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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. There's many international companies that will be happy to accept US$. You seem happy with the AXA quote 555 Point is, it's not just Thailand that insists on it, countries had it even prior to Covid. Hence I feel the plethora of posts on here that go on about "insurance scam" are somewhat uneducated. https://visaguide.world/travel-insurance/countries-mandatory-travel-insurance/
  2. How does that stack up with others you've looked at? AXA is also known to cover asymptomatic if you test positive on arrival. One "gotcha" though, you got a quote for 265 days, it's single trip so could curtail travel plans if you intended to travel.
  3. Totally different thing, you're talking about actually volunteering, the "volunteer visa" being talked about here has no volunteering involved.
  4. An oft repeated phrase on here (especially the "covid insurance scam"), which ignores the fact it doesn't have to be a Thai company.
  5. Could also help if you decide joining the Pattaya flying club wasn't your best idea.
  6. @Chad3000 Meant to say above, you can find out what it would be for you on the site, the quote is instant and shown on screen. Just fill in bogus email and name details.
  7. Single, unless they hear people concerns and fix the issue! Quick and easy way to combine online: https://products.aspose.app/pdf/merger/jpg-to-jpg
  8. Check back on page 1 of this thread, I uploaded screenshots of all the pages so you can see what's required (click on them to expand and click again to open in a new tab if still having troubles reading). Depends on the site; the person I replied to has little tech knowledge in which case online is probably fastest and easiest for him. Example sites I posted are 100% kosher.
  9. Good to hear. Yeah, for some reason they've gone with graphics only. Probably easiest for you would be to convert online, plenty of sites such as https://www.ilovepdf.com/pdf_to_jpg (it will convert every page into a separate jpg then download them in a zip file). You'll also probably hit the problem of only allowing one file upload per topic, if so, combine them online for example here https://products.aspose.app/pdf/merger/jpg-to-jpg. If you end up with files too big to upload (shouldn't but just in case) compress them online for example here https://compressjpeg.com/. I have no doubt you'll breeze through (once they iron the bugs out). Good luck ????
  10. Need a booking to get the Thailand Pass (https://tp.consular.go.th/). Hotels with 1 night packages can be found at various places such as: https://asq.in.th/bangkok-test-and-go-hotels https://thaiest.com/blog/aq-hotel-1-night-packages https://www.agoda.com/quarantineth After negative test you are free to travel anywhere, with one caveat - check for any local restrictions, who knows what the deal will be in a month. Best would be flying Emirates for free insurance (but not practical unless you don't mind flying via Dubai for the pricely sum of $2490). Depends how you intend entering and how long you intend staying. If you're going to just rock up visa exempt you can get AXA (https://www.axa.co.th/en/axa-sawasdee-thailand-travel-insurance) fairly cheap e.g. 30 days: How long ago did it run out? Normal circumstances you have 12 months before starting again, during Covid the rules have been relaxed "extend the expiry date of driving licenses and allow them to be used until December 31, 2021." https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG210823111012029
  11. You're welcome, the fact you got the same problem on your phone is a bit worrying, kind of suggests it's not a browser issue but you still need to eliminate that possibility. Check the browser you have first then try Edge or Chrome (the one you don't have).
  12. No offence meant, but given the level of tech knowledge you say you possess that would be getting in way over your head and unlikely to help (it's basically a tool to see what's happening on a site to help trouble shoot issues etc.). Try a different browser on your laptop first.
  13. STV should be available, seemingly it's somewhat hidden in the eVisa dropdown but is there.
  14. What browser? Anyway, download one you don't have and give it a try. Chrome https://www.google.com.au/intl/en_au/chrome/ Edge https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge Firefox https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ Opera https://www.opera.com/download Brave https://brave.com/download/
  15. 555 not the first to suggest that tactic. When I was looking before pretty sure the policies covered it fully, but not UK based and it was health rather than travel policies I was looking at. I posted a while back the prices that a few people reported getting charged, of the top of my head can't remember all of them but one was 110K (remember that one because it was a story with a "happy ending" - guy tested positive day 1, off to hospital, fight with insurance as asymptomatic, won, released after 10 days, 5 days earlier than if he tested negative and got a full refund from the ASQ hotel - win!).
  16. That shouldn't be an issue. Depending on the quality of the code (running the website) and the browser (and version of browser) things may or may not work. What browser are you using and operating system (Apple or Windows)?
  17. That sucks, luckily it was just a couple of broken toes. I've never had to go to a hospital luckily; visited a clinic a couple of times (infected finger first time, and what turned out to be pneumonia second - only diagnosed after I left!) and although they charged like wounded bulls they never asked anything up front before treatment.
  18. @Alphim You're not having much luck there. Can you try a different browser?
  19. A few relevant snippets: "Thailand is considering slapping a 500-baht ($16.60) entry fee on tourists to help cover foreigners' unpaid medical bills, officials say." "The unpaid hospital bills of foreign tourists cost the state about 700 million baht a year, the ministry said." "The new policy might help prevent "trash" tourists from entering the country, Mr Pradit was quoted as saying." From an article written in 2013 https://www.smh.com.au/world/thailand-considers-charging-all-tourists-to-cover-unpaid-hospital-bills-20131022-2vzl0.html
  20. There is no list of FAQs (unless you click the link at the bottom), just click the button and it walks you through.
  21. During the quarantine phase people where hauled off to the hospital associated with the hotel. Most reports seemed to be around 10 days. Have seen "hospitels" mentioned since but personally haven't read any reports on them. If off to a hospital for 10 days, I think 90K Bht cover may leave you out of pocket a little ... all depends how they are going to handle things from now on.
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