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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 20 minutes ago, Tug said:

    Not so!!your post has a lot of truth but I and many I know have retained that youthful idealism as we raised our families made our nest eggs and tryed in our different ways to try to make things just a little bit better you go kids!!

    Which is why I said "most".


    Like you, I hope I have (mostly) retained my youthful idealism, and nearly always try to help those less fortunate than myself.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Her surrender agreement has already been kicked out twice. How can it be put to parliament again? Unless there is some collusion with Remainer Bercow, we should be out No Deal by 12 April.
    So there probably be more biased rule bending be Bercow and the meaningless vote is held again next week. Of course it will be rejected again, after it’s two previous humiliations for May. Back to a slightly delayed Brexit on 12 April.
    Her deal could only be passed if all the CON rebels are brought back under control. That’s not going to happen, so it would need LAB to change their votes. They are overwhelmingly Remainers anyway, so BRINO could suit them if the party lines change. Why was Corbyn on a Brussels trip and is now talking ‘compromise’?
    The cross party Remain plot thickens.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    "Of course it will be rejected again, after it’s two previous humiliations for May."


    Whilst I fully agree with the rest of your post, I'm not entirely sure of the above - but it is funny to see the uk MPs and the eu squirming to find a way around this.  It will be even funnier if bercow changes his mind and decides that yet another vote on the same issue is (after all....) allowed!

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  3. On 3/19/2019 at 5:33 PM, Kieran00001 said:


    They took down deatheredum.com, the running count of Leave supporters deaths.


    We know that about 600,000 old people die each year.

    We know that older people voted Leave 2 to 1.

    We know that older peoples turnout was about 80%.

    So, we can estimate that 480,000 past voters die, 320,000 of them Leave supporters, per year.


    We know that about 700,000 young people reach the legal age to vote each year.

    We know that about 65% of young people would vote in a referendum today.

    We know that of this age group 87% would vote Remain.

    So, we can estimate that 455,000 more would take part, 400,000 of them Remain supporters, per year.


    Calculating losses on both sides against gains on both sides it equates to about 1,300 to Remain per day. 

    A long delay, perhaps another two years, is a likely scenario, by which point Remain is set to be far in the lead.




    "They took down deatheredum.com, the running count of Leave supporters deaths."


    People found this offensive?  How suprising.....


    56 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    The little problem with your imaginary scenario is that they did not try to get another referendum but only posted the stats.

    Of course the website wasn't trying to get another referendum.......


    I'd also point out that "the running count of Leave supporters deaths" -  isn't a "stat", it's an offensive 'guesstimate' by those that have no shame.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Topdoc said:

    The one good point to come out of this mess is that the rot within the self-serving political class is now visible for all to see. You see, the EU has semi-corruption as one of its levers because it offers ex-MP's highly paid job opportunities with generous perks and lots of holidays, something the UK doesn't do.

    It's not so much the stupidly highly paid jobs as MEPs they are seeking, as there aren't many on offer.  It's more the consultancies/directorships etc. etc. they want from big business.....

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  5. 34 minutes ago, malt25 said:

    Let me see if I understand you correctly... You buy NZ lamb & feed it to your dog ??? I guess you're a regular lottery winner !

    ???? I wish I was a regular lottery winner!  Unfortunately, I'm just an ordinary person - who spends FAR more on food (I trust) for my dogs than myself!


    I'm probably being neurotic about it, but I don't trust Thai meat to not be full of hormones etc. ☹️.


    Yes, NZ lamb is a lot more expensive than Thai meat - but minced NZ lamb and 'bone in leg' lamb is the cheapest alternative.  IIRC, minced NZ lamb is around 300 bht per kilo, and bone in leg lamb is around 250 bht per kilo.

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  6. 25 minutes ago, tebee said:

    I'm not 100% sure she will get one.


    The Eu is so fed up with the UK not knowing what it wants, trying to split the EU and insulting the EU and Europeans, that it's starting to thing that brexit is a contagion that might be best contained by isolating it. Brexit is wasting too much of  the EU's most precious resource, time.


    They are much better prepared for no deal, and in a post no-deal brexit they do hold all the cards, whether the UK sinks into chaos  and shortages depends on how precisely they apply EU for third countries to us  

    Let's all hope you're right ????.


    But if I was a betting person, I'd bet money on the eu agreeing to an extension.....

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  7. A bonus will be that eu politicians will also (hopefully) be forced into re-thinking their expensive, wasteful practises.


    I'd hoped they would do this immediately after the uk referendum result, but it didn't happen ☹️.  Which has made clear that those hoping for 'change from within' are "looking for unicorns" (to quote a frequently repeated phrase from the odd remainer on this forum.....)

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