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Posts posted by Zikomat

  1. 56 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    Make sure that the HuaHin officer understands that this is your FIRST extension, which means that you are entitled to the 30-day or 60-day (in case of married to thai national) with relatively little documentation to support your application.

    Those who already used their extension, and need to apply for 'the emergency extension-stay because of covid-19 situation' are less lucky because instead of making it easy for those now 'trapped' in Thailand, IO managed to make it far more difficult.


    They treat those in need for the second extension as overstayers even if their visa has not expired yet. I have heard many times that many of the Thai people lack what is called a compassion. People in trouble are treated like criminals.

  2. 8 minutes ago, TJR1981 said:

    Yep number 10 is ridiculous. They gave us that form yesterday when we went to the immigration in Laem Ngop.  We live in Maehongson and are just down here on vacation away from the smoke up north. Not quite sure how we are supposed to make number 10 happen. 


    According to the document a friend sent us in Chiang Mai the attached is the only thing you need to fill out for the extension up in Chiang Mai.


    These are specifics of Thailand. The different immigration offices have different requirements for the same type of visa extension. Which leads me to think that most of the troubles we face in places like Jomtien or Trat have a root in not so high level government officers’ voluntary decisions.



  3. 28 minutes ago, sapson said:


     They state in the beginning that these are the requirements for people “who were affected by Covid and CANNOT DEPART”.  So what if one who cannot depart at the moment and also cannot fulfill their idiotic requirements - what is this person supposed to do? Isn’t the fact that the person is stuck in this place already enough to provide him with some kind of legal solution? What the photo in the bathroom and the interrogation of the home owner in person has to do with the legal status of the person who has no other options but to stay in Thailand? An absolute absurd.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, greggraham said:

    No news today then? Hmmm. 

    The extension reqs at the Jomtien immigration before Covid:


    1. Hotel payment slip


    The reqs at the Jomtien immigration during Covid epidemics:


    1. Letter from the embassy (in color)

    2. Payment slip from hotel booked for one month at least.

    3. the letter from the hotel boss/manager guaranteeing your stay for the booked period. Promise of punishment to those who fail to fulfill that guarantee.

    4. numerous photos made by farang inside the property he has booked. Photo inside the room, photo outside the hotel etc.


    Now, what good news are we naively waiting for when in reality we are presented with the bad news on a daily basis?


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  5. 7 minutes ago, jimmjam said:

    so this is your second extension on the tourist visa? they are obviously playing hardball with a lot of people, I read in another post they wanted pictures of the residence with the person stood outside it.

    in these times they should be making things easier.

    what a joke.

    They actually should not. Look around - these days governments all over the world restrict, prohibit, close etc. Why should it be any different with the Immigration? They just follow the trend. 
    By the way, most of the Thais still think that foreigners are the main spreaders of the virus in Thailand. This is from my own experience.

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  6. 35 minutes ago, berrec said:

    Re: while foreigners who have entered the Kingdom of Thailand for a temporary stay are unable to return to their domicile or leave the Kingdom.


    I thought we were all here as temporary stays in Thailand whether tourists or temporary residents, the reason we jump through hoops with all this useless paperwork every time we need to reapply for a temporary visa stay in the Kingdom each year. 


    So would not this June visa waiver apply to all of us? 


    BTW I often wonder why Thai Immigration force such a heavy handed requirement on us for a lot of the useless  paperwork we need to supply for visas.  


    I have often thought they think we are all as corrupt as they are! 


    My explanation of the Thai immigration tightening the screws in times of Covid is it this a natural bureaucratic  reaction of the governments whenever they see any social danger. Globalism, open borders, less paperwork etc - all these things will be hardly hit by this crisis. Since the idea of defending against the virus is to seclude and divide - then it is something natural that we see more and more stringent requirements from the government instead of making things easier and more open to everyone. Definitely bad times for the individual rights.

  7. 1 minute ago, PST said:

    I wasnt referring to anyone in person, i meant in general, not you

    Not in person and not in general - I have not heard immigration asking people to leave the country. I personally have a letter from my embassy stating that I am unable to return to my country at the moment. Still I was not able to get the extension. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, UdonRoy said:

    Yes, you a right they did mention this. They said they were taken by surprise by how many people visited immigration and they will attempt to provide a better service by opening temporary offices if required. Something like that anyway. 

    I am doing my best guys, please dont moan at me. This document is confusing (wow, who would of thought it) but we are trying to translate it in the way it is meant. 

    More offices for more people. This is exactly what we need now. Until they state that there is no need to visit their damned offices anymore - until then I doubt anything will really change. Just more bureaucracy, more requirements, more troubles.

  9. 44 minutes ago, UdonRoy said:



    And immigrations stance as of right now is "have letter or you get nothing, conversation over".



     I got the embassy letter clearly stating that I am unable to return to my country at the moment. IO barely looked at it. Instead she asked me for confirmation of my residence which must include the hotel manager’s personal guarantee of my stay. Can you imagine somebody who knows me for a couple of minutes taking the risk and giving me an official paper with the guarantee? I would not even try to ask for it.

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