argument is fallacious at best.

  11. Some things appear more clear when you're standing on your head:


    Lanna - I'd be realy interested if you posted your interpretation of the chart - what are the blue horizontal lines, Are they Fib retractment levels?

    CCI. , I'm not familiar with, so it would be good to know what you read from this chart.

    I'm always happy to learn from other people.

    First of all ignore the abc labels. Next ignore the symmetrical triangle continuation pattern that led to a 300% rise in the $SPX in 5 years. I just included that to needle Harmonica.

    Sometime peoples are able to appreciate information more easily if its presented in one fashion rather than another. Many people grew up in a Bull Market and those are the signs they can read best. This to me looks like a chart that could possibly lead to a prolonged Bull Market. Broad base, nice double bottom, beautiful possible symmetry. The thing is though its all upside down so its the opposite conclusion that must be drawn (by me for the time being).

    Price is probably going to find its way back to that trendline at some point and that probably means higher prices will print in the Fall(down is up remember). That's just conjecture and I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.

    Currently we are at the 68 week ema which should prove ST resistance. Also the 13 month ema which has been a real Bull/Bear demarcation line.

  12. The swiss should tell them to go pound cheese. Tax collection in the US is not their problem or an issue. If they feel one person is criminal enough say as in drug money then file a extradition order for evidence in that case. What the hel_l are they thinking, give us the right to audit all your banks? Bogus and embarrassing. If swiss people are upset by this one I don't blame them one bit. Now the money will move somewhere else. Wow, well done. :)

    The truth is that this could have happened years ago. When CS bought First Boston and UBS bought Paine Webber (or Pincus Warburg, I forget) in the US they had to agree to comply with US banking charter standards. They were looking for growth.

  13. Germany and France today announced an increase in GDP, supposedly their recessions have ended!

    Dax not broken highs on this news yet and Euro is weakening against GBP.

    Why haven't the Bulls jumped on this news?

    Maybe the Dow will break 9,500 today, the Bulls are still winning the tug of war with the bears, but for how much longer?

    5-15 hours methinks.

    Turns out to have been 5.

  14. One possible option for you is to go to any of the large banks and ask them to outline the options for you. I recently purchased a 12 month Korean bond and got maybe 3.5%. They (SCB) also offer 6 month bonds at a lower interest rate. The money is locked up for the period of the contract and you cannot access it. Be careful, though, and ask a lot of questions. SCB also sold me a gold investment that was tied to the Australian dollar. I lost money on that one.

    Bonds and gold is risky.

    So we can't get decent interest for 100,000 USD for 10 years fixed deposit

    You might enquire about this vehicle at SCB:


    caveat emptor

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