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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. i hate it when somebody tries to put words in my mouth i never said or meant. i clearly stated that i consider Faber's forecast of "zimbabwean inflation" for the USA as bullshit. nothing more, nothing less. based on several indications inflation is a possibility in the years to come. whether it will be the normal inflation we are experiencing since ages or hyperinflation or no inflation at all but deflation... i have no idea and leave the prophecies to the expert scholars of the Greenlandish, Finnish, Siberian and Tyrolean Economic Schools.

    haha, I get it, you don't like the referance to Austrian economics but that is just what it is called, its just the name. Although I trust Bernanke to curb inflation as much as I trust a cross eyed ladyboy on yabba to not give me itchy nuts.

    i did not make any reference to austrian economics although Tirol is an austrian state. what is your problem? do you have besides spelling problems also reading problems?

    I really enjoy the Austrian jokes from my German friends, though they're not as good as the Norwegian/Swedish jokes.

  2. These various land schemes, SPK, STK, SGN, PBT span many governments. A lot of rural votes are gained by the promise of implementing the schemes which should have been enacted long ago in most cases. Kudos to the Abhisit government for following through on a promise Thaksin (and prior govts) made and never delivered on.

    Just my opinion, but what I particularly like about this government, imperfect as it is, it handles these matters solely as a function of good governance. There is none of that sickening rhetoric of Thaksins about "what papa did for his children because he loves them, like they love him". That shit is just pathetic.

  3. These various land schemes, SPK, STK, SGN, PBT span many governments. A lot of rural votes are gained by the promise of implementing the schemes which should have been enacted long ago in most cases. Kudos to the Abhisit government for following through on a promise Thaksin (and prior govts) made and never delivered on.

  4. Three new pieces of equipment are helping the Institute of Forensic Medicine at Police General Hospital solve crime.

    Few people are aware of the extent of the role forensic scientists play in solving crimes, hospital surgeon-general Somyos Deemak said.

    Forensic scientists can piece together vital clues from the jigsaw of evidence left at the crime scene, he said.

    The Royal Thai Police, which recognises the importance of forensic science, has agreed to provide the institute with three new pieces of equipment to improve its work, Pol Lt Gen Somyos said.

    The institute is the only forensics agency with the technology, he said.


    -- Bangkok Post 27/07/09

    The New York Times motto: "All the news that's fit to print".

    The Bangkok Post motto: "All the news that fits".

  5. I have that same truck but the 2004 model. The stereo is the same as you described. Mine has 242,000 km on it however. Good Luck

    Do you like it or wish you'd gone for something different? I will have a small car for going into town when I can find one.

    I like it just fine. Mine's a 4wd and I'm off the paved roads almost everyday and it's never left me stranded. No mechanical issues to speak of and I'm pretty rough on vehicles. Can't think of why I'd ever sell it.

    You may want to PM TV member "stingray" who I believe is in the used car business. He may be able to assist you in how to verify it is a low mileage vehicle. Good Luck.

  6. WITH 20/20 hindsight, financial crashes seem inevitable, yet we never see them coming. Now a team of physicists and financiers have bucked the trend by successfully predicting a steep fall in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

    Their model, which employs concepts from the physics of complex atomic systems, was developed by Didier Sornette of the Financial Crisis Observatory in Zurich, Switzerland, and Wei-Xing Zhou of the East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai. The idea is that if a plot of the logarithm of the market's value over time deviates upwards from a straight line, it's a clear warning that people are investing simply because the market is rising rather than paying heed to the intrinsic worth of companies. By projecting the trend, the team can predict when growth will become unsustainable and the market will crash.

    Sornette, Zhou and colleagues applied their model to the Shanghai Composite Index, which tracks the combined worth of all companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the world's second largest. Early this year, the index gained 50 per cent in just four months. In July, the team predicted that the index would start to fall sharply by 10 August (www.arxiv.org/abs/0907.1827). The index duly began to slide on 4 August, falling almost 20 per cent in the subsequent two weeks.

    Anyone hoping to exploit the model for profit should think twice. "If enough investors take action based on our predictions, the evolution of prices will probably be affected," says Zhou.


    I'm always looking for the physics of the market as well. I'm thinking phugoidal descent.

    Anyhow, those researchers could have checked to see if there was ever a a parabolic move in any market in any era that didn't retrace 100%.


  7. The Euro was a gamble from it's beginning a while back. It first stood below the Dollar, now the Dollar is lower. What good that did to the world, showed us, and more has to come I guess...

    it did NOT "first stood below the dollar" :) after its inception one €UR bought USD 1.18 - perhaps you tell us your thoughts on "what good that did to the world"? :D

    If I'm not mistaken, it debuted at approximately USD 0.89.

    1.17- 1.18 I believe, followed by a relatively swift decline to the low 80's.

  8. Its certainly seen better days :)

    Some even better than those days. Rapid decline of 50% not unprecedented. Still it is a nation gifted in it's geography, climate and resources. If it does "collapse", which I don't expect, it will come charging back.


    Sharelynx is a great site for long term charts is'nt it.

    One would imagine theres some serious diveregence on a monthly/weekly chart going back that far.

    Why, yes there are, since you mentioned it:


    Not sure I'd go long with a 4 pip stop however.

  9. !


    If your not going to pay for a woman be upfront. This is basic damage control! If you dont ask that question and money doesnt get brought up theres always gonna be the chance that the next morning she may be expecting a payment. I usually just ask if shes working as soon as possible in the interaction. If she is i politely explain and excuse myself

    Also since i only take a small amount of money out i just let them know that i dont have any. Its a discreet way handling that problem.. (Thats worked out extremely well for me in the past- she bought my drinks all night and paid for club entry. One time only though, and she was a great girl. Only the one time though).

    I think this is where your manifesto comes up lacking. Some hookers may tell you yes they're working, some hookers may tell you no they're not. The girls you ask this of that aren't hookers will simply leave.

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