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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. The obvious answer is that this problem could end tomorrow. The Hamas cowards who are burrowed under the hospital could surrender, thus saving all the civilians trapped there. But of course they won't. They prefer to use meat shields to save themselves. At least those who aren't already in Qatar, living the good life at the Sheraton.
  2. Chances are the large media organizations didn't know the score. BUT... the 'freelance journalists' they were using did seem to have unusually good access to Hamas. To the point of riding on a motorbike with them to the scene of the slaughter. Or perhaps you can believe that they were just very lucky to be 'on the spot' at the right place at the right time. The problem comes if the journalists knew the attacks were imminent, but did nothing. Did not inform anyone that a slaughter was planned. At very least, that would put their credibility in question, if not their humanity.
  3. Area a bit south near the Russian Market is interesting. Also, if you can handle it, a visit to the school/prison from the Khmer Rouge days and the killing fields seems like a necessary thing to do. Loved Siem Reap. But you need to be into history. There are very very cool temples outside the city, you need to book a private car to go. Koh Ker and Beng Melea can easily be done in a day. Beng Melea still has some land mines around though- the touristy area is limited. When we went, a young police captain volunteered to give us a "back country" tour of the temple, around the ruins and through the interior. It was fascinating, his English was good, and it was a side that others don't get to see. He was genuinely surprised that I gave him a $20 tip for his troubles, but it was well worth it. Stayed at the Royal Crown Hotel, about 35 bucks including buffet breakfast. 5 minutes' walk to pub street, laundry across the road (a dollar a kilo), and a small supermarket with 65 cent cans of beer a block away. You can rent a motor bike these days too in Cambodia, about 10 dollars a day. Great way to see the Ankor complex and the countryside.
  4. Which 'occupant' would that me? The place was a patchwork of Muslim, Jew, and Christian. Obvious good solution was to give them separate countries. Much like Pakistan and India but without the chaos (hopefully). The refugee problem was created when the Arab League chose to invade Israel instead of accepting the UN partition plan. Simply put, they wanted ALL the land and wanted the Jews to die.
  5. Gotta say, Jenin "refugee camp" is doing pretty well- there is a KFC in it!
  6. Yeah, just casual day tourists. Maybe curious to see a real dead Jew in the flesh, perhaps steal a few things, maybe desecrate a corpse or two. You know, innocent civilians that need protecting.
  7. Found a fascinating article from Honest Reporting. The photos in it show very clearly that none of the Hamas cowards were wearing any kind of discernable uniform when they were committing their crimes. So, given that, how exactly is Israel to separate the Hamas from the innocent civilians? The terrorists revel in blending in with their own people, happy to make martyrs out of the unwilling. https://honestreporting.com/photographers-without-borders-ap-reuters-pictures-of-hamas-atrocities-raise-ethical-questions/ Here they are breaking in to the Kibbutz Kfar Aza, the scene of some of the more horrific atrocities from October 7:
  8. Something at least we all can agree on. Maybe, God forbid, even putting aside the petty squabbles we get so wrapped up in here. We get to fight with keyboards, not rifles, thanks to them.
  9. Uh, yeah. I know. I have two surviving veterans in my family (brother and cousin).
  10. A moving poem and tribute, written by one of my fellow countrymen, John McCrae. Sadly didn't survive the War himself either. So, let the protesters come. And let the veterans and those who support them show how men take care of business. I could see this being a tipping point, if any Remembrance Day ceremonies are disrupted there might well be a price to pay.
  11. You may be right about Hamas, if that was their ultimate goal it may well succeed. Sadly, it shows how fragile any form of peace or co-existence really was in the area. All it took was one shove and all came tumbling down like a house of cards.
  12. They probably believe that anyone working for a Jew is even worse than the Jew. That the worker has so debased themself that they are beneath contempt and deserve whatever happens.
  13. Non combatants by the very name NON combatants dont get involved in fighting. They hunker down or escape, and curse the cowards (in this case, Hamas) who got them into the mess. Any who DO get involved, especially if not in uniform or in a recognized fighting force, are considered illegal combatants and may be subject to summary execution.
  14. There would be a ceasefire in an instant if; Hamas surrendered All hostages were released The terrorist infrastructure under Gaza was destroyed.
  15. The slaughter is 100% at the feet of Hamas. IF Israel wanted to slaughter, they would have been bombing indiscriminately since October 8. And Gaza would be flat.
  16. But what are they protesting, really? Do they favor Palestine free from Hamas terror, and then allowed to become a free country? I haven't seen too many protestors who say, "Two State Solution Now" or "Free Gaza from Hamas, then Free Elections". They all seem rather one sided and eager to see Jews die.
  17. Israel does not occupy Gaza. The last settlers left 15 years ago. Gaza has only itself to blame for coddling Hamas and giving them security.
  18. The obvious difference being that Hamas deliberately targeted civilians. THey are cowards. They could have attacked IDF bases and installations, but declined in favor of soft targets. They butchered without mercy, recorded themselves doing it, and boasted about it to the cheers of Gazans. The IDF goes out of its way to avoid killing Gazan civilians in their righteous quest to rid the world of Hamas. If genocide were the policy, Gaza would not exist today. Israel has the capability to make Gaza a parking lot in 72 hours. But instead, they are showing incredible restraint.
  19. Care to explain the terrible apartheid? The only democracy in the region, with rights for gay people and women, personal freedom, free press, etc.
  20. Israelis were giving jobs to Gazans before the Hamas terror attack. And bringing Gazan children to hospitals/clinics in Israel for treatment. So I don't think there was any systemic hatred. Unlike how the vast majority of Palestinians feel about Jews. Remember what happened when a Hamas terrorist murdered, mutilated, and paraded a young German girl through the streets of Gaza? Cheering, dancing, spitting on her corpse. Then she was beheaded. There is no terrible apartheid in Israel. If Hamas says 10,000 have been killed, it is a lie. They said 500 at the hospital when the true number was closer to 50. Why believe them when they have a history of lying, with the help of a compliant media?
  21. Yes, that is exactly it... Given Harris' voice, screeching is appropriate. Her ingrained sense of entitlement would make it happen. Her household is where she would bitch at her husband about her perceived feelings of injustice at potentially being thrown aside for another WOC as the democratic nominee. Is that so strange? Oh, and did I mention that I think Nikki Haley would be a fine nominee for the GOP? You can add that to your litany of my sexism...
  22. Actually, most Americans care about; 8% mortgages $4.00 gas $14 for a burger set at McUgly's 8 million illegal immigrants Giving money to subsidize foreign wars The economy is the number one issue for most Americans. And most Americans favor Trump on that issue.
  23. That's right. Nobody recognizes the name of the CURRENT SITTING PRESIDENT.... The problem is that they DO recognize it.
  24. Ah yes, Michelle. Whose sole qualification to be president seems to be, "I slept beside a president for 8 years". Can you imagine the screeching coming from the Kamala Harris household if Michelle Obama were actually nominated above her? Might be worth it just to see the fireworks.
  25. The difference is that one tribe has evolved, developed a democracy with rights for women and LGBT and freedoms. The other is still a medieval death cult.
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