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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Just correcting your errors which prove you can't read the post you replied to
  2. More evidence of hospitals used as Hamas hostage centers. Another hostage reveals her experience to CNN of her and her 2 young daughters while held hostage in Gaza. After 16 days being held in an apartment with a local family she was transferred to a hospital in Khan Younis. There she met other hostages also being held. Freed Israeli hostage says she endured ‘psychological warfare’ during 50 days of Hamas captivity After 16 days, Asher and her daughters were taken from the apartment to what she described as a “so-called” hospital in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis. Why “so-called”? Because a hospital is “a place that is supposed to take care of people, but instead it was taken over by Hamas and they used it to hide hostages,” Asher said. The Israeli military has repeatedly said Hamas hides terrorist infrastructure in and around civilian institutions in Gaza, such as hospitals – a claim denied by the militant group. The US has said that Hamas used the Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza, as a command center and a place to hold hostages. Asher did not say where she was held. Asher was joined by other hostages in the hospital complex – the first captives she had met since being taken into Gaza. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/04/middleeast/israel-hostage-doron-katz-asher-interview-hamas-gaza-intl
  3. I suspect the IDF will have them on a strict diet of just 3 meals a day from now on
  4. The Whitehouse never said it was a farce, that was me....... Read my post again. The rest of your response is a another rustled up word salad from you chef.
  5. The Whitehouse opinion on this farce from South Africa: @WhiteHouse National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby dismisses South Africa’s accusation against Israel: “We find this submission meritless, counterproductive, completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.”
  6. Its not what your article said, its what you said. The complete opposite to the truth. Have you read my linked article yet: Warning its an Israeli media so will be pro Israel, however as with UN Watch it carries the facts I know what this means: "did not violate their rules of engagement" (from you and not any article) I know what this means: "soldiers clearly violating the rules of engagement" (from the IDF investigation and linked article)
  7. I have no need to address anything more than I did when I first responded, that was you made up claim that "the IDF it was noted that the killing of the first 2 hostages did not violate their rules of engagement" When the fact is that it clearly did, what do you find difficult to understand about that? IDF said that despite the soldiers clearly violating the rules of engagement Perhaps you need to read the linked article I posted
  8. Your claim, your link does not support that claim, In the latest report from the IDF it was noted that the killing of the first 2 hostages did not violate their rules of engagement. In other words, it's OK to kill 3 half naked men carrying a white flag. Maybe that does comport with international law? Simply not true: "In publishing the results of its final probe into the issue, the IDF said that despite the soldiers clearly violating the rules of engagement – by firing on persons who presented no immediate danger and were waving a white flag – the enormous complexity of the circumstances led to no immediate punishment. IDF sources suggested that once the war was over it was possible that disciplinary or other action might theoretically be taken against some of the soldiers involved, but in the meantime the soldiers are being left to continue to fight in the field." https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-779923
  9. Jeez, get it back on topic and back to this again. Its was not intended to support any claims, pure deflection on your part. You've stretched that to death, provided plenty of evidence of its facts and reliability, all you've done is criticize it based on it being pro Israel, so what? Its reliable and credit worthy. Better remain on topic
  10. 27th Oct link, yet you made the claim yesterday. That report is out of date and there are 2 openings now and plenty of aid traveling through
  11. Which brings us nicely back on topic after all that deflection Exclusive: Hamas, Islamic Jihad accused of using child soldiers in war against Israel EXCLUSIVE - Israel’s army recently found damning documents, video footage and photographs of Palestinian children used by two U.S.-designated terrorist organizations, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as trained fighters. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) told Fox News Digital that the material seized in Gaza's Khan Younes during the ongoing war is recent and reveals "the involvement of minors in terrorist activities." The IDF added that a telling example of Hamas’ exploitation of Palestinian kids was, "The transfer of explosives from place to place in Gaza by children, in vegetable bags and placing them in the Hamas ambushes." https://www.foxnews.com/world/exclusive-hamas-islamic-jihad-accused-using-child-soldiers-war-against-israel
  12. You may want to read my post again, you've ignored it all. Including links to your claims
  13. It maybe better to post to me directly when talking about. It may appear as trolling otherwise.
  14. WE can drill down into details of all sources for ever and a day. The fact is that its a credible source and also accepted as such on this forum: The group has been praised by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan,[8][9] and the Director General of the UN Office in Geneva Sergei Ordzhonikidze has acknowledged "the valuable work of UN Watch in support of the just application of values and principles of the United Nations Charter and support for human rights for all."[10] Agence France-Presse has described UN Watch both as "a lobby group with strong ties to Israel"[11] and as a group which "champion[s] human rights worldwide". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Watch You may also want to take a look at who sits on their advisory board: https://unwatch.org/about-us/mission-history/ However deflecting, I provide links and I am still waiting for links to these claims "Buit as time goes by and Israel allows only a fraction of food supplies to enter Gaza, what to you think is going to happen? " or that the killing of the first 2 hostages did not violate their rules of engagement
  15. Yes UN Watch: Failed Fact Checks None in the Last 5 years (removed a fact check listed here because it was not a direct fact check of UN Watch) NGO Monitor Failed Fact Checks None found by third-party fact-checkers. Please lets not try to discredit Kofi.
  16. COGAT is bias but to insinuate its unreliable has no foundation in fact and the video I link I posted above the original source is on IDF. Now of course your going to complain that IDF is unreliable. News for you, Hamas is also bias but you swallow whole the daily death figures. You seem to be confused, the Health Authorities in Gaza is Hamas. Does that report also separate out the Terrorist fighters that were killed? Thought not, well over 8,000. UN WATCH is good enough for me, and it also appears its good enough for Kofi Annan and 100's of other NGO's and rights groups, it gets to something that al you've got left is a feeble attempt attacking messengers that contain facts, is it bias, of course it is, does it cite facts, yes. “I deeply appreciate the valuable work performed by UN Watch. Informed and independent evaluation of the United Nations’ activities will prove a vital source as we seek to adapt the Organization to the needs of a changing world.” — Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General https://twitter.com/UNWatch/status/1520656596673646592 When are you going to provide a citation to back up your claim that: "Buit as time goes by and Israel allows only a fraction of food supplies to enter Gaza, what to you think is going to happen? " or that the killing of the first 2 hostages did not violate their rules of engagement
  17. Radwan quite the neighborhood for terrorists, 37 buildings within the civilian population IDF captures Hamas stronghold in heart of residential neighborhood in Gaza City Hamas’s so-called Eastern Outpost is made up of 37 buildings “in the heart of the civilian population,” surrounded by residential buildings, a school, and a hospital, with a mosque in the complex used as a meeting point for Hamas operatives, according to the IDF. It says the “strategic” stronghold was used by Hamas’s intelligence division and other units of the terror group to “manage the fighting in the entire Gaza Strip.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-captures-hamas-stronghold-in-heart-of-residential-neighborhood-in-gaza-city/ Video of fighting in buildings and tunnels: https://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1742153687110128046
  18. What better way to bring up your children in Gaza than get them used to tunnel life as a terrorist: https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1742571281462051002
  19. I assume you're not going to acknowledge the false claim you made?
  20. So you missed in my post this sentence referencing COGAT "Take a look at the Israel Gov Agency that is responsible for aid truck entries regards inspections etc. They have all the data and evidence." You really need to read a little more of the post before insinuating this was not made explicit rather than then going on as if this was something hidden that you had to reveal. Besides which, its direct source with data and links. Or perhaps you prefer the UN despite: UNRWA Misinformation on 2023 Israel/Hamas War 3. Difficulty in Distributing Aid in Gaza is Caused by Israel (@UNRWA, December 23, 2023) UNRWA Tweet: “We are not able to distribute as much food as we should – simply because it’s a sky full of airstrikes & there’s very little supplies we’re allowed to bring in” @JulietteTouma @RTERadio1: It’s been 10 very long weeks of brutal, brutal war in #Gaza UN Watch Comment: This tweet directly blames Israeli airstrikes for difficulties distributing aid in Gaza. It fails to mention that Hamas actively prevents distribution of aid. Specifically the tweet omits that Hamas gunmen stole humanitarian aid as they beat the Gazans attempting to get the aid and that Hamas operatives commandeered aid trucks carrying food, water, medicine, and fuel. UNRWA tweets never name or condemn Hamas. According to a Gazan civilian, Hamas itself controls UNRWA inside Gaza and steals humanitarian supplies for itself. https://unwatch.org/unrwa-misinformation-on-2023-israel-hamas-war/ I also notice you glossed over your BBC 10th Dec report where WFP insisted a second border crossing is now needed to meet demand. Yet a second border crossing has been open for over 2 weeks now. What you didn't believe COGAT? Ok how about Reuters: Aid enters Gaza through Israel's Kerem Shalom crossing for first time in war https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/aid-enters-gaza-through-israels-kerem-shalom-crossing-first-time-war-2023-12-17/ Still waiting for you to back up this claim: "Buit as time goes by and Israel allows only a fraction of food supplies to enter Gaza, what to you think is going to happen? "
  21. Withdrawing some troops for breaks does not mean the kill count of terrorists stops! Troops have killed ‘many’ Hamas operatives in close-quarters combat, IDF says The IDF releases footage of troops of the Givati Brigade battling Hamas gunmen in the Khan Younis area. Givati troops have killed “many” Hamas operatives in close-quarters combat as well as located dozens of tunnel shafts, the IDF says. The video released by the IDF shows Givati soldiers clashing with Hamas gunmen in Bani Suheila, on the outskirts of Khan Younis. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/troops-have-killed-many-hamas-operatives-in-close-quarters-combat-idf-says/
  22. Mossad chief: Those who took part in Oct. 7 massacre signed their own death warrant https://www.timesofisrael.com/mossad-chief-those-who-took-part-in-oct-7-massacre-signed-their-own-death-warrant/
  23. From your BBC report, which is dated 10th Dec "the WFP insists a second border crossing is now needed to meet demand." The second border crossing has been open now for weeks, the problems are logistics with all the aid that is coming through, the UN confirms 12 of the 13 aid bottlenecks depends on the UN. https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1742248597377208646
  24. Buit as time goes by and Israel allows only a fraction of food supplies to enter Gaza, what to you think is going to happen? This is just not true, Israel allows as much aid trucks including food as are delivered to get through, they are not stopping any food from getting through. The problems are not quantity but logistics and the stealing of aid by Hamas. Its not new, it was well documented in the 2014 war in Gaza about Hamas stealing food trucks to then sell them at high profit. They are doing the same now and even shooting at civilians that try to stop them. The UN has been saying people are on the point of or are starving for weeks, where is the evidence of this? You really need to look at which UN agencies on the ground are reporting this and why. The UNRWA who are well known to be infiltrated by Hamas supporters receives a lot of this aid to its Schools and refugee centers. Take a look at the Israel Gov Agency that is responsible for aid truck entries regards inspections etc. They have all the data and evidence. https://govextra.gov.il/cogat/humanitarian-efforts/home/ Some images that show fresh markets etc from the above X account https://twitter.com/cogatonline
  25. The bombing has damaged Byzantine churches and ancient mosques, factories and apartment buildings, shopping malls and luxury hotels, theaters and schools. Much of the water, electrical, communications and healthcare infrastructure that made Gaza function is beyond repair." So it wasnt quite the open air prison that so many said it was then? Luxury hotels, theaters..................I've seen some of those beachside hotels, had Hams used its money for Gaza instead of tunnels, military equipment and enriching itself Gaza could have begun to prosper. Terrible about the water infrastructure too but then Hamas never really cared for it, instead it stole the water pipes to make rockets and proudly boasted about it in videos.
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