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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Trump at least has a track record as President. Barring Covid, he would have been re-elected without much trouble in 2020. The economy was rocking, there were no new wars to worry about, and it looked like the Middle East was calming down (Abraham Accords). Harris' track record?
  2. Perhaps, but the democrats also chose a deeply unserious and lightweight candidate who makes it a very hard choice for a lot of people. Had they had a real primary (before Joe lost his marbles) there would have been a different and better choice made. Someone like Josh Shapiro would be wiping the floor with Trump by now. But Harris is almost uniquely pathetic.
  3. Any organization that lets Iran chair a council on human rights needs to be eliminated. Waste of valuable real estate. And money.
  4. Partially TBH. Biden was beatable more easily. Also it shows the rank hypocrisy of the left. They claim to be tbe party of fairness and openness, yet they brutally defenestrate their candidate and replace him in a classic coup, directed by powerful interests im tbeir party.
  5. Maybe so. But he could have at least cancelled his beach vacation and gone back to Washington to coordinae directly with FEMA. . What lie did I tell? The only lie was Biden lying on the beach while America suffered.
  6. Again with the racism..... when will you give it up?
  7. Uh, I think Obama was president at that time...
  8. I seem to remember a certain President Bush being pilloried by the media during a hurricane, for flying over but not being on the ground.... guess the rules have changed since then. At least they could have shown a bit of character and gone back to Washington to coordinate from there. Hobnobbing with Hollywood snobs and relaxing on a sunny beach while Americans die is not a good look.
  9. At least he showed up. Biden was busy sunning himself on the beach in Delaware. Kamala was shmoozing with her rich Hollywood friends in California.
  10. I agree. Understandable that Biden and Harris kept many of the tariffs, isnt it? But I think she never knew about that- it was a big surprise when a reporter brought it up to her. To be fair, Trump was never really right wing. He is more of a populist than anything. Lots of classic Democratic party ideas from the 60s and 70s thrown in.
  11. Interesting timing. The latest poll numbers from the swing states show an impending disaster for Harris. Trump is leading overall in the 'big seven'. Just by a smidgen, but leading.
  12. Ah yes, the xenophobia of the hysterical left coming out again. Good to see. The economy under Trump was great until Covid. I agree that the shutdown of the country was a mistake, as was putting too much money into Covid relief afterwards. Biden has continued to overspend even though Covid is over.
  13. I think you are right. Vance is by far the sharpest of the 4 at the top of both tickets. Walz' image of 'trucker Tim' won't come across very well in a debate format. He also looks much older than his age, so it is hard for him to push the mantra of "new ideas" that Harris is trying to peddle.
  14. Trump has already proven that he isnt dangerous as POTUS. He presided over a very very good economy, brought peace to the Middle East, and was able to reduce the number of illegals crossing the southern border. Harris has only proven her incompetence. She has failed at everything Biden gave her to do. She is even failing to maintain support of non-white voters.
  15. You know, the GOP tried to cater to the media and the Democrats by selecting more and more normal candidates for President. John McCain? War hero and moderate. Slammed by the media as too old, libeled about having an out of wedlock child. Mitt Romney? Morally unimpeachable, family man, successful in business, great teeth. Slammed and ridiculed as well. So, what is a party to do? Throw a huge middle finger at the establishment in Washington and choose Trump. Unashamedly rich, brash, a BS artist of some renown. Take that, Beltway lizards! And surprisingly effective as President. So why not try the same again...
  16. It will be interesting. Vance is the trained lawyer in this contest, also the younger by nearly 20 years. Walz is a very good speaker, he does well at rallies and events. But.... Vance has been sparring with hostile media for weeks now. He is the one candidate of the four that has made the most appearances and done the most interviews. He is used to being targeted by biased journalists. Walz? Has he actually done any solo interviews? Honestly I can't recall. He might be a bit rusty.
  17. hmmm. My definition of "prominent" usually doesn't include an ex state insurance commissioner. But maybe that's just me. It is true that this is not the Republican party of Bob Dole or Eisenhower. Then again, today's Democratic party is not the party of JFK or Harry Truman. Both have evolved and grown more extreme.
  18. Oh, absolutely he was wrong about the Haitians. They came under a special program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans I believe. Biden ramped it up to 30,000 people per MONTH for this one program. Lunacy.
  19. The mistake you are making is conflating "migrant" with "illegal immigrant". The data for legal and illegal needs to be separated in order to be useful. I don't think anybody wants immigration to stop. But there is a discussion on who, how, and how many. Granting status and letting people free to roam the country, or giving away bus/plane tickets, is absolute idiocy.
  20. People touting the "great bipartisan immigration bill" have convenient amnesia. They forget that Biden reversed most of Trump's effective executive orders on immigration virtually on day one of his administration. They forget that VP Harris was appointed, on March 24 2021, to stem the flow of immigrants to the southern border. They forget that illegal immigration under Trump was a fraction of the ten MILLION plus under Biden. They forget that every single illegal who crosses the southern border pays thousands of dollars to cartels and human traffickers. They forget that half of the women and girls who attempt the journey are raped. Often repeatedly. They forget a lot, until election season.
  21. Because the bill would not have addressed any of the key issues, which are more policy than personnel. The policy can be handled without Congress. Trump did it. Then Biden reversed it immediately on taking office. The bill allowed for nearly 2 million illegals per year to enter the country. It also contained a way for illegals to become citizens, which should be a non starter. The bill you are talking about was an omnibus monster that had too many non related items crunched together into one piece of legislation.
  22. She was granted the job on March 24, 2021 by Biden. "I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border" https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/03/24/remarks-by-president-biden-and-vice-president-harris-in-a-meeting-on-immigration/
  23. Well, starting by taking care of half the problem is a good start, don't you think? Land crossings can be tightened, airport arrivals can be monitored and deported if they overstay.
  24. It amazes me how much lefties forget one of the largest victim groups from the whole border fiasco- the women and girls who are repeatedly raped and abused on their way to the southern border. The numbers are staggering and absolutely horrid. Yet by keeping the border open, the Biden-Harris administration contributed directly to the problem. Not to mention that even the relatively well-off who use that route are also contributing to human smuggling. Nobody can approach the border on the Mexican side without paying the cartels. It is a billion plus dollar moneymaker for them. So basically, every person who arrives in the US via that route has contributed to organized crime (often thousands of dolars each). The only solution is to remove the incentive. Close the border. Encourage Mexico to deal with their gang and mafia problem.
  25. You might want to take up your grievances with the American public. THEY are the ones who rate Trump's presidency higher than Biden's.
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