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Posts posted by timber

  1. As important as the beaches are at Hua Hin, Cha Am, and the rest of that coast are to the tourist industry,

    and the frequency and chance of oil spills are, no matter what the size. It is surprising that there isn't a

    system for spill booms that can be used with little delay available on that section of coast. Doesn't take a

    rocket scientist to make a spill boom. The hotels and government have big bucks to avoid this type of thing,

    or minimize the impact.

  2. What is the education program for teaching kids? I see lots of fish boats smoking into the sunset. Vehicles still smoke a lot. There is an exhaust problem.

    What exposure is there people outside of Bangkok to pollution control? The kids in grade four English don't even know their colors.

    You do a good job on education of the kids and there is immediate pressure on the parents. Is just has to be simple and well thought out,

    Not a garbage truck of ideas. I'm not too sure how many parents even know about global warming and the importance to them and their

    families. I wouldn't know how to educate the parents on global warming and what they can do about pollution control in the rural areas.

    Although 90 % of pollution control involves vehicles and industry and I don't think that would be that difficult and long to take care of.

    Need to assess what are the priorities and spend accordingly. Proper job of monitoring and fines and pollution control would pay for itself.

    The effort to take care of the other 10% is difficult and costly. In the short term the priorities are obvious.

  3. Same problem with global warming. Big companies not willing to sacrifice opportunities for revenue.

    Common sense often sacrificed, and is hard to do with the attitude of a lot of boards of directors, C.E.O.'S and shareholders.

    Has to be tough penalties, and bad PR. VW is a good example. The people's wagon is not above a few shortcuts for good PR.

    To the NRA, they will all go out and,buy Toyota's, as if Isis uses them must be macho.

  4. So much depends on the school. Can expect almost anything. Have to feel out the chemistry of the class. Maybe for a day or do, do some introductions and word searches while you get a feel. Identify the leaders, and get them on your side and assisting. There will be fifteen or twenty percent keeners that are there to learn. There will be fifteenth to twenty percent duds that don't care, The rest depends on your teaching. Talk to the teacher, if you can, that taught them last year to get a feel for what they know and what you should be doing for the first couple of weeks. Pray with sincerity.

  5. It doesn't have to take that long to change the system. Two main points that are often left out in teaching any subject that

    are required, is the receptivity of the teachers and students. Without this nothing will ever change. Sometimes changing from

    within means more of the same. Once you have the receptivity then you just have to spend the money on existing state of the

    art media for presentation sills and techniques will reach everyone. The money required is being spent without any return on the investment already.

  6. 1. Teachers are lectures not teachers. See problems in grade three in rural areas with teachers expecting students to learn by themselves. 4 students in the class..

    2. No continuity between classes. All the teachers do their own thing. Grade four does not build on knowledge gained in grade three.

    3. Teachers are not empowered to work with the students they have. Guidelines are passed down from someone who doesn't understand the rural kids have had less exposure to than in Bangkok.

    4. Thailand doesn't seem to have any desire, or lack of funds in the public school system to stream the students. Twenty - thirty percent of the students are way more capable of learning English.

    The bottom 70% of the students severely hold back the advanced students.

    5. Class size is often too big. When it comes to English. 30% of the students should receive advanced English, and 70% less intense and street English rather than teacher English.

    6. Teachers are not empowered or accountable. Needs to be a national test to access the level of education across Thailand, with consideration or a different test for Bangkok and major centers, than

    the smaller rural areas. I find that teachers and students in rural areas don't care. The kids are smart enough, just don't have the delivery system. If you haven't been empowered, then it is a major

    move to become empowered.

    7. To do something in the immediate future, need to have a very good system of videos and interaction internet system that takes care of the needs of the students in a meaningful way. Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup.

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