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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Hmm. Not sure about the bit about "high ranking globalist". Anaida Polievre is the daughter of Venezuelan immigrants, moved to Canada when she was 8 years old. Runs her own business. And is definitely easy on the eyes! Pierre himself is whip smart and focused on returning Canada to the days when the country was prosperous and free. Kinda surprised a nerdy guy like him could pull a tasty looking lass like Anaida, but love works in strange ways.
  2. This may be true. I was watching an interview with the great Canadian investor Kevin O'Leary who said much the same. When Trump talks, it is bombast. You have to forget about the noise and concentrate on the message underneath. Yet the media foolishly focuses on the noise. Reality is that it is a negotiating strategy.
  3. From my outsider's perspective, there seems to be more than enough blame to go around. No party can escape the taint of this absolutely horrific episode. It began at the local level and morphed into a nightmare Perhaps a bit of a classist element as well, since so many of the victims were from poor or working class families? Rather than point fingers, how about rounding up the rapists and getting them deported/jailed? And giving the victims a chance to rebuild their lives.
  4. Mark Carney might be a better choice than Trudeau, but that is a very low bar indeed. He did a very good job as governor of the Bank of Canada back in the day. But, he is at heart a WEF tool and a globalist. A very narrow skill set.
  5. Like I said, you have probably never been in a hospital in Canada. Other situations, there is an average 15 week waiting period to see a specialist, after being referred by your family doctor. Need cataract surgery? Prepare for a 10 month plus wait. For neurosurgery, it is more than a year.
  6. You mean the real estate billionaire, son of immigrants, who became president. And the naturalized citizen who is literally electrifying the auto industry, flying rockets to MARS, and performing the miracle of helping the blind to actually see. Yeah, just guys who should be ignored and belittled by the likes of you.
  7. Obviously you have never used a Canadian hospital. The average waiting time in EMERGENCY in hospitals is from 6 to 14 hours, depending on the province. The economy is in decline, housing is unaffordable, idiotic carbon taxes are looming, the Canadian dollar is in freefall.
  8. ...and right on cue, the "b-b-but Trump!" refrain rises from the cheap seats. Do better.
  9. …and NOT an American citizen. He was a resident. But a citizen of Saudi Arabia.
  10. Longtime Japan resident here. In most major cities there are rental agencies that specialize in housing for foreigners. They will take care of the guarantor issue for you. For a fee of course…
  11. Perhaps not, but you DO start with the low hanging fruit. And foreign aid qualifies for that in spades. Next, entitlements, Pentagon spending, take time but will yield savings as well.
  12. On another note, the LGB are starting to distance themselves from the "T" in the alphabet soup of victimhood. There is genuine fear that young boys who may be just gay are being told that they are actually girls trapped in a boy's body, and encouraged to 'transition'.
  13. I dunno. I think hooking a fish through the cheek and dragging it around, or catching it in a net and letting it asphyxiate sounds pretty gruesome to be honest. A quick exploding harpoon to the head might be a lot better!
  14. Don't stress about it. They use exploding harpoons, much more efficient than the old style ones. Are you shifting your argument to the acual harvesting procedures and away from a purely anthropomorphic one?
  15. I have tried two of the three. Didn't care for the taste all that much, but did it for the experience.
  16. Big problem is that there is less news and more "analysis". Which usually consists of a panel with one conservative and 4 or 5 flaming liberals, hosted by another liberal. It gets tired real fast. And yeah, Quest was a blast. I also even watched Don Lemon back in the day before he became a political tool. Same with Jake Tapper. Used to be more of a journalist and less a propagandist.
  17. Could "pillow biter" be far behind?
  18. Nah, but the national strategic reserve of maple syrup might have to be tapped soon... (that is a real thing, by the way).
  19. Uh yeah, because they are people and not animals. That is a fairly logical place to draw a line. Your analogy sucks. You are thinking 2 dimensionally. Whales have 3 dimensions to use. Just dive deep and be safe. And whales aren't killed for fun. They are killed for food. Big difference. All the brouhaha around whales is just emotion and misplaced sensitivity.
  20. Yeah? If they are so smart and self-aware, how do they let themselves be caught and eaten by humans?
  21. OK. Sardines better? The point being that it is just food to many people, we don't need to preach or moralize about it for that reason.
  22. Different strokes for different folks. Every culture has taboos about food. Some places, dogs and rats are delicacies. Others, whale meat is a traditional source of nutrition. No difference. As long as the harvest doesn't endanger the particular species, what is the problem?
  23. Bull cookies. Whales are a protein source, nothing more. As long as endangered species aren't taken, no different than fishing for tuna. Anthropomorphizing them is foolish.
  24. Agreed. This isn't the timing to crow about partisan politics. You can love her or hate her, but Pelosi has been an astute political fixture for years.
  25. Keep crying those oh-so-delicous tears of impotent rage. The estrogen and high soy content make them even more delicious.
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