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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. They are not idiots, they identify as Nazi's and should be treated with contempt for the hatred and evil they spew. Since when is it only the dems anyway. Or has the New York Post also been a Dem publication? Nazi protesters show up outside young conservatives meeting in Florida “Carrying the Nazi flag, or that of the SS, the unit responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the Holocaust, is an indefensible act of pure hatred,” Igel said in a statement. “This isn’t about politics or religion. It’s about humanity.” https://nypost.com/2022/07/24/nazi-protesters-show-up-outside-young-conservatives-meeting/
  2. Since last year there's still been nothing from DeSantis Why Won’t Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Denounce His Neo-Nazi Supporters? Florida politicians and local Jewish leaders are demanding Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis condemn a group of neo-Nazis who congregated outside a Tampa convention center over the weekend, passing out anti-Semitic propaganda and displaying swastikas alongside flags that read “DeSantis Country.” “We may disagree on policies, but if we as leaders don’t denounce neo-Nazis and white supremacists in our state, in our country, what are we doing here?” said Florida Agriculture Commissioner and gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried, who is Jewish, during a press conference, “I am asking you, Ron DeSantis, to denounce the Nazis that were here, here to celebrate you speech inside this convention center, they were holding your pictures yesterday.” In addition to DeSantis, other high-profile Student Action Summit attendees — including former President Donald Trump, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) — have also stayed silent on the matter. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-neo-nazi-turning-point-usa-florida-conference-1388015/
  3. I agree that people change their mind as society changes, my point in my first response to you.
  4. Oh I don't know, changing your mind on fundamental values of abortion is one I can think of in a past president you mentioned
  5. I'm not bringing Trump into it, you are and so it would be off topic for me to bring in all the times Trump has changed his mind on policies.
  6. You need to work on your maths, 1996 was nearer 26 years ago and yes people's opinions change as society changes its outlook. Name me one politician who's not changed their mind?
  7. Not if you take the average from all polls, in fact its the opposite. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/
  8. International Criminal Court starts investigation into destroyed Nova Kakhovka dam President Volodymyr Zelensky said on June 11 that the International Criminal Court had already launched an investigation following Russia's destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Kherson Oblast on June 6. According to the president, court representatives have already visited Kherson Oblast and saw “with their own eyes the consequences of this Russian terrorist attack and heard for themselves that Russian terror continues.” “The most cynical and brutal shelling of the flooded territory continues,” Zelensky said. https://news.yahoo.com/international-criminal-court-starts-investigation-212048225.html
  9. There have been a few attacks on civilians evacuating, a UN staff member at one of them has also called it out. Here's a couple of more heart warming tweets that shows another side of the devastation, not so much human but also the animals. Whats that saying? Something along the lines of a country is judged by how they treat animals
  10. Because more than 80% of Ukrainians don't want to be occupied by the Russians and do not want to give away their own country.
  11. Fact check: Democratic Party did not found the KKK, did not start the Civil War https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/30/fact-check-democratic-party-did-not-found-kkk-start-civil-war/3253803001/
  12. Its a worrying trend, not confined to the groups above. 'This is neo-Nazi ideology on display': Is Florida in danger of being taken over by the far-right? Just a short drive from Disney World, a far-right group harassed Jewish worshippers leaving a synagogue, hurling antisemitic abuse at them through a megaphone. It leaves observers asking, does Florida have a neo-Nazi problem? Orlando has been hit by a rash of antisemitic incidents, with Florida becoming, according to one expert, "ground zero for the extreme right-wing". https://news.sky.com/story/this-is-neo-nazi-ideology-on-display-is-florida-in-danger-of-being-taken-over-by-the-far-right-12835558 In Florida, far-right groups look to seize the moment This demonstration might not seem like much, but for these far-right groups, it's a way to punch above their weight and get noticed. "What we're really going for is people putting it on social media and spreading it around and pushing the conversation in the public arena," Nunes says. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/10/1158344050/florida-far-right-extremism-politics-desantis Florida Neo-Nazis Find Anti-Drag Mania Is a Recruitment Tool A neo-Nazi group in Florida says the right-wing hysteria about drag performances has been an effective recruitment tool. “What we have seen is certain types of activism definitely gets interest and recruitment up. And that’s where like the drag queen <deleted> — like everybody wants to be a part of the team shutting that down,” Josh Nunes, leader of National Socialist Florida, recently told NPR. https://www.advocate.com/news/neo-nazis-florida-drag
  13. Just what families and children want to see when they go on a trip to Disney World, filth like this.
  14. In an interview with Roger Stone yesterday Trump called Bill Barr a gutless pig....lol After attacking his former attorney general on Truth Social for his assessment that he is “toast” following his federal indictment, Donald Trump lashed out at Bill Barr three times during a sprawling interview on Roger Stone’s first radio show. Having called him a “gutless pig” online and told his followers to switch off Fox News anytime Mr Barr is a guest, the former president kept the attacks going during his chat with Mr Stone on WABC. Trump Calls For Protests Over Latest Indictment in Interview With Roger Stone
  15. One things for sure, she can't deny the tapes...................lol 'Those tapes are my tapes!' Trump enraged by Jack Smith's evidence against him During an interview on Sunday with host Roger Stone, Trump responded to reports indicating he admitted he did not declassify some documents before leaving office with them. Those recordings are reportedly in the hands of special counsel Jack Smith. Trump complained that President Joe Biden "probably doesn't have tapes" incriminating himself. "I have tapes of the FBI during the raid. I didn't put them out because I was asked not to by them," he ranted. "But I have tapes of the raid by FBI. You want to see some tapes? Those are tapes." https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-tapes/
  16. Absolutely, the responsibility of parents is of the upmost importance when raising children, as is the importance of a good quality education that covers life's subjects that they will be subjected to. Fortunately my children in the UK received both and went onto attend Uni. My daughter here is still going through that process. Here in Thailand she has also had these subjects within the curriculum, its an international school. Its been a great help so she can then discuss further with me at home.
  17. Not for my children, being taught inclusion and non discrimination has benefited them immensely. The time spent is not a 2 year block by the way, its just a few lessons within their whole school life on this. That's all it takes to learn to be non prejudice.
  18. Correct in the UK they embrace teaching this within the curriculum. The Welsh government's RSE code says from the age of seven pupils will be taught "an awareness of how positive and negative social and cultural norms regarding sex, gender and sexuality influence relationships and behaviours". Lord Justice Males added that diversity and inclusion were "fundamental" to British society. https://news.sky.com/story/sex-education-campaigners-lose-bid-to-appeal-high-court-ruling-in-battle-against-welsh-government-policy-12898659
  19. If it was just one message online then it would not be as significant, but it is not, there are multiple links in this topic to the violent rhetoric been promoted. The security services are rightly planning for any eventuality.
  20. The very same right wing National Review also wrote this yesterday: The Trump Indictment Is Damning " it is impossible to read the indictment against Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case and not be appalled at the way he handled classified documents as an ex-president, and responded to the attempt by federal authorities to reclaim them." "Once Trump was no longer president, he had no right to these materials. He stored them recklessly — not in a secured space that had been approved to handle classified documents, but, farcically, in places including his bedroom, a bathroom, and a ballroom. This was within his Mar-a-Lago Club that has hosted events for tens of thousands of people within the roughly year and a half that the documents were in his possession." https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/06/the-trump-indictment-is-damning/ It goes on, its quite damning of Trump and his corrupt behaviour in this case.
  21. An LGBTQ flag was burned at an elementary school in Southern California this month ahead of a Pride event, and police are investigating the incident as a hate crime https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/lgbtq-flag-burned-california-elementary-school-ahead-pride-event-rcna87083
  22. Talking about well known names, there's a video of Kari Lake giving this beauty going round twitter: “If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me,” said Lake, a staunch Trump ally who lost her 2022 bid for governor. Most of those Trump voters, she pointedly added, are “card-carrying members” of the National Rifle Association. “That’s not a threat. That’s a public service announcement,” she said. “We will not let you lay a finger on President Trump. Frankly, now is the time to cling to our guns and our religion.” https://www.ajc.com/politics/kari-lake-on-indictment-you-will-not-lay-a-finger-on-president-trump/MMN42LXFBFAI3OLFITJY7TPIHE/
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