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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. @simon43 Sorry, I may have gotten ahead of myself there, just remembered it should really be on it's own server, guessing all 3 of the servers you mentioned already have scripts installed? I believe it can be installed in a container but never tried it, see https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/installing-bigbluebutton-with-lxd/16231
  2. Cool, shouldn't be an issue then. Personally I don't have an instance running now or I'd let you have a play with it but if you have the time worth a shot. Shouldn't take more than a half hour or so to setup if your server meets the requirements (see here re command line setup). I used to run a Moodle based LMS with BigBlueButton integration, worked great but the powers that be (and our idiot IT department) decided (after 13 years!) that it must be better to pay for an inferior product as "Open source obviously can't be that good", the fact NATO uses a similar setup meant nothing to them ????‍♂️
  3. If you go self hosted, yes (you could say I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to these sort of things and, personally, prefer to self host where possible so my own personal bias factors into the suggestion 555). Having never dealt with China (in a website sense) unfortunately I have no experience re ping time, I would assume if you host in Singapore for example it would be faster.
  4. @simon43 Given this is your livelihood, have you thought about setting up your own system? BigBlueButton is easy to setup nowadays, open source, integrates with various LMS/CMS if required, would be on your own server therefore access from China would unlikely to be an issue.
  5. The head of Russia's Wagner mercenary group says he has raised a Russian flag over Bakhmut's city hall in Ukraine. In a night-time video, Yevgeny Prigozhin said Bakhmut was now Russian "in a legal sense".However he admitted Ukrainian forces were still concentrated in western districts. Ukraine dismissed the video as a stunt and insisted its army still holds Bakhmut - an eastern city which Russia has spent months trying to capture. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65158796
  6. There was no surprise change, when implemented they stated until 31 March, big "surprise", ended 31 March. Dispute it as much as you like. The facts are clear. Having been visiting for close to 20 years I am sure you are more than aware to take anything in any Thai (or any other) media with a large pinch of salt - until something is officially announced, plan to the reality. I did not "intimate" your border hop was a couple of days prior to your scheduled departure, why on earth would I, your potential overstay would be impossible if that was the case. I clearly stated that, based on what you had said, you are now in the situation you find yourself i.e. you will be a couple of days overstay if you don't rectify the issue by the time of your scheduled departure due to your poor planning and only receiving 30 days visa exempt. Given your travel plans and method of entry anyone with a modicum of common sense would have ensured their border hop return would be on the 31st or earlier thereby obtaining the necessary length of entry permission and not end up in your current predicament. Glad I could introduce you to something new. I certainly didn't miss the point of your post because other than whinging, with the all too often nowadays, lack of personal responsibility there is no point. If you think a few people getting pissed off at the "constantly changing of the rules" will make a dent in Thai tourism arrivals you are delusional. They may get rid of a handful of bitter old expats/snowbirds though, I'll grant you that.
  7. But he does have a history of blowing things up to garner support ... allegedly.
  8. "So glad we got a separate room for the kids and a nanny. What do you think, should we take the one with big milk or nid noi .... or should we take both?" Then poor hubby wakes up and sadly it was just a dream 555
  9. The hubby might have enjoyed it, with 3 kids I suspect it's been a while since he had two women fighting over him ????
  10. I know, it's terrible I hear some radical proposed a groundbreaking course of action, although I'm not sure "don't click the link" will catch on
  11. I very much doubt foreign families, or many foreign singles for that matter, regularly frequent Yes. Even f they do, I doubt there would be many, if any, that haven't been in a club back home when things kicked off at least once.
  12. That, and likely to claim the same reason as the French - to preserve the language. According to a French report re the same issue, "This is a battle in which the real stakes are measured in terms of both political influence and economic growth." ????‍♂️ Although I think the French are just still pissed off English became the world language and not French ????
  13. So let me get this straight, due to your own incompetence you have left yourself open to being on overstay, with the extremely small possibility of getting free accommodation in the IDC and a subsequent five year ban if you don't rectify the situation and are unlucky enough to get picked up by immigration in the couple of days prior to your scheduled flight and this, according to you, is "a nail in the coffin of tourism to Thailand "? Not only that, you make the highly dubious claim of not returning although allegedly you've been a visiting for almost 20 years. I feel for you, I really do, a terrible situation they put you in
  14. A 30 day extension on top of the visa exempt not good enough for you? A side trip. given you are "extensive travellers", and enter visa exempt again not good enough for you? A 60 day tourist visa with the option of another 30 day extension not good enough for you? A METV (close to 9 months if timed properly) not good enough for you? All I can say about your post (and others) is ... Yes, it would be nice if they kept it at 45 days, or even increased it, but the backlash on this thread is ridiculous given the plethora of options available.
  15. Looks like they haven't paid their bill ????
  16. Interesting insight into the battle for Bakhmut from a month or so ago. Obviously from a Ukraine perspective so take it for what it is. Entitled "Border guards in the defense of Bakhmut", age restricted so can only be watched directly on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuMIjSFWm80
  17. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/thai-public-hospitals-ordered-to-implement-dual-pricing-for-foreigners/
  18. Not quite, if it was the mean then yes, but not average. No doubt snowbirds are included in those figures which would skew the data.
  19. Airlines don't care about a visa per se, they know you will get 30 day visa exempt on arrival (assuming you're flying on a UK passport). They do care if you have an outward flight within that timeframe (the fact you can get a 30 day extension to the visa exempt is irrelevant). So ... i.e. if your flight isn't flexible, you can buy a throwaway ticket for approx US$10-15 or, just have it set up on your phone ready to buy if asked for at check-in (not 100% guaranteed you will be, depends on airline and airport but a very good chance you will be). For example: https://onward.flights/ https://bestonwardticket.com/ https://onwardticket.com/ https://onewayfly.com/ etc.
  20. They figured that out at the start of the epidemic. How China built facial recognition for people wearing masks https://www.ft.com/content/42415608-340c-4c0a-8c93-f22cdd4cc2d6
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