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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 7 minutes ago, bra said:

    The flight plan submitted to the Pilots and ATC by the airline company operations section would have been to Edinburgh. The aircraft flight management system and the ATC system would have been programmed with this flight plan data. So its not a question that the flight crew and ATC were not aware where the aircraft was going.


    The flight plan of course should have been to Dusseldorf - why the error occured has yet to be explained. The airline concerned flys services daily from London City Airport to both locations.


    Its not the first time this has happened anywhere. A few years ago in Australia 2 jets of the same airline departed Sydney for Brisbane and Adelaide respectively but the Brisbane one had the Adelaide passengers and vice versa. It wasnt until one of the passengers on the flight going to Brisbane asked a FA why he could see the Pacific Ocean on the right instead of the Australian interior that the error was noticed and both aircraft then turned to their correct destinations.


    Anyway the Edinburgh passengers would have no doubt that they were in the wrong place when they disembarked at when they tried to talk with the locals. Instead of easily understood German accented English they would have been totally confused by barely understandable Scottish accented English!


    (PS although I am Australian my ancestors were from Scotland about 150 years ago - and they paid their fare!)

    None of that is reassuring.....

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  2. 1 hour ago, stephenterry said:

    The fact is, the UK is leaving the EU for any number of different reasons, least of all qualified accounts, and therefore the government should shoulder the responsibility. The only one to blame is the UK government if Brexit doesn't meet peoples expectations, not the EU. 


    I find it continuously amusing that most Brexiteers are always blaming someone else  - in this case, the EU - if things are not working out to their liking.


    Can't speak for others of course, but I blame the brit. govt. even more than the eu for this fiasco.

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  3. 3 hours ago, superal said:

    It really is crying out for someone to take the bull by the horns in an assertive and proactive way . All this pussy footing around is unbelievable . Cometh the hour cometh the man , where is he and who do you think it should be ?  has to be a Brexiteer without conflicts of interest plus knowledge of the EU workings .  He would have done a better job than May and her cronies .

    Interested in the 65k and 150k , please enlighten me .

    Unfortunately, big business are far less likely to give consultancies and directorships to MPs that supports leave.....


    And I'm pretty sure nearly everyone agrees that politicians are only interested in their 'pockets'....

  4. 5 hours ago, Loiner said:

    She’s tabling a motion at 2:30 pm today. If it’s her third meaningless vote, she must have some help from Bercow.
    One more humiliation and she’s down and out.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    "One more humiliation and she’s down and out."


    Not necessarily, as no politician wants to take on this poisoned chalice.


    Support 'leave' - and watch the number of consultancy/director jobs drop (from big business) for those who have done this.....


    Support remain, and watch the number of MPs lose their seats.....


    Having said this, I can't wait to hear her latest attempt to resurrect the eu/may deal ????.

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