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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. You can blame that on a fine propaganda/patriot song. Wouldn't be surprised if some members on here actually remember it being released. Oh, and through in a healthy dose of using it to deliberately wind someone up which citizens of the nations mentioned are prone to do.
  2. Can't say I've personally used them but a fellow BM posted in another thread included contact details with "Nan" circled:
  3. That is only one option for a valid will, note the first sentence:
  4. As noted, it has been edited out due to the fact it is defamation as defined by Thailand's defamation laws.
  5. Arrest warrants have been issued by judges at the International Criminal Court for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Commissioner for Children's Rights. In a statement, the ICC says they are suspected of the war crime of unlawfully deporting children, from Ukraine to Russia. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-64994087
  6. Only if you don't have a valid will. How to create a valid will: https://www.samuiforsale.com/family-law/forms-of-wills-under-thai-law.html If you die intestate: https://www.samuiforsale.com/knowledge/inheritance-laws-thailand.html#:~:text=Thai inheritance laws designate intestate,equal share (section 1630).
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/11/stablecoin-usdc-breaks-dollar-peg-after-firm-reveals-it-has-3point3-billion-in-svb-exposure.html
  8. A member of a running and drinking club or as some refer to it, "A drinking club with a running problem". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_House_Harriers
  9. Are you just trolling or do you genuinely not know that has been a regular occurrence since the end of WWII? "RAF fighter jets scrambled to intercept Russian planes near UK 136 times in 17 years" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/raf-ukraine-russia-war-b2006812.html Or how about a recent example (published 5 hours ago): "RAF and German jets intercept Russian aircraft near Estonian airspace" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64960706 There have been some "fun" interceptions over the years when the situation was calmer, such as American fighter pilots holding up copies of Playboy for the Russian crew to see or "offering" them a can of Coke. It's nothing new, the difference being a "mistake" in the current climate could easily kick off a major conflict. Now is not the time for cowboy pilots pulling stupid stunts. A range of pictures from over the years: https://acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/intercepting-the-bear/
  10. "Fox News (as well as CNN and MSNBC) is not an accredited news station because no regulatory body exists in the United States that has the authority to make such a classification. " https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-news-entertainment-switch/
  11. You won't have a problem. Even if questioned the dates will line up with the border closures and they will understand what happened. If you are that worried about it, drop the Thai Embassy in your country an email explaining what happened and have a printout of their reply handy if questioned at arrivals.
  12. Some really do, others not so much. If you have some time to kill some day, have a scan through some of the videos on this YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@survey_headshot/videos/ Pinch of salt as with any of them but quite interesting hearing the opinions of Russians in the street ... even when it's a "not going to answer that question" response while looking around for secret police. Hell of a gap within the age brackets but some surprises too.
  13. Nevertheless, assistance was excepted from various nations.
  14. No they don't (with regard to the topic at hand), perhaps you need to have a more in-depth look at the agreement.
  15. 45 days until end of March - no news on it being extended to date. Correct. Not a problem either way you go, remember if you change your plans you can also get a 30 day extension if you enter visa exempt.
  16. That would be the following I believe: If you have a couple of hundred Baht credit you can use the credit to extend validity using a USSD code or via the app. See about half way down here for USSD codes https://help.mobiletopup.com/knowledge-base/how-do-i-extend-the-expiry-date-validity-of-my-sim/.
  17. Yes, ensure you activate roaming in Thailand. Up to 12 months depending on what you have done (e.g. if AIS you get another 30 days validity every top up to a maximum of 12 months). There's numerous ways e.g. using existing balance, take some vouchers/get a friend to top up and 3rd party organisations such as Ding.
  18. They missed there connecting flight out of Bangkok as their initial flight from Krabi to Bangkok was delayed.
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