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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. I have read the rules concerning foriegn exchange but can someone please answer for me the following questions.A friend is bringing me about 8000 GBP in cash which is not dodgy money but thats the way he wants to do it and as I do not have a foriegn currency account but just a savings account with TMB can I just walk in my bank and deposit the GBP and my account will be credited with Thai Baht. Thank you in anticipation.


  2. For Lannarebirth- no hard feelings but I'm compelled to say this to you :)

    in 6 months you will have 10,000 to 20,000 posts here and all for nought. In 5 more years you might hit 100-200k posts or instead spend that time and get an education. In what? Whatever, but since you have been a trader, gotten buggered real good like the rest of us, why not go back and restudy the basics instead of blaming Robert Prechter and the fellows at EWI. They didn't hold a weapon to your head and tell you to buy or sell. You did that on your own based on your own greed, larceny et al, just like the rest of us.

    My calls here are done. There is nothing more to do except let time go by and see if I have the direction correct - markets move slowly and need time to resolve. If I'm correct in my calls, as the market moves down I'll plug in just a few words here and there over the next 2 years as my targets are approached. But just a few words. Getting the direction right is 90% of the work. Picking the right bvehicle is another 5%. Then add another 200% to personal emotion because it alone can cripple us and make us do stupid things. This is the reason for my targets ahead of time because this period is one of low emotional activity as the move has not yet started. Therefore the mind is clear. But once the move gets going and even if correct, emotion can cause me to do stupid things - so when such incidents of irrationality occur I just go back to basic-basic, i.e. my calls made in the prior emotionless state and that anchors me and helps not to engage in stupid stuff with the TREND like taking on more leverage and liquidating too quickly etc

    To me you are the master of time wastage and incredibly lazy for not making the effort to correct your self-defeating technical habits. So here are some freebies for you. Take it or leave it. Its given in the spirit of "traders"

    your charts are too complicated, too crowded, too much detail and mostly they contain too many indicators. The human mind cannot cope with such vast amounts of data and usually this generates huge errors as the -ve forces aka emotion will wreak havoc on the thusly confused mind. So cut down to just a max of 2 indicators. A moving average is a moving trendline but one of Nature's best gifts to us is the trendline on Log scale. Use it, use it and use it, esp. on weekly and monthly charts. Robert Edwards, John McGee, the primary authors from the early-mid 1900s have written the best book there is on Tech. We now have Charles Bassetti, Professor of Finance at GGU in San Fran taken over the editorship of this magnificent bible. Look at the number of chapters on TRENDLINES. What a treat.

    Because you're so lazy and I'm departing, here's some notes I had to type just for you - from the book TAST9.

    see next post for why your dopey attitude on symmetrical triangles will kill you quicker than whiskey - and all those links you posted from the Internet written by other dopey individuals - they are playing with fire.

    This post put me in my mind of TV mod Camerata's signature "Never wrestle with pigs... you get dirty and the pigs love it." My sainted nona had another "An ass will bray and bray... until he finds another ass."

    Anyhow, when you're ready to give up on EWI but not Ewaves give this a read:


  3. Symmetrical Triangles

    It should be no surprise that Symmetrical triangles are included in the important REVERSAL PATTERNS section of the the world's technical Bible, TAST9..

    General TA books overemphasize/oversimplify that Symmetrical triangles are continuation patterns. How many books do we need that state the same thing and

    never consider that Symmetrical triangles are excellent REVERSAL PATTERNS which take place at very, very, very important periods of MAJOR TREND CHANGE.

    TAST9 then goes on to say that these particular periods are the most crucial ones for the investor to recognize for the general public will be unanimously expecting a continuation

    and then voila, the breakout occurs in the opposite direction and they get ruined because the breakout of a triangle is in thrust mode, sharp and swift like a rocket move.

    Note: In Gold, we have just such a situation, where a major weekly trendline has been broken, lower lows have occurred on the Daily and combine this with the fact that Gold just can't seem to get its act together and blast thru' $1,000 - given this scenario it should dawn on the investors' mind that this particular symmetrical triangle could very well be THAT ONE, yeah baby, THAT ONE. - i.e. the one that is a harbinger of major TREND REVERSAL. No guarantees but the trader should defintely consider this carefully.

    TAST9 then goes on to state that ...

    Prices may move out of the Symmetrical triangle either up or down. There is seldom, if ever, any clue as to direction UNTIL the move has already started, i.e. there is no clue until Prices have broken out and here's the key ..... IN DECISIVE fashion. Volume is critical here as a downside breakout with heavy volume right from the breakout instant is more likely to be a false signal.

    The creme de la creme comes now ...

    The reader will have undoubtedly found all this quite disconcerting. Here is a very pretty technical pattern and it cannot always be trusted. Unfortunately Symmetrical triangles are subject to FALSE MOVES to a far greater extent than the Head-Shoulders pattern or any of the other formations that we have discussed or will discuss. Unfortunately some of these false moves cannot be identified as such until after a money comittment has been made.

    No technical chart pattern is 100% reliable and of all, our present subject, the Symmetrical Triangle is the WORST OFFENDER

    The chapter goes on to show stunning examples of Symmetrical Triangles reversing TRENDS all thru' history all the way back to the 1920s.

    One striking example from the early days of TA was the Symmetrical Triangle that hammered Sears and Roebuck at its bullmarket top in 1946.

    But there are many examples.

    Goodluck :)

    So you're saying that because your bias is that Gold will fall THAT symmetrical triangle will be a reversal pattern. And you're saying that because your bias is that the Euro will fall too THAT symmetrical will be a continuation pattern. That's my bias too, but i don't trade my biases. I trade probabilities and the greatest probabilities lie with continuation. I'm not going to trade that though because I don't have to be in a trade in everything. I only trade things where my bias AND the probability is aligned. And not even all of that stuff as I only like being in the market when there is OVERWHELMING probability of success. Some people have to trade something all the time, but that's not me. (except for my daily ES stuff).

    By the way except for static charts and long term charts I never use trendlines, Fibs, pivots S1S2 R1R2, fib extensions , etc. All that is subsumed by the algorithms in my program. Good Luck

  4. A Golden Cross falls into the higher than average probability of working spectrum. That said, If one isn't invested already, I'm not sure I'd use a daily indicator to determine if a new Bull Market is underway.

    Didn't see this before my last post.

    One word reply


    Carl Swenlin, a respected technical analyst has a different sensible take on the signal:


  5. Here's my conumdrum Harm Capt'n. Both Gold and the Euro are usually the other side of the $USD trade. Presently both have formed symmetrical triangles (Gold a little one and Euro larger) on their weekly charts. Gold's while in an uptrend and the Euro while in a downtrend. The symmetrical triangle is usually a fairly high reliability pattern denoting continuation of trend. So what's it gonna be?


    Conondrum(s)? Not surprising. You rec watching the Euro Index instead of the Dollar Index to discern Dollar moves.

    >>> Gold's while in an uptrend <<<<


    Gold's uptrend received a fatal blow on 9-12-08 when it broke a Weekly trendline, and its still having trouble with this very same line. Even discarding all other analysis, its not wise to trifle with the most basic of basic tools, the trendline and especially a weekly or monthly one.

    I could put half a dozen trendlines on the atttached chart if i cared to. Most of which will not have been broken. You can say its in a downtrend if you want to but a picture is worth a thousand words isn't it? What the bearish crowd has in its favor are the negative D's that are forming.


    >>> The symmetrical triangle is usually a fairly high reliability pattern denoting continuation of trend. <<<<



    Please revisit your basics - John Murphy's or better still see these in the Bible of TA (TA of stock trends, 9th ed) ... Chapter 7, page 75 onwards. Then we can revisit the issue.


    On a different note, I did consider said triangle as a possible 4th wave triangle for the "c" part of wave B's a-b-c. By definition, 4th waves are penultimate waves, meaning there will be one last runup. This scenario is still possible though odds are smaller than that of my original call for a downside break.



    Anyhow, nothing wrong with being wrong, you or me, but if we know that's a possibility a little humility never hurts.


    Humility? Please excercise some then.

    I've read many of your posts and charts. From your comments about Robert Prechter you made it quite clear HE was the cause of you being a failed trader. Correct me if I am wrong - you DON'T trade. But you have no problems posting indicator loaded charts and correcting the calls of others.

    Your comments about trendlines are shocking ....

    I wanted you to read the section on Symmetrical triangles from TAST9, not from pulling articles off similarly wrong individuals from the Internet. Its a widely misunderstood subject. Your view is too simplistic. You'll see if you just took the time.

    Anyway, since we are talking about Gold and your Euro, pick one, post your analysis and make your call. Reasoning, targets etc. You've got 5000 posts here - not one proper call but you're ready to jump on everyone else's call and fire bullets from the shadows.

    Get a hold of TAST9, you'll dig it.

    I'm reeling!! No, not really. :D

    No need to get hysterical my friend. :) Since you invoked John Murphy I'll post his entry from his ChartSchool at Stockcharts.com :


    Hey, I like Robert Prechter. I'm just not one of his disciples. I think he does some very interesting work and his calls the last couple of years and in 1982 were very good. His subscribers didn't do well in the '87 crash and much of the 90's, but I guess you can always find new cashed up subscribers, huh?

    Anyhow, I don't have a call on Gold at present. I think the Euro will fall as outlined in the chart I posted. I also outlined where that idea would be wrong. The problem with you EWI folks is, when you're wrong you just play with the count to suit your bias. That ain't good my friend. Anyhow, good luck.

  6. For flying - you asked about Silver ....


    Target = 1.84 :D:D:) As ludicrous as it might sound, that is my final target.

    Is in a long-term downtrend. The top was in 2008.

    Current upwave rally is a bearmarket rally.

    I don't own it nor do I trade it.

    But if someone wants to trade it, wait for the July 10th closing low of 12.64 to be taken out. If you do this and excercise this type of patience to just sit tight and wait, i.e. do nothing, you will have the greatest ally, the magnanimous one, aka the 200-day moving average which is right around there. If you did wait to enter Short at this point you will have steamrollers helping your trade as every hedge fund will pile in on the 200 break. If we get there, count on it!

    But for now, do NOTHING.

    How could silver be in a bear market rally when it was never in a bear market ?

    A bear market is when a market declines pretty substantially over time. A bear market usually has to make lower lows. Silver and Gold has had one major correction less then a year ago. That's not a bear market.

    :D:D:D what are you smoking, chief?

    >>>>>> How could silver be in a bear market rally when it was never in a bear market? <<<<<<<<

    I'd call a crash of 94% of its value a sizzling bearmarket.

    Silver topped in 1980, then gave up 94% of its value and then get this, can't even make it back to its 1980 top even though Gold has surpassed its own 1980 top.

    >>>>>>>> A bear market is when a market declines pretty substantially over time. <<<<<<<

    A 94% decline is not substantial enough for you?

    You're killin me chief. Have mercy.

    >>>>>>> A bear market usually has to make lower lows <<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Behold all the lower lows from the 1980 top (even clearer on Daily) as Silver descended into her 94% decline.

    And in Silver's recent action, here you're really killin me - as recent as October last year Silver not only violated daily and weekly lows but even took out a huge monthly low.

    >>>>>> Silver and Gold has had one major correction less then a year ago. That's not a bear market. <<<<<<<

    Who's contradicting now? 4 lines up you say a bear market has to make lower lows ......


    Enjoy the Silver chart, Chief. Some info just for you ... a dose of reality regardless how painful ....

    Since January 1980 there has been NO worse investment than Silver which is still 76% below its dollar value on that day. This means that silver is cheaper today than it was 29 years ago - a heck of a long time to expect any investor to wait to get rich!!!!! It will take the next lifetime to make up for the opportunity cost lost by those staying in silver while every other investment took off.

    And dig this .. these cats are still bullish Silver today as we speak.

    Punishment sought and sought and relished, it seems to me.

    greetings and well wishes, chief.


    You folks need to study up on what cyclical and secular mean.

  7. Here's my conumdrum Harm Capt'n. Both Gold and the Euro are usually the other side of the $USD trade. Presently both have formed symmetrical triangles (Gold a little one and Euro larger) on their weekly charts. Gold's while in an uptrend and the Euro while in a downtrend. The symmetrical triangle is usually a fairly high reliability pattern denoting continuation of trend. So what's it gonna be?


    Conondrum(s)? Not surprising. You rec watching the Euro Index instead of the Dollar Index to discern Dollar moves.

    >>> Gold's while in an uptrend <<<<


    Gold's uptrend received a fatal blow on 9-12-08 when it broke a Weekly trendline, and its still having trouble with this very same line. Even discarding all other analysis, its not wise to trifle with the most basic of basic tools, the trendline and especially a weekly or monthly one.

    I could put half a dozen trendlines on the atttached chart if i cared to. Most of which will not have been broken. You can say its in a downtrend if you want to but a picture is worth a thousand words isn't it? What the bearish crowd has in its favor are the negative D's that are forming.


    >>> The symmetrical triangle is usually a fairly high reliability pattern denoting continuation of trend. <<<<



    Please revisit your basics - John Murphy's or better still see these in the Bible of TA (TA of stock trends, 9th ed) ... Chapter 7, page 75 onwards. Then we can revisit the issue.


    On a different note, I did consider said triangle as a possible 4th wave triangle for the "c" part of wave B's a-b-c. By definition, 4th waves are penultimate waves, meaning there will be one last runup. This scenario is still possible though odds are smaller than that of my original call for a downside break.



    Anyhow, nothing wrong with being wrong, you or me, but if we know that's a possibility a little humility never hurts.

  8. I am looking to buy various shares and would greatly appreciate any advice on a decent platform for doing so, I do not intend to be be day trading but will want access to the International Markets - any advice or suggestions appreciated. thanks

    You don't say if you have a brokerage yet for trading Intl markets, but I like Interactive Brokers. Crappy charts but good trading platform. It's a little twitchy for beginners so I'd recommend simulated trading till you're up to speed. For charting I recommend Tradestation or eSignal. Both are programmable but Tradestation is basically free (check that, it was last year) if you make 10 or more trades per month. You'll have to buy data feeds for both or use an IB data plugin. Me, I like eSignal:


  9. Ferwert: A "judicial coup" as what the pro-democracy Red Shirts call it.

    I need to call you on this big lie, yet again. Calling the red shirts pro democracy is good for your propaganda effort but that does not make it fact. The fact is the red shirts are pro Thaksin, not pro democracy. How can a faction be pro democracy when they blindly support a man who when he was in power went on record to state that democracy was NOT his goal?

    To be clear, this is a complex situation. The red shirts do have a legitimate argument that at one time Thaksin was the democratic choice of the Thai people (give or take the vote buying). Maybe he still is, maybe he isn't, it would certainly be closer now. That is used as a cover for the pro democracy lie. If you believe in a democratic method to elect an autocratic leader, that is just not being pro democracy, that is being for whatever it takes to get your dear leader installed. Black Songkran. Was that a democratic method?

    Now correct me if I am wrong here (but I'm not), but did not the founding fathers in the US choose a Republic as the system of government after outright rejecting the notion of democracy as being a failed system? Is the term democracy even mentioned in the constitution?

    So Taksin did not have democracy as his goal, nor did the founders of the USA. Does that mean they were all evil despots or does it mean that they just thought democracy demonstrably didn't work?

    That would be a good argument if one ignored "states rights" which made the US national government pretty weak. Thailand on the other hand has a centralized government.

  10. Federal Reserve SECRETLY Buying Treasuries At Auctions ??


    Many have said it is a poorly kept secret at best.

    Also .....This seems more & more obvious

    The United States is already bankrupt. Martenson's revelation simply brings the wide-spread recognition of this insolvency much, much closer.

    I don't think it's a secret at all. Back in March Bernanke announced he intended to buy Treasuries. I don't know if he has or will, but I know he said it was his intention to do so.

  11. Sell EUR/USD at 1.4273 SL 1.4297 TP 1.4221

    Buy USD/CHF at 1.0707 SL 1.0682 TP 1.0757

    Sell GBP/USD at 1.6570 SL 1.6592 TP 1.6510

    2 wins 1 loss. Like the last trade details i followed up, it was pretty unlucky again. Just out of interest what are you using to give you the parameters Paulo? Technicals presumably, but oscillators, MAs, S/R etc?

    my brain. we all have one i tink

    I get paid for these signals. So with u choose o use them its up to you. AS I STATED IN THE BEGINING OF OT THE SIGNALS, I GIVE NO EXPLAINAYIONS.


    Now that's a valuable post too, because I think even the greatest simpleton will realize that trade entries given with no context are worthless. Hopefully that knowledge will prevent som people from losing money. Context is everything.

  12. Here's my conumdrum Harm Capt'n. Both Gold and the Euro are usually the other side of the $USD trade. Presently both have formed symmetrical triangles (Gold a little one and Euro larger) on their weekly charts. Gold's while in an uptrend and the Euro while in a downtrend. The symmetrical triangle is usually a fairly high reliability pattern denoting continuation of trend. So what's it gonna be?

  13. Christ.. I bet the cowboy, nana and patpong girls are loving this woman and her organisation- another source of freebies. Why cant they take their good intentions and money and use it where actual sexual slavery goes on. only need to travel a few miles in any direction away from voluntary services of the cowboy, nana and patpong girls.

    No sensationalism, no appealing to prurient interest, no cameras, no publicizing, no funding.

  14. My new version Honda CRV would like to have a Towbar fitted to her backend. Took her to that place opposite Honda Garage on Hang Dong Road. Very happy to sell me a Thule 3-bicycle rack that fits on a towbar, but they have no idea (a) what a towbar is and ( :) where you get one from. "Ahh" said the lovely young lady "this is what you need!" It was an end bit of an exhaust system!!!!! Anyone with any helpful suggestions? Please? (PS I don't understand spoken Thai, I just guessed that she said the above!!!)

    I assume the OP is talking about a hitch, as in a trailer hitch that you see on virtually every pick-up truck in the U.S. I have never seen one in Thailand. Is it legal to tow a trailer behind a pick-up (or Honda CRV) here in LOS? I would love to have one on my pick-up but had assumed that for some reason trailers were against the law. The way they stack cabbages, etc., to the sky on the little pick-ups here, I would assume every farmer would also have a trailer -- were it legal. Does anybody know FOR SURE?

    I'll bet this guy knows:


  15. Are you looking for a towbar or a towing hitch? Haven't seen anyplace in Chiang Mai for a towbar, but a couple of places between Bangkok and Pathum Thani. For tow hitches you can find them where Milton suggests but those are pretty substandard. Try MaxAuto on the Maejo Rd up 100 meters or so on the left from superhighway.

  16. Compare gold with cash, bonds and equities whose value hangs on their issuers' future ability to honor their obligations which can, in certain circumstances, become worthless.

    You still cant use it to buy groceries at Villa.

    But more seriously why not compare it to land which also cannot be debased (or even oil to some extent).

    I realize gold has one advantage - you can swap it into cash at anytime.

    But is there really a good argument that gold will outperform land as an investment? A house's value doesnt depend on the issuers future ability to honor their obligations.

    Lets not compare gold with say equities where there is probably more risk but assuming a decent ROE much more reward.

    As far as I can see the only real argument for gold is a comparison to cash where it stacks up well (but would seem a little on the expensive side)

    Advantages to Gold are that it is portable and therefore probably concealable and as you say fungible globally. Disadvantages are that it's supply versus land is expanding more rapidly and under most circumstances has less utility.

    Actually, I should correct that to say I don't know at what rate investable land is expanding, if at all. It's just my sense of it.

  17. I still dont quite get this concept. Gold is not really a currency - you cant use it to buy groceries at Villa.


    But US Gold & Silver coins is money/ legal tender

    So is Canadian coins

    Actually Austrian Phils & SA Krugs are probably too.

    But speaking for the US both gold & silver US coins ( eagles buffalos etc ) still are.

    They can even legally be held in IRA's & 401K's

    Again not speaking for others but when most say that gold is the only form that is not someones liability it is true.

    Gold is nobody's liability - its value does not depend on someone's ability to pay and it cannot be debased.

    Compare gold with cash, bonds and equities whose value hangs on their issuers’ future ability to honor their obligations which can, in certain circumstances, become worthless.

    And why do their values change so much in relation to each other if not for speculation?


    Surely you'd agree the Krugerrand is debased Gold currency, no?

  18. As a farang, if you want to secure property in Thailand, here are a few suggestions;

    1. consider non-titled. You can't own it anyway, so what's the big deal whether it has paper or not? I know of a few farang, wiley in Thai ways, who actually prefer non-titled to titled, mainly because of cheaper price. If considering non-title, it's best to talk with neighbors and pu yai ban where the property is. If they all say it's cool, then it probably is. Either way, don't spend more (on property and improvements) than you can afford to walk away from. When the smoke clears, and its time to check in to Pearly Gates Motel, you can probably look back and smile at the good times you had on the land you bought for pennies on the dollar (satang on the baht).

    2. Whether titled or not, legally, a foreigner can own improvements on the land, but not the land itself. With that in mind, consider getting a yellow 'Tabian Ban

    booklet, which is the farang equiv. of the blue one for Thais. It's a house registration in farang's name (written in Thai font). You, as a farang, probably paid for the house, so why not put the registration in your name. Plus, the yellow booklet renders bureaucratic things easier.

    3. secure higher elevation property. As this is a rice-growing culture, rice paddies are held in special regard (as the OP report mentions) - so farang securing rice paddies or low-lying land might raise eyebrows among ultra-nationalists who seek a scapegoat for their perceived deprivity, or for their stupid earlier decisions.

    4. Stay under the radar. Be legal, but don't wave your flag.

    5. Regard such rantings as those in the OP with so many grains of salt or MSG. Whoever says such things about Palm Oil plantations in Chiang Rai (there are none) needs a tall glass of carrot juice to clear their heads.

    6. Chinese Thais are here to stay - like it or not. Not much different than Mexican Americans throughout the SW USA. Best to find a way to enjoy them or at least tolerate them, and maybe they can do the same in regard to you.

    7. Haven't heard mention of farang getting plastic surgery to change their features to Asian. Ok, it's not going to become a trend, but you got to admit it would put a dent in Thai xenophobia, as physical appearances are 90% of what's going on. However, even with Asian facial features, you still might get odd treatment with your hairy arms and bulky frame - though you might save 180 baht when entering a national park.

    Very good post which will be largely ignored I'm afraid.

  19. Basically what the Thai government is telling the foreigner (not a thai citizen), "You are the first of your own generation in Thailand. Whatever you invest is for your future generation which will be automatically granted a Thai citizenship and the same privileges under the Thai law; same benefit (hint hint)"

    In other words, the Thai government just letting you know that, if you are seriously into permanently staying in Thailand, please do so. invest all you want, buy the land you want, rent the house you want because at the dawn of the day, you sons and daughters will get to own them. HOWEVER if you are not serious about it, please don't play around with the serious people. that all.. what is the big fuss.

    For those non-Asian folks here, its really hard for you guys to understand the printing of Asian culture and thinking. You are all very lucky to have been borned in your own country (whether you are native or not) and given the same privileges and benefit. Many "Asian" countries don't. And Thailand is one of the many "Asian" countrries that I known; gives the same privileges and benefits as long as you are a Thai citizen irregardless of how many fuc*ing generation you are from. How about that?

    I am from Malaysia. I am the 3-third generation of Chinese decendent in Malaysia. I hold malaysia passport, citizen card, sing the national anthem, speak the national language BUT i am still being referred to as "Malaysian-Chinese" with a 2nd class citizen privileges. "Malaysian-Chinese" are not given the same benefits as "Malaysian-Muslim". Muslim gets many discount. Chinese ethnic have not discount. Muslim get health benefit from government, Chinese ethnic pays our own fees, Muslim gets all the place in local universities and scholarship. Chinese need to fork-out from our own pocket. By the way, did I mentioned that "Malaysian-Muslim" are mostly decendent which ever colonial that have ever colonized malaysia prior to our independence in the year 1957? I guessed I missed that part. Malaysian's foreigner investment law are much strictier than Thailand's. At least the Thai government won't take 30% of your initial investment and capital for themselves.

    Well, my paragraph have 2 deep meaning here.

    1) If you think Thailand is bad, I can name you 20 more country worst than Thailand. I know one country in SEAsia region which is 1000X more corrupted than Thailand. Opps.. I think I mentioned one of them already..

    2) If you love Thailand (like if you love your wife) then stay, get serious, start a new generation in this LOS. If you hate it (divorce your wife), stop complaining, move away. Find a place that is better to suit you.. please don't stay in Thailand and hoping Thailand will change for you in the future. Is like getting a gf and hoping that she will change to be who you want to be.. Bullshit. You see the beauty in her in-perfection. Same things as we see Thailand's beauty in its own in-perfection.

    Man!!!! LIFE SUCKS.

    I was just about to write a post in a similar vein. Thanks for saving me the trouble. I agree with everything you posted.

  20. Germany and France today announced an increase in GDP, supposedly their recessions have ended!

    Dax not broken highs on this news yet and Euro is weakening against GBP.

    Why haven't the Bulls jumped on this news?

    Maybe the Dow will break 9,500 today, the Bulls are still winning the tug of war with the bears, but for how much longer?

    5-15 hours methinks.

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