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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 36 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    You don't need to ... 

    Thanks for the funny comment.  I'd be the first to agree that I waste far too much time on TV - but not other 'social media'.


    Provide evidence as whilst I see all youngsters 'glued' to their 'phones, I see far less older people acting the same way.


    I agree that a large number of older people are nearly as bad as youngsters.... - but not 'cos they're glued to fb and other social media.

  2. 34 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


    I'd like to see a random 20 people stopped in the high street and asked to explain what May's deal means to them? I'd be surprised if many of them really understood it, or were clear on the difference between the withdrawal agreement and the future relationship?


    The WA gives you the breathing space to negotiate the future relationship ... but the latter is an open book ... and we could end up with anything from Norway + to Canada + ... it doesn't mean permanent customs union, although many disingenuous MP's claim that to be the case. My personal view is that the "backstop" issue is a red herring. 




    They've had nearly 3 years to talk about a trading deal, but for reasons known only to themselves - preferred to leave this as the last item on the agenda - and the may/eu deal STILL talks about negotiating a trade deal in the future!

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    I am not part of the British electorate. Can you explain to me why the EU/May deal is very bad?

    And yes, I understand it is not perfect but what is the alternative if the red lines of May need to be respected? 

    I suppose you want a no-deal. Maybe after a couple of months we can discuss again what constitutes a very bad (lack of a) deal.

    Personally, I want a trading deal before anything else is discussed!

  4. 21 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    There are a number of ways, one would be to ask MP's to suspend or revoke the rule that prohibits MP's from voting again on it.

    But then she needs to get it voted if favor of, I doubt it would succeed, but there again there are a lot of MP's wanting to see her defeated again.  



    MPs know that the electorate are very aware that the eu/may deal is very bad indeed!

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  5. 1 hour ago, Basil B said:

    So why have the Brexiteers not started There petition "Brexit Means Brexit, out on 29th, No Deal Brext Now"???


    Same when a Referendum is mentioned they have a fit the vapours, the last referendum was floored the leave campaign lied, and brexiteers know they can not fool the people twice.


    Sure the Brexiteers would get a lot of signatures but any thing like 2,25 million in just over a day???


    Sure there will be people voting who should not, and people voting multiple times using multiple names, but the vast majority will be valid signatories. 


    2,281,326 signatures Now

    IIRC they did, and the chances of actually registering a vote was just as difficult.


    But I could be wrong - it may have been trying to sign an on-line petition about frozen pensions.


    Edit - I certainly gave up after receiving an email message that indicated my post had been hacked.  My vote was certainly not registered!

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    if you had a sovereign parliament you could just totally disregard the speaker

    and his stone age rules and debate and decide on what parliament fancy


    who is the ultimate decision maker in UK, PM and Speaker or parliament?

    time to leave the medieval ages now



    I'd prefer to think the electorate - but realise that this is not the case....

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    I should add OP that unlike in the West, afterwards you will be expected to take the body away yourself. They will place it in a styrofoam container. You'll want to stop at nearest 7 11 for ice. Plan ahead for what you will then do e.g. if you have a yard dig the grave etc.

    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I suspect it depends on where you live.


    My vet asked whether I wanted my dog(s) to be cremated (with the ashes returned), or whether I preferred to bury my dog(s) in my own garden.  But I live on Phuket where there are options for pet cremation.


    I was also lucky in that my vet comes to my house for euthanisation(s).  But of course he knows the 'situation', as he's been involved since the start in operations/chemo etc.  He knows very well that when I make the final 'phone call (????) - it's because my dog is undoubtedly suffering and no longer enjoying life at all ????.

  8. 19 hours ago, malt25 said:

    Again I'd like a bit of reassurance please. Are you sure the 300 & 250 baht amounts aren't missing a zero ? You do say lamb... not mutton or camel. If I provide my own water bowl, blanket & prepared to sleep in your kennel, can I come live with you ?

    I trust you realise this is written tongue in cheek.....

    No, the costs I quoted aren't missing a zero.


    Check out Makro NZ lamb prices on minced and 'bone in leg' prices.


    My dogs don't have a kennel, they sleep wherever they want both inside and outside the house - so sorry, no kennel available ????.

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