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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. The hysteria is strong in this one. According to Statista, it doesn't even make the top 10. Inflation, health care, immigration, jobs are the top 4. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1362236/most-important-voter-issues-us/
  2. It is similar to the parliamentary system that is used in a great many countries as well. Take Canada, for example. The Liberal party came in 2nd in the popular vote, but has been the government party in the last 2 elections. Pure popular vote style elections are rather rare in the G7.
  3. Really? There was no evidence presented that these acts were committed to rig an election. The prosecution was very careful to NOT say what the underlying offence was that elevated 34 minor misdemeanours to the level of felonies. The judge in his instructions said the same. If you think that the 'revelation' that Trump slept with a porn star would have scuppered his election chances, you don't know the American people very well. It may well have had the opposite effect...
  4. True. That's also why they vote on the price of milk and gasoline rather than other measures of economic prosperity. And on the cost of their mortgage/rent vs. 5 years ago. We shall see.
  5. To be honest, I don't think a lot of people will care. It is a hard crime to describe in an way that makes easy sense to a lot of people. "Trump stole money!" would be an easy one. "Trump didn't keep his books accurately and that may have been due to his worry about the election, or possibly...." is harder to use. That is why the whole discussion stops at either "convicted felon" or "34 counts!!" without any cogent explanation.
  6. You really want to play dictionary games instead of addressing the actual point?
  7. I'll take a stab. Yes, I accept the verdict. That is part of being in a free country- accepting results that you may not agree with. Now we will deal with the fallout, both legally and politically.
  8. The Democrats may have unwittingly created a martyr.
  9. Interesting that those crimes need not be brought before the court, nor does Trump have to be found guilty of them. I think that may be the basis of why people are finding it hard to follow the trail from crime to conviction. The 34 misdemeanour document falsifying counts would, under normal circumstances, be forgotten due to the statute of limitations. But...if they are associated with an underlying crime then they become felonies and can be acted on. The underlying crime doesn't need to be brought in court or judged. Just mentioned. So, Trump can be convicted of falsifying documents to cover up a crime that has not been proven or even seen light of day in court. I think that is what many people find hard to swallow. It seems a rather convoluted path.
  10. Actually, as far as I remember a couple of the fatter rioters had strokes or heart attacks and died as well. Can't be bothered to check though. No cops were killed, that I do remember.
  11. Absolutely. And now the voters can decide. Trump, warts and all, or Biden, warts and all. Compare their records as president- it is a rare thing for voters to have that opportunity.
  12. And good for Biden. He beat Trump's record. Still doesn't take away that Trump beat every other president before him.
  13. You may find that a lot of people don't care. Here is a news flash- a lot of people who will vote for Trump actually don't like him very much. But they do like how America was when he was president. So a conviction on some paper crimes won't move the needle. A lot of people comment, "oh my God! How can anyone who calls themself a Christian vote for Trump?" See above. They don't see either candidate as particularly faithful or godly, so they vote based on other issues.
  14. Could you clarify? I think your chart shows that unemployment for black workers was the lowest point ever under Trump, does it not? Lower than any other President up to that point?
  15. Perhaps. You may be right. But this, of all the indictments , is the most inoffensive and hardest for people to understand. There is no clear victim, no clear crime, etc. It is also obviously the most political in nature. So we shall see.
  16. You might want to check the numbers. Under Trump, inflation was lower, gas prices were lower, unemployment for minorities was at a historical low, housing was affordable, interest rates were lower, etc. These are the things people will remember. As for the trial, I am still trying to find the crime. He screwed around on his wife- not a crime. The whore contacted Trump's lawyer and wanted hush money- not a crime. The lawyer paid the money- not a crime. The money wasn't stolen or embezzled, AFAIK it was Trump's money. The big problem now is that the gag order put in place for the trial is no longer valid. Trump can campaign, can talk, and will appeal the conviction. Probably win that too, but at the moment it isn't important. Trump being a dirtbag is baked into the pie by this point. I don't think a papershuffling conviction will do much to tarnish his image.
  17. Also one of the worst places in the world to be a woman. Currently ranked 160 out of 170. Below Somalia and Niger and Congo. https://giwps.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/WPS-Index-2021-Summary.pdf?ref=quillette.com
  18. Nope. Hamas' raison d'etre is to kill every Jew in the world and convert the planet to Islam. Killing anyone along the way who disagrees. They don't give a rat's a55 about oppression or dignity or peace.
  19. Current polling in Gaza is in the 90% "Throw them off a roof" range. Somehow I don't think Ireland was quite the same.
  20. I guess they don't see the sad irony that their previous Taoseach (sp) would have been killed the second he set foot in Gaza or the west bank...
  21. I find that the staff often want me to sit close to other patrons, kind of 'fill in the gap' between tables. But I prefer privacy and to be alone. I have no interest in hearing other people eat or blather on about mundane issues. So when they are steering me towards a place like that, I simply point to an empty section and ask "Is there ok?" 99% of the time it is.s
  22. Interesting to an outsider (non European) how the term "far right" is used. From where I sit, far right politicians generally are not in favor of state run health care, welfare programmes, full funding for universities, etc.
  23. ...and in other news, the floating pier the Americans built to send supplies to Hamas... is no more. It broke up in heavy seas and washed ashore. $320 million spent on a piece of infrastructure that lasted a week. Nice work, Joe.
  24. Keep drinking the kool aid. The right of free speech does not include doing it on someone elses' private property, nor does it include threats and incitement to violence. Protesters who do those things deserve a good kicking.
  25. Trump being an egomaniac and narcissist isn't news. Kind of baked into the cake. But Biden, everyone's favorite uncle, doing the same thing, come on man. And of COURSE Afghanistan was somehow Trump's fault. HE gave the orders from his bunker on the 14th fairway at Mar El Lago. HE decided to try and get the withdrawl done by the 20th anniversary of 9/11 for a stupid meme. HE decided to leave billions of dollars of military equipment to the Taliban. Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.
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