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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. ???? They've caught me out a few times, one time I was still in JP (before it was sold and became JP Republic) saying goodbye to a few friends, luckily the driver called and I actually got the call as I may well have lost track of time. The driver has always been there on landing at Swampy and can't remember any time they where late picking up from anywhere else, could be just lucky I guess. My preferred flight times could well have a positive impact too, I try to get flights landing around half six in the morning and around 8-9 in the morning for flights out.
  2. https://www.namstaxiladydrivers.com/ Prices and routes as per link. Yes. I've used Nam's for a few years, only "bad" thing I can say about the service is sometimes they turn up a little too early ... which beats them being late or not turning up.
  3. No, neither did you, but I did see someone with a burger flipper/spatula. Some would come to the conclusion, if viewed without bias, he was in the middle of cooking when it kicked off and eventually went to see what the hell was going on given that logic dictates a spatula isn't the first thing you'd grab to defend yourself/attack someone with when in a kitchen stocked with far more appropriate implements if that was the intent.
  4. Nope, pressure from the Chinese allegedly, his family had already been dragged back, not a pleasant story and around 50 others still held. Edit: tracked down a report on it, his brother was taken back but his wife and kids made it to Turkey apparently (from memory I thought they'd been dragged back too) https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2023/02/24/death-of-uyghur-muslim-held-by-immigration-aziz-abdullah/
  5. Yes, 10 it is. I just hope he has the wherewithal to get a flight out quickly. An Uyghur asylum seeker (was trying to get to Malaysia) that had been in IDC for more than 9 years died in there recently, I couldn't imagine being held that long in such squalor.
  6. Yes (plus ban of course). Not quite, IDC (which is not the Bangkok Hilton). Not a place I fancy spending any time.
  7. The rich ones headed to places like Dubai: Russian influx drives up rental prices in Dubai Apartment prices were up 35% in 2022 compared with 2020, the peak of the pandemic, while villa prices have gone up by more than 50% during the same period, according to real estate agency Savills. Russian cash has been the biggest factor driving up demand for real estate, both in terms of buying and leasing, since the outbreak of the Ukraine war last year, according to Katie Burnell, associate director at Savills Middle East, based in Dubai. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-65037061
  8. "The 28-year-old female who is accused of carrying out the shooting at The Covenant School may have been a student at the school, based on "initial findings", Police Chief John Drake just said." https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-65087221
  9. That was just a Microsoft propaganda piece! Very effective too, how many people remember or have even heard of Lotus 1-2-3 nowadays ????‍♂️
  10. Extremely rare, but not unheard of ...
  11. Scum of the earth (kneecapping would be too good for them) allegedly setting up shop in increasing numbers again. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/boilerroom.asp#:~:text=The term boiler room refers,from doing any outside research.
  12. I look on it as more of a channel that can bring back some happy memories for those around at the time, a visual strolling down memory lane if you will, rather than an in-depth nightlife history channel. Similar to driving around old hometowns passing a condo block or shopping centre that was in my younger days the site of legit or underground clubs. Bittersweet at times - brings back happy memories but also the realisation I'm turning into an old fart 555
  13. I feel for you with that, much kudos to you and your medical colleagues for what must be a rollercoaster of emotions you deal(t) with. From the high of bringing back someone from the brink of death to situations like this that must be soul destroying.
  14. This guy has excellent videos on his channel (old footage and interesting history and details). The title of this particular video is a bit misleading (it covers most of Sukhumvit not just Nana) but Thermae is covered from around 4 minutes 38 seconds. They are great for a trip down memory lane but also at times somewhat sad, whether for what has now gone or for the realisation time stops for no one and for some of us our peak may well have passed.
  15. That's interesting, personally I never had a problem ... in fact wait, come to think of it, that did happen the very first time I used it (their "special" offer for new accounts really should have only been able to be used once if you ask me but I got 11 months out of it over 3 days ????). Since then only topped up 3-4 times in one go and didn't happen so slipped my mind.
  16. Yes. Arrive visa exempt: open bank account and deposit 800K asap*, if hassles opening bank account get an agent to help if needed. Apply for Non-O: Costs 2000 Bht - need 15 days left on your stay which is tight but doable (get 30 day extension on your visa exempt for 1900 Bht if necessary). The 800K has to be in bank the day you apply. Gives you 90 days. Apply for extension of stay: Costs 1900 Bht. Money has to be in the bank for 2 months at this point. Extension gives you 12 months and you then renew the extension annually (1900 Bht). Get a reentry permit at the same time (1000 Bht for single, 3800 Bht for multiple) so you can come and go as you please or leave it and pick one up at the airport on the way out if you aren't going to exit often. * or you may be thinking of going the 65K per month route with a letter from Embassy?
  17. The "TM30 nonsense" was no chore whatsoever for "regular tourists" and the vast majority of them likely didn't even know there is such a thing as a TM30.
  18. If you haven't already read it, the so called 12 point peace plan is here https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/202302/t20230224_11030713.html. All it is is stating the obvious, getting a couple of political digs and promotions in and ignores the actual main issue.
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