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Everything posted by tandor

  1. Im not German and i never issued tickets
  2. Police are regularly patrolling; they can't be everywhere due to staffing. Occasionally they have special 'actions'. (You can volunteer if you wish).
  3. good luck to your wife.
  4. Im sure he will.
  5. Sexual assault, incest, indecent assaults, carnal knowledge, molestation occurs in every country no matter what their economic status is. Its a disease of Society!
  6. Hmm!...we have NEVER needed one million Thai baht in the bank.
  7. you're off to a flying start. (PS. its NASA), or a typo for a Nasal Spray Company.
  8. weight for Age..very judgemental
  9. closer to God than the rest of us
  10. Alex can get a ride home with Sergey.
  11. nice depressed cheekbone fracture he's sporting...bet that hurts!
  12. what Nationality was this chap (homeless foreigner).
  13. feeling nervous eh!
  14. i thought any bar..they're full of back-stabbers. ????
  15. ...seems he finished his number 'two' and asked them to wipe his botty and pull his pants up...that's when it all went to whatsaname and got lost in translation...poor chap...how degrading
  16. ...why make reference to his fathers occupation...I suppose there was 'an ill-wind blowing'. (suck it up sunshine)
  17. https://earthsky.org/sun/sun-activity-solar-flare-cme-aurora-updates/
  18. 30 miles per hour = 48.2803 kilometres per hour
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