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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Another rather important piece of information that, curiously, is never mentioned: "Hamas's figures do not distinguish between male civilians and combatants."
  2. For all the billions poured into Gaza over the years, one wonders why it is still a mess. Gee, where did the money go....
  3. Sounds good. You mean the border after Israel kicked Arab butt, right?
  4. ,,,and people wonder why the Israelis did not flinch when they were criticized for targeting hospitals. Same came up years ago when Hamas first took over, they used hospitals to torture and murder their local enemies.
  5. Yes. This is the woman's 19 year old daughter. She has obviously been raped repeatedly and abused, if the bloodstains around the crotch of her sweatpants are anything to go by.
  6. If that were true then the IDF is doing poorly. They have 300 attack aircraft but have only managed to kill 18,000 Palestinians in 2 months? Pretty poor showing. Or perhaps, that is NOT their objective...
  7. Blame Hamas. Hamas is the group that hides behind civilians, disguises itself, and so on. Hamas kidnaps, rapes, mutilates, and murders innocent men women and children. To their credit, the IDF will look into this. There may be repercussions, if so then fine. That is how a professional military handles things like this. Hamas are neither professional nor military. Just sub-human thugs cowering behind civilians.
  8. The democrats have been trying for years?!? Give me a break. They want to quickly legalize people, give out green cards like candy. Just look at the border now. Thousands of young, fit, suspiciously clean young men are crossing weekly. They look remarkably fresh and well groomed for people who supposedly have walked 1000 miles to the border. Because they didn't. All are transported by cartels and human traffickers. Nobody can approach the border on the Mexican side without paying up to the drug kingpins and their ilk. There are very few of the "huddled masses yearning to be free", few families, few genuine asylum seekers. All are economic migrants at best, drains on the social system at worst. How to stop it? Do not release ANYONE until their case is resolved. Build detention camps along the border to hold illegals until their status is determined. Simply releasing them into the country is folly of the worst kind.
  9. What oppression would that be in Gaza? The Jews left in 2005. The bottom line is that the Palestinians backed the wrong horse since 1948. Lost successive wars also by backing the losing side (Arab League etc). So they are now screwed. Better that they come to terms with it and make peace with the victor. Numerous deals were offered, but all rejected. They need to give up the idea of returning to their previous land, because it is a non-starter. It would be a simple start to say, "OK, we give up on the idea of killing all of you". Then some serious negotiations could take place. But until that point, they are doomed.
  10. Encroach? Hardly. Israel was invaded constantly. They took territory to stay safe. You forget that five countries invaded Israel in 1948 and tried to wage a war of genocide? Of course the losers lost territory. That is the way of the world. Lose a war, lose land. Germany lost a lot of land after WW2, but you dont see ex residents of Prussia sitting around complaining.
  11. Nope. Other countries did the same thing, with the same results.
  12. Can't argue with that. Trump shutting the country down was lunacy, exacerbated by printing trillions of dollars to burn in response to the Wu Flu. Biden continued the same idiocy, fuelling inflation with too many dollars and not enough to spend them on.
  13. According to Wikipedia, average 6.6 hours of sunshine a day in December/January, average of 4 inches of rain per month. Or 10 centimetres.
  14. All celcius of course. Don't want to confuse my European friends! Hardly 'winter' as most of us understand the term.
  15. According to our friend Wikipedia, January is the coldest month in Gaza City- average high of 18 degrees, low of 10. This is winter?
  16. Winter?!? The temperature is 20 degrees celsius or higher every day for the next 10 days. Not the definition of 'winter', at least where I come from...
  17. True. Once you have the turtle's head you have run out of options (and time). Emergency measures needed.
  18. True that. A neat double-double to add to his legendary status. As I recall, also cadged money from his father under the guise of going for rehab (some $30,000), only to blow it all on eastern European escorts in a weekend of debauchery.
  19. You forgot "genocide" to complete the three necessary shibboleths for this discussion. Otherwise, there is no apartheid in Gaza, no ethnic cleansing, and no occupation (ended in 2005). After WW2, the Allies did a massive de-Nazification program on Germany, to cure them of 13 years of Hitler's propaganda and lies. And the German people certainly could have felt hostile to the Allies for devastating their country as well. But they were able to shake it off and rejoin the community of nations. It will take the same effort on Gaza to help them recover from Hamas.
  20. The obvious answer is that, in order for Palestine to be free, the Jews have to go. Either murdered (most likely option) or forcibly exiled. Which makes the "river to the sea" nonsense so reprehensible. Two state solution might be viable in 10 or 20 years, once Hamas is gone and Gazans can be de-programmed from the antisemitic filth they have been force fed for the past decade.
  21. Gotta say that the libertarian part of me has a sneaky admiration for Hunter. He has hit the "Libertarian Trifecta" of drugs, hookers, and tax evasion! Not to mention the nearly $700,000 on hookers alone... the man is a satyr.
  22. Oh, you will. No need to be so melodramatic. Look at it this way: if it is Biden or Trump, at least neither of them can be re-elected in 4 years. I am not a fan of my country's PM by any means, but that is just politics. The country is still my home and native land.
  23. Jesus Christ. I knew it was bad, but.... God, how can anyone support Hamas, even tangentially, after reading this article? But they will. Remarkable the silence of world womens organizations on this. The use of rape as a weapon of terror. Plus the glee of the Hamas cowards as they did their atrocities, and the glee of ordinary Gazans when the cowards returned home with their 'prizes'. There is no political solution. Only prompt and utter destruction of Hamas.
  24. I picked the ones that people care about the most. No agenda here, I would prefer if Trump did not run for president at all.
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