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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Her campaign has realized, about a month too late, that she needs to broaden her appeal from the traditional Democratic base. The polls are trending against her. I expect Baier to be fair but dogmatic. He is often rather ruthless on following up if answers are not sufficient. Good luck to Harris, this will be a first for her.
  2. Even more interesting, scuttlebut says that Harris is trying to book a slot on Joe Rogan's podcast. His audience is precisely the one she is losing, so it is understandable. But can she really keep up with him, in a free form conversation, possibly for more than an hour? It true, it reeks of desperation in the Harris camp.
  3. Anyway, hopefully this will keep peoples' attention off her brewing plagiarism scandal. Apparently large portions of her book "Smart On Crime" were lifted directly from others without attribution, including direct copying from Wikipedia. Just like her boss...
  4. But you are not comparing. You are just using it as another opportunity to sling mud at the guy you don't like. Which is fine, but it's not as if there are not 426 OTHER threads to do that. You didn't even address the topic, just got right on to the character assassination. My country is not under threat from a mentally ill felon, but neither is yours. Mine IS being governed by an empty suit, an idealistic non-entity who parlayed good looks and a famous last name into poltical power. And we have been paying the price ever since. Now, my cousins to the south are in a similar situation. One of their options is also an empty (pant)suit, an idealist with little political depth who is trying to parlay her gender and race into political power.
  5. The BBC thinks there is a link between genetics and violent crime. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-29760212
  6. Uh, as far as my limited Bible knowledge- the Jews were slaves in Egypt. They were taken TO Egypt FROM Israel. That is the purpose of the Exodus- to return home. Moses parting the Red Sea, crossing the SInai, etc. All to go home. Egypt wasn't home. It was their prison.
  7. True. Or they could go back to Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Iran, etc. Nearly a million immigrated from those countries in the post-WW2 years. But why not one Jewish state? There are already 55 Muslim states in the world, including 23 Arab ones, and nobody has a problem with it. Why does Israel have to give up its unique character and culture? Strictly speaking, then the Arab Muslims could also go back where THEY came from- Saudi Arabia.
  8. He clearly is a genius, if the number of rent-free spaces he can enjoy is any indication. Including yours apparently.
  9. I see a multi state solution. Israel as a Jewish state, but accepting of others as well. And the surrounding states can all be Muslim. The Palestinians can live with their Muslim brothers in any of the 23 Arab states in the area. Seems fair. One Jewish state. Twenty three Muslim states.
  10. And as is common, a discussion of the VP turns, in the very first response, into a "b-b-but Trump!" bitchfest. THe man truly lives rent free in so many places. No wonder he is a real estate genius.
  11. He's wrong. Baier is a pro.
  12. Even your link says that Trump said "MURDERERS have bad genes". Nothing about migrants, either legal or illegal. But don't let the truth get in the way of your feelings.
  13. I am only about 25% exposed in the US market, most in S and P ETF, so it probably won't matter all that much. Interest rates will probably still slowly drop back to about 2 or 3 percent, which gives incentive for people to put their money into stocks. Long run, Trump is probably better.
  14. Could be one of two things- either arrogance or desperation. I am leaning towards the latter ,given the state of the polls lately. Anyway, Bret Baier is a very good jounalist. He will be very well prepared. Expect some questions that have not been asked yet, such as; 1. When did you realize that Biden was unable to continue the Presidency? 2. Describe in detail the process that led you to the nomination? 3. When did you become aware of the accusations against Slugger Doug? 4. Please tell us exactly what international crimes you prosecuted, and the results. 5. Explain your flipflops on the following issues.....
  15. You reallllllly don't want to go there, I hope. The comparison will not favour your Sainted Barack.
  16. Hey man, you can't label me! As for Obama, who decided he was "black enough"? What a pathetic and pandering thing to say. Although you may have a point. Perhaps it would be better to say that an elitist snob, Ivy League graduate, multi-millionaire, should not be hectoring working class men about race and sexism.
  17. I may identify as such. Why would that be important?
  18. Obama as a surrogate and political speaker at rallies is good. Very good. Obama as a hectoring scold is bad. Very bad. Especially when he tries to come across as one of the "brothas", it is obviously fake and contrived.He knows next to nothing of the African American experience, growing up in comfort and ease in Hawaii. His family background is not connected to the vast majority of African Americans, who are the descendants of slavery. He just sounds pompous and condescending.
  19. Given that Trump is currently on top in 6 of the 7 swing states, 313 Trump, 225 Harris.
  20. Actually, I seem to remember seeing Hilary doing a beer AND a shot at a bar during her campaign. Looked like it wasnt her first time. That evening. Certainly not as obviously phony as Pow Wow Chow Senator Warren and her faux "think I'll have me a beer" video performance, where she actually drank about 0.25ml of the beer before whisking it away.
  21. Some folks would prefer sub 2% inflation, low mortgage rates, and cheap gas. Strange, I konw.
  22. That is a fair point. A combo of the President plus Congress (who controls which House) plus prevailing conditions may be more accurate. But the results speak for themselves. A rather simple question for voters- were they better off under Trump (preCovid) or under Biden for the past 31/2 years?
  23. Sure. Keep thinking that. I would call it improving on what Obama did and extending it. Inflation kept dropping, unemployment kept dropping, etc. Plus Obama had jack <deleted> to do with the peace we enjoyed under Trump- the Abraham Accords etc. Or the very real reforms to the prison system. At least you admit that there were three good years under Trump. It's a small step, but an important one.
  24. I was kinda referring to the three very very good years before Covid <deleted> the world, the years with low inflation and low unemployment and two dollar gas, but you be you.
  25. Not random weather events, that's for sure. Just off the top of my smooth-brained head, I would say; a/ evidence of a sustained change in a particular attribute over a long period of time b/ evidence that the change in that particular attribute is attributable to human action c/ evidence that stopping the human action will stop the change d/ evidence that not stopping the change of that attribute will cause catastrophic and irreversible damage Not perfect, but good enough for only one cup of coffee.
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