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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Hey, I thought you were all upset about someone else commenting on KAMALA's ass. Why are you making a similar sexist remark about The Donald? Sexist.
  2. She couldn't "prosecute" a debate against a Hawaiian surfer. Case dismissed.
  3. Which, in fact is what is happening. The overlords of the DNC are making the decisions and the grassroots can go fvck itself. They made their views clear when Kamala was so roundly rejected in 2020. They had a chance to see her in action and said "no".
  4. You said "bought and paid for by billionaires" who hate democracy. Do far you wrote the name of one bilionaire. No evidence of any other of your assertions.
  5. Ad hom attack instead of an argument. I guess you agree with what I posted then. Now, if you could produce your evidence to prove your assertion, we would all be so grateful.
  6. Why? JD is everything Kamala is not- articulate, self-made, served his country, superior academic pedigree, worked in the private sector...
  7. Yes. He was raised by his maternal grandmother, whose family lived in Appalachian Kentucky. Any other questions?
  8. Where is Biden hiding? No photos, no voice calls, nothing. I understand that he might be sicker than everyone thought, but a little transparency would be nice.
  9. I think they would. The problem is that Shapiro would enrage the anti-semitic wing of the Democratic party. Otherwise, I think he would be a better candidate at the TOP of the ticket than Kamala. But that wont happen. Also why he probably won't be picked for the VP slot. Interesting to see Jim Clyburn playing kingmaker again. Kamala is a result of his deal with Biden in 2020. Is he trying to do the same thing?
  10. She grew up in Montreal with her mother, then in the gilded cage of Berkeley. I would be amazed if her "experience" was anything like what most black Americans face.
  11. Hardly vibrant, and at pushing 60 hardly in her prime. As to her ethnic background, she is more Brahmin Indian than anything else. Her father is from Jamaica and of mixed race, and boasted about being a descendant of one of Jamaica's largest OWNERS of slaves. She has no ties to or connection to American descendants of slavery whatsoever.
  12. She was an admitted user of cannabis. And notorious for jailing people who did the same thing when she was the DA in San Francisco.
  13. It's not misogyny and racism to state the simple fact that her gender and race got her the job as VP. Hell, Biden admitted as much himself.
  14. Care to explain? Or just leave the flailing personal attack on its own. Nobody need worry about misogyny or racism. Kamala will easily enough torpedo her own campaign (if she secures the nomination) all on her own. The more the public is exposed to her, the more they will loathe her.
  15. Not sure what that has to do with the issue of age, but anyway (to quote Joe Biden). She WAS a prosecutor. And prosecuted people for crimes she herself committed. Also, rising through the ranks of California state Democratic politics is not exactly a difficult journey for someone with Kamala's chromosones and 'talents'. You want to put her against the hardscrabble child who survived the ravages of Appalachia, volunteered for the Marines in the wake of 9/11? Good luck with that. Kamal is the living embodiment of the Peter Principle.
  16. Nobody was hammering Biden about his age. They were hammering him because he was physically and mentally unfit to be president. His memory was shot, he could not speak normally, he had serious lapses and 'freezing up', he could not finish a sentence without wandering off topic. The Democrats would LOVE to frame this as age though. I would take JD's version of 'inexperience' over Kamala's any day of the week. Both were first term Senators, yet JD obviously has the better resume, has served his country in the military, worked in the private sector, and has a better academic pedigree. Oh, and is 20 years younger.
  17. Yep, here is the whole quote from JD for you; “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical <deleted> like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler. How’s that for discouraging?” That was 8 years ago, before Trump was the nominee, before JD was a senator. Lots of water under the bridge since. Lots of people are in the same boat, myself included. I was not a Trump fan until he became President, then his performance changed my mind. Why is that a 'gotcha' moment for you? Oh, and there was certainly a lot of blood on Trump's face for a shot that 'missed'. You might want to look into that...
  18. Bit of an apples and oranges comparison considering that Harris is probably going to top the ticket, but... 1/ both first term Senators. Kamala from a very safe seat, JD beat a Democratic incumbent. 2/ JD was a Marine, Kamala was a lawyer 3/ JD wins on academic pedigree, Yale vs. UC Hastings. JD was also editor of the Yale Law Review 4/ JD has worked in the private sector. Kamala has spent her life on the government teat 5/ JD has three kids, Kamala none of her own 6/ JD has a compelling life story of grit and determination. Kamala..... child of radical 60s academics in Berkeley. 7/ JD has won several debates. Kamala was schooled by a Hawaiian surfer. Did I miss anything?
  19. The not-so-thinly-veiled racism began when Joe Biden declared that he would exclude 91% of the American population from being even considered as his VP. Now it is returning to bite the Democrats on the a55.
  20. Under normal circumstances that would be a good choice. But given the reality of the 2024 election cycle and the big chance that Kamala will be crushed, it may be hard to find 'name brand' democrats willing to go down to defeat with her. IF the democrats were smart, they would put together a ticket with two of their moderate governors (Whitmer, Shapiro, Moore) and give Kamala the elbow. Any combo of those three would give Trump a run for his money.
  21. Well, he never mentioned his dread condition in his autobiography. He DID mention his active participation in sports, being a lifeguard, college football, all that good stuff. Your politifact is debunking something I did not claim. I said he got 5 student deferments then the asthma claim. Not blaming the guy, 90% of his generation didn'T serve in Vietnam. He was just one of them. Same as The Donald and his bone spurs. Otherwise, either of them would have patriotically put their university studies on hold and joined up.
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