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Posts posted by Zikomat

  1. 1 minute ago, baansgr said:

    Nobody in Thailand is dying of hunger. They may have to eat rice and fish sauce instead of KFC or Pizza but this isn't drought stricken Africa. Food is plentiful in Thailand and a meal can be made for a few baht

    The ones who might really need some help are the lonely farangs in Pattaya and BKK who are probably on overstay without families and friends to help them. But you will not get social media and other publicity by helping these people. 

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  2. 17 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    Yes, but understandable... my wife also has a ton of friends and family and most all are long term relations and all are easy for me to get along with too... that is part of the nice aspect of living here... Thai people are friendly and fun to be around and non-confrontational and easy to be with... 

    Try to stop paying for them left and right. Even better - tell them you are a bankrupt. Then wait and see what happens.

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    1 hour ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    I would argue that merely giving things away to strangers is not a nice gesture, more a fool hardy endeavor that labels you an easy target.

    The more you give to Thais for free - the less respect you get from them eventually. And yes, my personal experience with the Thai people is limited by the Pattaya girls and their Isaan relatives. Some of us, foreigners in this country, have an illusion that we can get a good attitude of the locals by showing them our compassion and generosity. Big mistake. 


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  4. 16 hours ago, connda said:

    Self-sufficiency is still in the generational memory of Thai villages.  Shops and markets are still open.  Some wear masks, some don't.  Entire villages are not dying of the plague.  On the contrary, people are still working, money is still flowing through the community, the poorest members are being helped by individuals within the community with the means to help.  Sharing keeps the village alive and vibrant.  The familial interconnection within the villages keeps a check on the power of a single individual or individuals from issuing repressive "dictates" as has happened in the cities.  
    Villages are doing fine.  Hopefully the city-slickers will stay the hell away.

    I wonder what all those pattaya-returnees (girls) are doing currently in their villages? Working hard for the prosperity of theIr local communities?

    I think it was exactly the ‘self-sufficiency’ which for decades provided a steady supply of the fresh girls to the places like Pattaya and Phuket.



  5. 10 hours ago, Almer said:

    My thai wife 50 can recall many days without food in her school years, which is why if you can find a middle aged thai woman to look after she will reward you daily with love  and kindness, but no, many go for the 20 year old bar girl who has a good financial living and wonder why it all went wrong after 36 months when the  isuzu is paid off.

    I would still prefer 36 months with the 20 year old to 360 months with the 50 year old.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    And again it is happening! Unbelievable! I was congratulating for doing a good work, for all the people they already saved and also hoped they keep it up.

    Why is is my gratulation wrong?
    Where did you read that we already have overcome the problems with the virus? 
    Why would I ask them to keep up the good work if it was already done?

     We don’t know if certain human actions have led to these results and not some environmental or other factors. I personally witnessed the quite late reaction of the local government with the hordes of the Chinese still visiting Thailand in February. I think you are just trolling. 


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  7. 3 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Why, with new infections of only 30/day surely some restrictions an be eased, and focus moved to testing, tracking and contact tracing. At some point restarting the economy will be more important... else there will be more than 30 deaths/day from suicide and crime!

    Because we still don't know a lot of things about the virus at the moment. So additional caution is a must. 

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  8. 39 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    Anyone who has ever worked behind the bar and had to stay sober and clear headed, will be well aware that alcohol and 'social distancing' are mutually exclusive. I've seen it many times.


    The bigger problem is that "social life" and "social distancing" are mutually exclusive. And you don't get social distancing only by prohibiting alcohol, smoking and prostitution. People will still interact and interact a lot even without all this "evil stuff".


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  9. 1 minute ago, jadee said:

    What I want to know is, what are all the working girls doing now? Have they done back home? Are they still working but online? How to meet them? Thanks


    I think the only option to meet them now is online (specialized websites). Many of them have returned home. But some have stayed. 

  10. 1 hour ago, allanos said:

    Comprehension not your strong point?


    This is what was written in the body of the text:


    "Perhaps this is the time that a new, softer kind of Nationalism takes hold, where countries become self-reliant again, their citizens become proud of them without being sneered at, and which will perhaps go part way to reining in a despotic regime like China's".


    World war not mentioned! 

    Ever since WW2 there was one and strong trend for globalization. Claiming we have to go back to what was there before it - takes us straight to the most bloody war in the history of mankind. That was a good lesson of what Nationalism can lead us all to.

  11. 3 hours ago, crobe said:

    I am looking forward to when they remove the night curfew and allow the bars and restaurants to open again so that I can take a walk around Pattaya in the evening and see exactly what the impact has been.

    I would expect a lot of small bars on the side sois may not open again and there will be a general thinning out of entertainment places. Will be interesting to see if the "Russian" clubs survive on Walking Street.

    The tourism situation is mainly out of Thailand's hands as it will depend on bilateral agreements to reopen flights, and restrictions such as 14-day quarantine will kill any hope of short-term holidaymakers, so if there is no normalisation before the end of the year Pattaya could be permanently damaged.


    I cannot agree with the posters who always pop up saying what a bad place Pattaya is and it is good that it is shut down - it provides a lot of employment for people, not just bar girls but hotel staff, restaurant staff, taxi drivers, etc. etc. etc.

    Trying to replace what Pattaya is famous for with more upscale and family-friendly attractions is possible but it takes time.

    Of course there is one quick fix which would rejuvenate Pattaya, spur a new development phase and bring in the tourists and money, but the government will not do it - and that is to legalise casinos (for expats only of course).


    Almost no bars or agogos will be reopened even if the will be allowed to do so in May or June. There are no customers in Pattaya and you don’t just open the bar for it being open. End of 2021 - the most optimistic date for any kind of Pattaya recover.

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