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Posts posted by fulhamster

  1. 27 minutes ago, allane said:

    A friend of mine travelled from Bangkok to Surin by bus  on Apr. 24.  To the best of my knowledge, nothing has changed since then.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that as he left the bus, he was asked to provide his name and phone number.  Presumably this was so he could be notified if any of his fellow passengers became Covid positive.

    There was no requirement, or even a suggestion that he self-quarantine.

    Thanks, that seems the usual requirement.

    So perhaps there are checkpoints on roads to collect car passenger info ?

  2. Will need to drive from Pattaya to Surin in the next week.

    Does anyone know if there are currently any restrictions,  bearing in mind we are setting off from Chonburi which is a red zone. 

    Thanks for any info

  3. 1 hour ago, tlandtday said:

    I have a full knowledge of golf.   Are you telling me there are no courses 3 hole, 18 hole in thailand that allow the use of no carts and the golfers can choose to walk?  I think  you need to brush up on your knowledge of Thai golf courses.  Just because there happens to be one you use that does this or that does not by any means indicate that others are the same.

    Very few courses around Pattaya will allow you to walk.

    Compulsory single carts at most.

  4. 21 hours ago, tlandtday said:

    Good replies this confirms that the strategy employed is not consistent.  If two people sitting outside a condo is a violation than four people riding in a golf court must be no different?  Why the exception for golf courses?

    Golf courses won't allow 4 people on a cart.

    Now you have to have your own, and the caddy must drive !!

    The courses now make double on cart revenue - except for those who walk (where courses will allow)

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, newnative said:

         The plan's not going anywhere with the 70% locals vaccinated requirement.  No way 70% will be vaccinated by October with the dismal vaccination track record so far.  I'll never, never understand the idea that Thailand could take its sweet old time with its vaccination program because its infections were low.   

        Maybe that would make a bit of sense if it was a closed country that NO international tourists visited.  It makes no sense whatsoever when you are a country with an economy 20% based on tourism and you need to get your citizens vaccinated before you can re-open.   From the first day vaccines were ready Thailand should have been laser-focused on obtaining as much product as it could as fast as it could--at whatever cost.  

         Here we are in May already.  Still no sense of urgency whatsoever. Maybe 1% vaccinated?  Plodding along in slow-motion.  All the eggs in the shaky, local AZ basket.  Approvals for new vaccines to be allowed to be imported still apparently need at least a month to review.  Why?  What's to 'review' when the vaccines have already been approved by other countries and used by the millions? And, why a month?  So some bureaucrat can show how important he is?  Madness. 

    "Maybe 1% vaccinated? "


    Any guesses which 1%  ??

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    they are doing front line workers first.  But I'm sure the hi so politicians are getting in there.  I've heard the police are also getting them, following that outbreak a few weeks ago.  Next up will be workers in the tourism biz.  Not many, but a few are being doled out.

    Sounds about right, but zero information being given to residents.

    Most workers in Pattaya tourism are currently back in the villages, will be interesting how they will manage that

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, JayClay said:


    I'm willing to bet that, unlike a lot of members of the TV posse, the majority of Thais have probably long since forgotten the remarks to which you refer...

    A friend recently had to go up to the village, when he got out of the car all the locals ran away screaming "Covid, covid, disease"

    Wonder who told them that ?

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

    Or where it is?

    Google shows that it's Blue Canyon in, err, Phuket.

    The 1500 is surprisingly all-inclusive of gf, cart & caddy.


    Do they have any idea of the papework and covid tests required to actually get into Phuket at the moment ??

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