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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I consider Trump better based on past performance. That is the standard metric when looking at a job seeker, as Trump and Harris are in effect seeking the job of President. Trump did well- booming economy, low interest rates, very real progress on domestic issues (sentence reform for certain crimes, funding for HBCUs), very real progress in foreign policy (Abraham Accords, shaking up NATO to stop riding Uncle Sugar's coat tails). Harris hasn't so much as run a lemonade stand in her entire life. If she wants to run on the Biden/Harris economy or the Biden/Harris border policy, I say good luck to her. Those are issues that the public sees Trump as being the better candidate to handle. And I do admit I was wrong in the run up to this rather short and highly edited interview. There have been flashes of journalism in the corporate media lately. But even you have to admit that the VP debate was a travesty.
  2. Of course it is. The usual drivel about illegal immigrants "doing jobs that Americans won't do". That is demeaning to both the immigrants AND Americans. The truth is that there are no jobs like that. BUT there are jobs that legal residents and Americans won't do for the wages offered. Employers are simply undercutting the labour market by underpaying their illegal staff. And that is not good for anyone. The left likes to go on about "fair" and "fair share". What is fair about Americans enjoying prices that have been artificially lowered by exploiting workers? If employers paid a fair wage, based on the conditions of the labour market, there would be no jobs left unfilled. The federal government merely has to play its part by not allowing the market to be influenced by illegal practices. And also provide incentives for legal residents and citizens to work rather than depend on handouts from the state.
  3. Not this tired old shibboleth. The people who do the work will be the ones who do it in other countries, and the ones who used to do it in the USA. Citizens and legal residents. There is no need to import a permanent underclass of people, who will be vulnerable to exploitation. Most people would be happy to pay an extra quarter for a head of lettuce if it meant that it was picked by a legal worker. Or an extra 3 bucks for a hotel room if it were cleaned by someone who is not in the country illegally.
  4. I have to admit, the interviewer did a much better job than I expected. He asked good questions, even pushed back on occasion at the word salads he was confronted with. This interview should confirm that she is in no way Presidential material. There were no 'gotcha' questions, no interruptions from an angry journalist. Yet she could not answer the most basic and obvious questions with any level of detail or effect. An absolute lightweight in far over her head.
  5. Hush, sweet summer child!
  6. That's right. Make sure to tell ALL your Trump hating friends and acquaintances to not forget to vote on December 5. Stick it to the fascists!
  7. He was talking about the murderers and criminals who have been let into the US. Not legal migrants. And I am sure he would agree that native born Americans who commit heinous crimes also have some genetic predisposition.
  8. Ah yes, the ever unbiased, middle-of-the-road Mother Jones website. And if he WAS talking about Snow Refugees, he might have a point...
  9. What has happened in 3 or 4 years is not climate. It is weather. This decade has had 3 bad storms so far. Previous decade, not so many. Hundred years ago, about the same. 150 years ago, about the same. Which data do you trust?
  10. It doesnt help that FEMA has its number one goal as "instill equity as a foundation of emergency management". Subgoal- "cultivate a diverse workforce". That does not inspire confidence... https://www.fema.gov/about/strategic-plan/goal-1/objective-1-1
  11. Actually, data from NOAA shows the worst decade for severe hurricanes was the 1940s. Second worst was the 1890s. 2010s were relatively calm. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pastdec.shtml
  12. Very true. Plus, the Biden/Harris team have had more than 3 YEARS to fix the crisis that they created by cancelling Trump's orders. Why did they do nothing in that time?
  13. Russia won't take over Ukraine if a settlement can be reached. Should have been done long ago. Supplying weapons to the Ukranians so they can keep bleeding and dying is cruel. Unless you think that the US and other countries should join in and start WW3 over Ukraine. Is that what you want? Because frankly I can't see any other option. Do you want YOUR son or grandson or nephew to die for Ukraine?
  14. No argument there. Trump kept a good thing going and made it better. Covid was the cause of the election loss iMHO.
  15. That is the standard dodge when confronted with uncomfortable facts. Like the untold billions wasted in Ukraine that could have been spent in America on American people, helping THEIR industry and exports.
  16. ...None of which matters when groceries and rent cost too much. Which they do under the current administration. What you and many on the left simply don't understand is that many Americans aren't voting for Trump to be pastor. They are voting for Trump to be President. Warts and all, they think as President he will do a better job than Harris, based on his track record of low unemployment, low inflation, low prics, and low interest rates.
  17. Relying on the so-called popular vote to make any judgements is an exercise in futility. Nobody can tell what the actual vote would be if everyone thought their vote mattered in choosing the President. As for the Trump years being "the worst in history", well current polling suggests otherwise. Voters prefer Trump to Harris on handling the economy, inflation, and immigration. Also, pre-covid America under Trump was humming along. Low inflation, low interest rates on loans/mortgages, low unemployment. Seems a strange recipe for being the worst ever.
  18. Obviously not. But it would be far better if NO ineligible voters did this, regardless of party affiliation, correct?
  19. You ever been shot at , WIll? Ever feel the sting of a bullet? Ever see and feel your own blood afterwards? Somehow I don't think so. Give the devil his due. Getting to his feet afterwards and gesturing to the crowd was a boss move. You are just too blinded by The Syndrome to be able to admit as much.
  20. Not first hand, true. But I can read, which puts me ahead of most of your ilk.
  21. Both. In many states as well, if you get a drivers licence you can automatically register to vote. But there is no citizenship requirement for a DL. California is like this.
  22. Can I admit it for him? Trump lost in 2020. AND... there is no good reason that I can see why voters do not need to properly identify themselves. I cannot think of a single modern democracy where voters do not need to prove who they are and that they are citizens before voting. Can you?
  23. Many men of Trump's generation, some quite famous in the world of politics, dodged the draft. He has a lot of company in that regard. But what cannot be denied is that he did show some serious stones when the would-be assassin tried to blow his head off.
  24. It's actually a pretty good question. On the one hand, Trump is a well known germaphobe. Not to the level of Howard Hughes, but close.The idea of him having sex in a grotty hotel room with a "well used" porn star doesn't match up with that. On the other hand, he is a well known horndog. He'd fvck a snake if it was held down and immobilized. Banging a porn star would be , in his mind, a feather in his cap. Which could it be...
  25. Good Lord, we agree on something...time to buy a lottery ticket. But you are right. Kids don't care about how much money their parents have, barring abject poverty. They crave time and energy. I could teach my son how to throw a football, how to tackle correctly, etc. We went on hikes and adventures and got filthy dirty. Being a father takes good health and time more than financial resources IMHO.
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