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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 33 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    So on the one hand you want to be sovereign and in control of your own affairs, and then on the other hand you complain when no one is stopping you from shooting your self in the foot? 

    Please quote my entire post, but yes - one of the reasons I decided not to vote was because I trusted brit. politicians even less than eu politicians ☹️.


    If uk politicians are allowed to get away with ignoring the referendum result - they will be even worse in the future....


    If they are not allowed to 'get away' with ignoring the electorate - they will be a bit more wary in the future????.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    I'm not unhappy - we ain't leaving except in the deranged minds of fanatical Brexiteers habging onto a forlorn hope of taking back control. That ship long since sailed. 


    This is a good un......there will be no revolution ...the moment Farige realizes his epic march has begun with a 100 soggy foot soldiers.




    And you "ain't" a brexiter...


    So I ask again, for an opinion from a brexit supporter as to why they are unhappy about bercow's decision?


    Edit - Surely this is the best we could have hoped for?  Forcing both the uk and eu govts. to make it clear that they are determined to stop brexit at any cost?

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  3. Bercow has stopped yet another vote on the same issue.


    So why would the eu grant an extension other than the reason that they know 'no deal' is as bad for them as for the uk?


    Any bets on whether the eu will allow an extension - even though they've said time and time again that their 'deal' with may cannot be changed?



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  4. 11 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    50 for starters and that's due to boundary changes cause they are getting fatter and there ain't enough room on them green benches for all them fat bums. ????


    And 3 years is a long time in politics and by then all them sun readers will have forgotten who's fault it was... 

    But this thread is about Bercow's decision, and I'm still at a loss as to why leavers hate it so much.


    Edit - I've no idea how this topic has turned into a topic about sun readers....  Do you think bercow reads the sun?

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  5. 39 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

    This is not about Brexit anymore. It's about British MP's acting for their constituents, the UK and not themselves. I know everyone will say this is how it always is but, in this case, it isn't. I hope that someone down the line and after this is all over has a day of reckoning with these clowns. 


    They should vote with how their constituents voted, It's as simple as that.  What is destroying investment now is this total muppet show being enacted in the houses of parliament. 

    "I hope that someone down the line and after this is all over has a day of reckoning with these clowns."


    That "someone" would be the electorate ????.

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  6. 49 minutes ago, nontabury said:


      Go to 41mins of this video, maybe Bercow the pompous remainer, has in fact unwittingly done the British people a mighty favour.



    Thanks for posting that video as I couldn't see how Bercow's decision could possibly help remain.  (In my defense, it was very early in the a.m. when I read about it....).


    It now makes a bit more sense, but it relies on the eu granting a long extension (in the hope that uk leave sentiment will be worn down by the end of that extension) - or that MPs will vote to enact legislation ensuring that no deal is not a possibility.


    A huge gamble, that I hope he has misjudged.

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