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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I could be wrong, but from what I gleaned it was Daniels who approached Trump. Her own lawyer said that it wasn't hush money, just "consideration". From the Washington Post; According to Davidson’s testimony, in the days after the damaging Access Hollywood tape came out, Daniels’s manager reached out to the National Enquirer to start brokering a deal that would pay Daniels in exchange for her staying quiet about her alleged tryst with Donald Trump. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/30/trump-hush-money-trial-live-updates/
  2. It stopped being their land when they lost a war of aggression against Israel. Much like Germany lost substantial land after starting WW2.
  3. Since they are by and large a group of misogynistic homophobes, their fate doesn't really concern me that much. I am surprised that it concerns so many people, like you for example. Why are you willing to support people who thing being gay is a death penalty offence, where only 4% of the populace accepts homosexuality? Abortion is illegal, until recently rapists could escape punishment by marrying their victims. The current conflict aside, people with views like these deserve nothing but contempt and scorn.
  4. My sister just bought a place about 70 minutes outside of Toronto (Caledonia Ontario). 700 grand for half of a duplex. Or, you can rent a similar place on the street for $3,300 a month. Want a detached property in the same neighbourhood? 900k, on a frontage of 33ft, property depth 92 feet. And 6,000 a year in property tax.
  5. ...which begs the question, why didn't Egypt (who controlled Gaza) or Jordan (who controlled the West Bank) bother to create any form of Palestinian state in the years between 1948 and 1967? Seems like it wasn't a priority for them, or for the Palestinians. There are 22 Arab countries in the world, and 56 Muslim countries. They could easily step up to the plate and help their Palestinian brothers find shelter and peace. But they don't. They want to put the responsibility on one country (population 9 million) and not on the Arabs (population 450 million) to find the answer and make concessions.
  6. This is happening now. There are a lot of specialized programs for targeted industries for trainees and temporary workers to come. I think now there are close to half a million Vietnamese here, more than that of Chinese, etc. I think the difference is that Japan wants immigrants who will contribute to the country, not that requre contributions FROM it.
  7. It is being tried, believe me. A big part of the problem is people leaving the countryside to live in urban areas that are already quite crowded. Some towns in rural areas area actually giving away housing for young families as an incentive to move there.
  8. Ya think? I think Japan looks at places like the US and sees all the joys that immigration has brought- the crime, the drugs, the dissent, the enormous cost of caring for them, etc. and finds a better solution, that fits THEIR needs. People in Japan will put up with a bit of an economic hit if it means their kids can still play in the parks, the streets are clean, people can walk the streets at night, and so on.
  9. Considering I am better educated, probably more. Perhaps a bucket and a half.
  10. DeNiro is a great actor, one of the best of his generation. He is also a high school dropout who has spent his entire life pretending to be other people, saying things that other people tell him to say. Now, he does that masterfully. But it makes his opinions on politics about as valuable as a bucket of pee. I really wish celebrities on both sides would just STFU. Stick to your knitting and entertain us.
  11. Nah, he assassinated himself without much help. Like I said, back in the day he was an honest broker, trying to right some wrongs and help his kids get accepted as fully Japanese. Fair enough and good for him. But along the way he lost the plot completely and became a crusader, hunting every nook and cranny for some perceived slight and blowing it out of proportion, He lost most of his supporters, lost his family, lost his job, and is now ironically on a work visa in the country of his birth. Glad Kobe was good to you, by the way. It's a great town still. And back then, not hard to find companionship...
  12. I've met our Debito. He is American by birth, David Aldwinckle by name. Doesn't live in Japan anymore, he left about 7 years ago as I recall. Was cheating on his wife, got divorced, then moved to the US again with his cheat partner. His daughters don't speak to him anymore. I met him a few times at teaching conferences. He is a self entitled d!ckwad. He had a point back when he first started writing about his experiences, but went off the rails rapidly. Somewhat of a pariah in the greater 'gaijin' community here.
  13. Yeah, I remember that incident. It was all over the media here for ages. Sorry you got caught up in it. But it WAS nearly 30 years ago. I hope the rest of your time in Kobe was better. It's a great place to live!
  14. It's quite sad really. The PM of Japan only a couple of weeks ago was visiting Washington, and delivered an eloquent address to Congress, in English, lauding the US and Japan's relationship. A praiseworthy speech, especially when delivered in English, not Kishida's native language obviously. Poor Joe could never hope to do the same.
  15. Again, a student's work. Six pages. No footnotes. Not published anywhere except in-house at Leeds. Sigh. Why are you so desperate to prove this? Criticisms of Biden are so hurtful?
  16. Hi Chomper; Thank you for taking the time to "go to the research". I just finished reading the article. Have you? It was quite illuminating. The authour is a Bangladeshi undergraduate student. I doubt he has been to Japan. He has managed to upload 11 publications within one year. This tells me he is not exactly thorough and is trying just to pad his CV. Few actually contain footnotes or other citations. Some are less than 5 pages. None that I can see are peer reviewed, or even actually published anywhere- just uploaded directly to that website. But if you wish to believe him, feel free. Or please tell me YOUR experience of living here. I'd actually be very interested in hearing it.
  17. There is no xenophobia here. A xenophobic country would not allow tens of millions of tourists. Universities here welcome foreign scholars. Also have thriving international exchange programmes. Ditto many high schools. Foreign products are welcome. Foreign culture is welcome. Japanese export THEIR products around the world. Also live around the world. The fact that people don't want unfettered immigration does not equate to xenophobia.
  18. That's a fair point. As for the whole 'divestment' argument, I have never been able to find out exactly what it entails. Is it direct investment in Israel based businesses? American companies that simply do business in Israel? Because if it is the latter, I would love to see the protestors put their money where their collective mouths are. No McDonalds for starters- , no Crocs, no Coca Cola, no Google...Mama Google alone has 2000 employees in Israel. So they had better "divest" themselves first before asking anyone else to.
  19. Of course Hamas is responsible for the blockade. Since they were elected, they have been terrorizing and harassing Israel. Actions have consequences. You think the Israelis are stupid? They would far rather have a prosperous, peaceful, and free neighbor. But with the head hackers in charge, that is not possible.
  20. The lack you speak of is directly the fault of Hamas. Not of Israel or Egypt.
  21. Uh, I've been to Japan. I'm here now actually. Been here more than 25 years. So perhaps I can address your concerns. The economy will survive by automation, as it is now. Robots replacing workers and so on, increasing productivity. And they do let in foreign workers, depending on the needs of a particular industry. But what does NOT happen is the random immigration of anyone who wants to come.
  22. A prison? Please. A prison with 3 star hotels, cafes, beaches, luxury homes ( but only for Hamas leaders), TripAdvisor recommended sites, AirBnB listings....
  23. But so many of the protesters and their ilk claim they are not anti semitic but anti zionist. If that is the case, why do they harass and assault Jewish students, most of whom are American? I would love to see a similar level of anger directed at Iran, which is by any measure a far worse player on the world stage, a country where human rights are routinely ignored and where minorities are murdered.
  24. Yes, exactly. And expanding their rights in states that don't want any restriction on abortion. Welcome to federalism? Although I AM curious about what "severe restrictions" are and how many states have imposed them. I guess you are talking about a Florida style ban after 6 weeks?
  25. The answer to a demographic problem is not to import millions of people from the third world. Care to share your thoughts and experience on how Japan is not "the idyl you imagine"?
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