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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I'll tell you why they are angry. They have been lied to. By their OWN leaders. They have been told since 1948 that "someday", they will be able to reclaim the land they lost. And it has not happened, never will happen either. Never thought being a refugee would be a multi-generational state, but successive generations of young Palestinians are poisoned by propaganda and hatred from the time they can walk. They are also angry because their 'brothers' in the Muslim world treat them like crap, refuse to grant them rights and citizenship, and keep them in a stateless limbo. They are also angry because repeated attempts by Arab/Muslim states to invade and destroy Israel have all failed. They feel emasculated at being defeated by Jews. They are also angry because Israel is a thriving and successful country, in spite of the handicap of geography. By contrast, the surrounding Arab/Muslim countries are all failing kleptocracies to one extent or another.
  2. Let's see... even given the dubious Hamas-produced numbers, a total of 25,000 people have been killed in the conflict. Let's even stipulate that Hamas is not counting terrorists and criminals in that number. Only non-combatants. OK. The fighting has gone on for more than 3 months. In an extremely crowded, densely populated area. Total population just north of 2 million. Yet in that time, in all the fighting, only 25,000 have been killed. Roughly 1% of the original population. To me, that speaks to the restraint and professionalism of the IDF. Even at risk of their own soldiers, they have kept casualties to such a low level. Bravo! But genocide? Please.
  3. Except... the tunnels were not just being constructed underneath them. The tunnels were also connected TO the schools, as well as hospitals and mosques in Gaza. Their denials are the equivalent of Captain Renault in the old film 'Casablanca': to paraphrase, "I'm shocked-shocked- to find that tunnels are being built here!"
  4. The tv show was called "Tomorrow's Pioneers" and was aired for a number of years in both the west bank and in Gaza. Horrid, anti-semitic, anti-western, to call it propaganda is like calling bubonic plague a sore throat. You can read about it here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow's_Pioneers
  5. Yeah, that is pretty terrible. BTW, what do the Jewish students have to study when they are taking Arabic language class in Palestine or Jordan or Egypt?
  6. Not nonsense, Gallup. https://news.gallup.com/poll/512828/palestinians-lack-faith-biden-two-state-solution.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication#:~:text=Generational Divide on the Two,Palestinians aged 46 and older.
  7. People have been talking about this for years. A group called MEMRI has been showing the kind of filth propaganda that is being shoved down childrens' throats in Palestine for years. No wonder that younger Palestinians resoundingly reject a "two state solution"- Galllup puts support for it at just 16%. They prefer a one state solution- from the river to the sea.
  8. Really? Doesn't sound like the Japan that I live in.... maybe where you live it is different.
  9. Long time Japan resident here. Some of you are hitting on some answers. The exchange rate is a big factor for sure. The news is overflowing with stories of how the currency is taking a beating on world markets. Domestic travel is doing much better. Also, lots of fear of travel in general. Not just about Thailand, but about visiting foreign countries altogether. China is also 'out' these days due to perceived danger. The USA too. Inflation is not high, but combined with the exchange rate it has eaten into everyone's disposable income. Flight costs are also almost double what they were pre-COVID. Fewer flights too, especially on LCCs.
  10. Their own bodies, sure. The unborn living temporarily inside, not so much. That is why we frown on pregnant women smoking, drinking, doing drugs, etc- because of the harm to the unborn baby inside them. If it was just a clump of cells, why would anyone care?
  11. People have a say in most social issues, particularly ones where innocent lives are involved. Personally, I think fathers should have a say as well. After all, it is THEIR baby too.
  12. Word salad, complete with moral equivalence and whataboutism. The group who perpetrated the terror attacks on October 7 were NOT a small, extreme group. They were the governing body controlling Gaza, and had the full throated support of the Gaza populace.
  13. You think those aren't valid choices? The only choice I am not a fan of is killing pre-born babies under a variety of circumstances.
  14. Not anti choice at all. There are several choices available: abstinence, contraception, adoption, motherhood. You just have to remember that, any time you have sex, there is a chance that a pregnancy will result. Unless one of the partners is infertile.
  15. Yeah, I've done the major parks in the southwest a couple of times- the Mighty Five in Utah, plus Arizona, Nevada, etc. An amazing place that deserves months, if not years, of exploration. Perhaps tow a small trailer with an EV pickup like the Ford Lightning? Gonna be pricy though.
  16. Ah, yes! The "b-b-but Trump..." comes out in full force. Neither the former Pres nor missile defence are the topics here. Nice try though. The current VP has made a name for herself by being one of the worst public speakers, constantly repeating odious bromides, and talking down to those who are listening.
  17. There WAS a 2 state solution on the table in the past. It was rejected by the Palestinians. Bill Clinton said that he "killed himself" getting them a great deal, which was turned down. Now, the rest of the Arab/Muslim world (with the exception of Iran) are just getting tired of the whole situation. They want it to go away. But they also don't want any Palestinians within their countries. It's a conundrum. There is nobody for Israel to negotiate WITH. Gaza is gone- 15 plus years of terrorist indoctrination and propaganda have poisoned too many minds there.
  18. You know, most Americans would be content (if not overjoyed) with restrictions on abortion similar to those in many European countries- most allow abortions up to 12 weeks into the pregnancy. What's wrong with that?
  19. Ooooh, never thought of Condi, she's wicked smaht. True that whoever gets picked will be shat upon for any number of shallow reasons. Can you imagine a debate between Condi Rice and Kamala Harris? Evisceration would not even begin to describe the carnage that would result.
  20. Interesting. I might throw Kristi Noem on there also. Trump has always had an eye for the ladies...
  21. Oh, I absolutely made it up. That is why I said "I can't wait". Pure speculation. But given her track record on 'explaining' things to people, I stand by it.
  22. I can't wait for Harris to give us her 'talking to a 5 year old child' explanation of abortion... "An abortion is when a woman doesn't want a baby. So she goes to a doctor and tells him. Then, the doctor helps her. So she won't have the baby then! That's an abortion!" and then look around as if she has said something profound. She wants women to think about what can be, unburdened by what has been.
  23. No kidding. It really isn't too high a bar is it? How did Fani's thinking process go, I wonder..."gee, I'm screwing a married guy. He's a lawyer too!! Maybe I can get him a plum job that will pay off big time and we can keep screwing, but in exotic tropical locations!"
  24. Separated means still married. So, it is an adulterous relationship. Something a public official should avoid. The scorned wife is now putting up evidence of her husband buying flight and vacation tickets for himself and Fanni, and is subpoening her (Fanni) for the divorce proceedings. This isnt looking good at all.
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