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Posts posted by timber

  1. Proper monitoring of watersheds through adequate location of weather stations will give you the information needed for water management. Satellites sound

    very advanced,, but do not give you a proper distribution of and amount of rain, which if the information is properly analyzed, can give you the potential for flooding.

    They tell you when you have a flood not the potential for a flood. B.C. Canada does an incredible amount of digital mapping and analysis, and I am sure

    contacting the forestry department at the University of British Columbia will provide significant information of the use of digital information for land and vegetative


  2. Don't assume anything. Its a 24/7 project. My best source of lumber and phywood has been the place across from the tall hotel on the main access road to Chumphon by the traffic circle.

    Forget the name they are doing some construction on the front part of the lot currently. Probably have the biggest inventory. You might pay a cheaper rate but get lower quality.

    If you can talk to them they are pretty accommodating. I have found that the only problem with Chumphon has been the high rollers that need someone to take care of there ego's.

  3. Is the school allowed to sell booze within 300 meters of the School. At what grade does this happen? 60% of the kids

    in high school aren't capable of making this decision in a meaning way. I guess it is a way of allowing Myanmar to catch

    up to Thailand. The smart kids will teach themselves or find a way. Society needs to be concerned with the bottom

    60%, in that they need to play a meaningful role in society. Plantation crops are taking a beating, and got to get more

    kids off the farm.

  4. Cry or take a shot of whiskey. I used to have a lot of flat tires, due to the configuration of the tire and potholes. Hmmm... must of had five of them before changing tires.

    I had the spare tire under the box and it was terrible way to lower it. Of the flat tires I changed zelch. Every time I had a flat, while I was standing there getting my act together

    someone would appear from no where, and change the tire. I live in a rural area with lots of plantations and blue collar workers. Always amazed me. People would not take

    any compensation, only smile and walk away.

  5. Its not the hours of education it is the quality. It has been shown that changes in the environment strengthen alertness. Change teachers every two or three hours. Everybody in the system is bored. English can be fun. Show videos and teacher goes to sleep. The people running the system don't want to be bothered with what needs to be done. Nobody seems to be serious about education in Thailand. Get people from successful systems to come in and assess the Thai system.

  6. I am amazed at this. Younger students have a hard time with their memories and need repetition. The decrease in school time over the last five years

    has made a repetition a laugh. The students have to have a tablet, laptop, or calculator to do basic functions that are required to function in society.

    Making learning an enjoyable experience is a lot more important than giving young people more time to find ways to keep themselves busy.

    What is the goal of Thai Society? When I was a kid it was to contribute to the community in a meaningful manner.

  7. How many nations in this world have not had this happen. I think Thailand has been very lucky it has

    not happened before now, considering considering the competing factions in Thailand. It will happen

    again, as is more and more common around the world. As long at Thailand recognizes the need for appropriate

    security in the appropriate places that is all that can be done. Murphy's law's as interpreted by the Boy Scouts.

    "Be Prepared"

  8. Well despite the negative comments I see, this as a positive step. The has to be something done about the rich sitting on prime land waiting for opportunities to make a big buck.

    In business the JIT management means you are losing money by sitting on inventory, There are millions of hectares of prime land in Thailand that are unproductive. The country

    can't afford this. In North America these taxes help support the school systems, mind you, there needs to be assistance from the Stale also. Like everything else in life, use it

    or lose it.

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