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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Ya think? Then I am VERY curious to hear your take on what it is like to be a Jew in Palestine. Or Egypt. Or Iran. Or Algeria. How many are even left there? Were you the one claiming that the Jews didn't "get there first"? As if that matters in the great sweep of history, even if it were true. Which it doesn' seem to be.
  2. Not exactly. Some crimes are more serious than others, some have statute of limitations applied and so on. So let's let it play out and see where we wind up.
  3. Stormy absolutely. MaDougal I frankly don't know enough about to make an informed guess. So yeah I am sure he paid Stormy to shut up. She saw an opportunity to sell her story once Trump was in the spotlight as a Presidential candidate. And he wanted the story to go away.
  4. Not OK with it, but not sure why it is such a big deal. The amount of money in question was paltry. But let's let the system do its job and see where it takes us.
  5. Is covering it up illegal? Paying for an NDA is not a crime as far as I know. Seems like a wise thing to do- pay for silence rather than risk an embarrassing revelation at a bad time. AFAIK, Clinton did the same and paid off Paula Jones on the eve of his impeachment hearing.
  6. No doubt it was BS. Trump was active in sports in university. As was Biden. Both found a 'medical' excuse to avoid the military once their student deferments ran out. Either one could have entered the military at any time in their university education, had they wanted to.
  7. True. The Palestinians are infamous for faking tragedies and milking sympathy. They have been busted repeatedly in lies and misinformation, yet a credulous world takes their claims as gospel. 500 killed in a hospital bombing anyone? Complete with 'victims' being consoled and children bleeding? Turned out it never happened- it was a stray terrorist rocket that crashed into a parking lot.
  8. Sure. And at age 25, Biden's claim of asthma, when he was a teenage lifeguard, played football and baseball, was completely legitimate. Come on, be real. Both of them used the means that they could to avoid serving in Vietnam. Student deferments were the most popular. Biden used 5, Dick Cheney used 5, Trump used 4, Clinton used 4 or 5... The last President to actually serve was George Bush the First.
  9. Yes.. he got 5 deferments as a student and a final one for asthma. Trump got 4 as a student and a final one for bone spurs.
  10. It sounds like the bad Orange Man...hurt you. Would you like to show us where? Here, look at this doll. Can you show us where the Orange Man touched you?
  11. Much like "childhood asthma" helped Joe avoid serving his country. Like I said, it is one thing they had in common.
  12. If you are right, then Biden was a fool to cut a deal with James Clyburn. But at the time he was in trouble, and not locking up the nomination as fast as people thought. But ol James pulled him through, but at a price. Then the others dropped out quickly, many to accept later positions in the Biden administration. There are many words to describe VP Harris. I have never heard "articulate". She gives the same speech, "unburdened by what has been".... every time. Plus speaks juvenile platitudes as if they were deep revelations. Remember this? “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine."
  13. I really wouldn't tout that as such an accomplishment. Plenty of mediocrities have managed to become President. Plus, don't you think any other reasonably centrist Democrat would handily beat Trump this year? Especially if they could jettison Harris from the ticket. If the Democrats win, it will be in spite of Biden and not because of him.
  14. Biden won the nomination because he made a Faustian bargain with James Clyburn- Clyburn delivered votes, BUT Biden had to choose a black woman as VP nominee. And now we see the results... He possesses none of the virtues you wrote. He IS a politician, after all.
  15. Ah, nothing like the energetic vituperation of the belligerently uninformed. Biden is, and has always been, a mediocrity. His stint as VP was supposed to be the equivalent of a gold watch given to a loyal but dull employee upon retirement. Bringing him back to the spotlight only highlighted how desperate the Democrats were.
  16. A lot of people in the same position, voting for Trump might be a bridge too far. Some are looking past the top of the ticket to VP, which given the age of the two candidates is more important this year than in most elections. The chance that the VP will have to serve at least some of the 2024-28 term is not insignificant. Plus, look at the policies the two parties are trying to put in place. There is some way to triangulate and come to a conclusion buried in there...it would be a lot easier if one or both of Trump and Biden were to drop out.
  17. Absolutely. So we are in this strange position of having two rather poor choices. So I think people will look at the track records of the two and decide. At the moment, the Trump presidency is seen more favorably than Biden's by more than 10 points. I think there is a certain nostalgia for the days of 2% inflation, $2 gas, Middle East peace, and so on.
  18. Sure. If the government paying off student loans is such a great idea, why didn't Joe put it to Congress? And if EVs are inevitable (and I think they are too), then there is no need for a subsidy. Let the free market take care of it naturally and holistically. I think Joe used to be a centrist. Maybe deep in his soul that 'Joe' still exists, but it has been co-opted by the looney wing of the Democrats.
  19. Harris is a disaster. A DEI pick and a promise fulfilled to James Clyburn. A millstone. As for Trump's pick, I would like a moderate and reasonable person like Governor Burgum of North Dakota.
  20. Yes. To all the above. There is no such thing as 'cancelling' student debts. The money still has to be paid back, only the taxpayer has to do it instead of the student. Pushing EVs isn't working. As the great Senator Kennedy of Louisiana said, "if EVs are so great, why does the government have to pay people to drive them?" I think Joe himself is a rather more traditional democrat, but he is being herded left by the more radical elements of his party, and fears losing parts of the Democratic coalition that he needs in order to be re-elected in November.
  21. Indeed. I thought the purpose of asylum was physical safety, not preference. Asylees are required to move to the first safe country, then wait. "Shopping" for a preferred host country is not seeking asylum. Obviously France is just happy to be rid of them.
  22. Absolutely not. Trump is a BS artist of the first water. He's been doing it since long before he entered politics. I guess it prepared him well for election... Anyway, given that the US has 2 rather poor choices for president, the obvious thing to do is vote for the least worst option. And Biden, saddled with Harris as VP (and potential successor) as well as a variety of terrible far left policies, is obviously the worst option. It will be interesting to see who Trump picks as VP, it will make the decision more interesting for sure.
  23. Actually, he did. Biden got multiple sketchy deferments for a medical condition (childhood asthma), same as Trump (for bone spurs). Biden didn't have bankrupcies because until recently he never had any money.
  24. Not remembering is one thing. Making up a BS story is another. At least one thing both Trump and Biden have in common is that they both 'avoided' military service themselves.
  25. Biden is the greater enemy of democracy for a variety of reasons. Yes his son served, and honorably. But Biden can't even remember the circumstances of his tragic death. Nor can he remember the circumstances of his uncle's death while in service in WW2. These are troubling to say the least.
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