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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. I think he's getting them for the wife so guessing he wouldn't care.
  2. Well that sucks, just had a look and the tab I have open in the background is now totally different if you go to it now? Replaced details with dumb infographics. This is what used to be on that URL (click to expand then click again so you can read it):
  3. Covid extension is available until 27 November (no use if coming in TR now obviously), IMO it will be extended again until end of February, after that I think they'll be finished (again, only IMO) but who knows.
  4. Do you have Social Security? If so, you don't need insurance just proof of SS.
  5. An insurance policy, with coverage clearly identified as no less than US$50,000, which should cover the cost of the treatment and other medical expenses associated with being infected with COVID-19, including in-patient hospitalisation for the whole duration in Thailand. Point 4 https://www.tatnews.org/2021/10/quarantine-free-thailand-reopening-for-vaccinated-tourists-from-1-november-2021/
  6. Non O never needed that and still don't. Non O-A, needed that (it was nothing to do with COE, it was a requirement for the visa and extension based on the visa) and it's now been replaced with the requirement for US$100,000 health cover.
  7. I'll put it simply as well, you and all the others keep banging on about a Thai scam which is nonsense and just your usual narrative. If the Covid policy had to be bought from a Thai company it may have some merit, but it never has and still doesn't. What kind of "scam" is set up to make unconnected 3rd parties money? The same people that spout this nonsense also seem ignorant of the fact there are other countries around the world that have insurance requirements for entry even before Covid. Acknowledging that fact doesn't fit their narrative.
  8. They can; it was even used as part of the justification for the changes (many media outlets reported this). Check your Embassy page and you'll likely find something similar to the below: The applicant who prefer to use health insurance policy issued by foreign insurance companies for the visa application must furnish a completed “Insurance Certificate”, as well as a copy of certificate of health insurance policy that which covers all kind of medical treatment ( both in-house patient and out-patient) and includes COVID-19 related treatment, with the minimum coverage of 3,000,000 THB during the entire period of stay in Thailand. Which is from the Canberra Embassy. There is also an "an out" for going the "self-insured" route that many claim to do; it's clear as mud and no indication how it would apply to an extension if at all. If the applicant is refused to purchase the health insurance by the insurance company, the applicant can submit additional documents as follows: (1) Letter of refusal to purchase health insurance from a Thai or foreign insurance company. (2) A copy of an up-to-date bank statement with a minimum balance of THB 3,000,000 or AUD 125,000 maintained in the bank account for 2 months prior to the application. (3) The combined of the other health insurance for the coverage of no less than THB 3,000,000. What (3) means is anybodies guess ????‍♂️
  9. Any provider, just make sure it specifies Covid cover in the policy.
  10. For a single person, it's a pain but doable, for a family, personally, I don't think I'd even contemplate it unless really necessary.
  11. What exactly are you thinking? A one way from here Thailand to Dubai then booking a return with Emirates to Thailand would work. Booking a return Thailand to Dubai won't. If all goes smoothly, tight but possible.
  12. As I said: Bottom line, they are known to be a company that covers it, they are known to have covered expenses in the situation in hand. Up to individuals what they do.
  13. On the plus side, I doubt anyone at HQ could analyse the data ... if it made it there given how shonky their apps are.
  14. Yes. Yes. When you come back, you need 1 night quarantine (under current rules) to await the entry PCR test results, then you can go wherever you want. Going straight home from the airport isn't an option. (Things could change obviously). Was looking for something else and noticed the following (no idea how old your kids are so might get away with fewer TP applications than thought): For the Exemption from Quarantine scheme, everyone aged 12 or over must submit an individual registration through Thailand Pass. Children aged under 12 can be added into their parents’ registration under the section Personal Information. https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/thailand-pass-faqs?cate=5f2916be298eeb02ac2eb389
  15. I have no idea. I'd just keep the one they told you to use, for now at least. Can't say I've read any reports of it being useful. Do they both show the same sort of things?
  16. Don't you love clarity 555 I though Thailand Plus was superseded by MorChana (MorChana is required for TP). Both seems overkill and the battery drain isn't good.
  17. Everything the same other than insurance, so PCR tests, vaccine evidence, hotel booking etc. And the cherry on the cake, all done individually.
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