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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Wait in your previous reply you said: But yes if the situation was reversed as you described then we would pick the male residential social worker and the white foster carers. (so long as the child agreed if age appropriate)
  2. Yes they are very sound examples of affirmative action, ones taken daily in the social sector.
  3. It really depends on the situation. In its most basic form, if there are 3 different foster care couples that need to be interviewed to look after a black child, if the potential carers are all around the same in terms of skills and other factors then we would always pick a black couple first so long as the child agreed if they are of the age to agree. Or if we are looking for a social worker for an all girls children home that is under represented in female residential social workers then of those who fit the same criteria we would go for a female pick. There's lots of examples where affirmative action is required to fit the individual cases.
  4. I wish! One of my favourite restaurants when I go back to the UK and also on the few occasions I've visited Malaysia. They also do a delicious Pastel de nata (Portuguese custard tart)
  5. May be in your experience but not in mine, interviewing 100's of people over a few years in the social care sector. Affirmative action in the case I described is not necessarily to take into account race but can also take into account sex and culture.
  6. No, I agree, not the same with college admissions but relevant to the post I was replying to.
  7. You're assuming a person hired for a job will be the only one out of a group of interviewees who was the best qualified at all times. In reality that's not the case, often when recruiting for a post you come by 2 or 3 people who are all suitably qualified regardless of race/colour. The decision then is which one? If you are recruiting in a low diversity area or organization then it could be said that taking affirmative action in that case is more than justified.
  8. They must be on the growing list of VIP Wagner members, 30 of them identified so far Russian Gen. Sergey Surovikin was secret VIP member of Wagner, documents show Documents shared exclusively with CNN suggest that Russian Gen. Sergey Surovikin was a secret VIP member of the Wagner private military company. The documents, obtained by the Russian investigative Dossier Center, showed that Surovikin had a personal registration number with Wagner. Surovikin is listed along with at least 30 other senior Russian military and intelligence officials, who the Dossier Center said are also VIP Wagner members. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-29-23/h_f3cb66107686a173d74307a8cb8775b8
  9. Some good news for Ukraine following that so called Russian mutiny: The loss of this aircraft is likely to have a negative impact on Russian air and land operations. In the short term the psychological shock of losing a large number of aircrew in this manner will almost certainly damage morale within the Russian Aerospace Force. In the longer term, there is a possibility that current tasking levels may have to be reduced to safely manage the remaining fleet. This will likely undermine Russia's ability to command and coordinate its forces, particularly during periods of high tempo operations. https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1674296770250113026
  10. The United States has had the highest economic growth in the G7 since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, with its economy 5.4 percent larger in the first quarter of 2023, when compared with the fourth quarter of 2019 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1392678/g7-gdp-growth-since-covid-19-pandemic/
  11. Lighten up, its ok, I'm sure Jesse didn't mean it.............lol
  12. No he's just the one making fun of the president, then gaff's himself. As I said, the irony.
  13. Oh the irony with Fox. While making fun of Biden's gaff they do the exact same thing:
  14. Not sure its so easy to claim they are the most most transparent administration in American history but Biden's administration is certainly more transparent than the previous one where Trump made White House visitor logs secret breaking with Obama's initiative to make them public when he was in office.
  15. Fox News (LOL) are suggesting Trump leaked the audio himself............ Fox News host suggests Trump may have leaked audio in classified documents case Fox News host Steve Doocy suggested former President Trump may have been behind the leak of an audio recording showing Trump talking about his handling of classified documents. “You know what? If Trump thinks it’s an exoneration of him, perhaps somebody on his side actually did the leaking to CNN and Maggie Haberman,” Doocy said Tuesday morning. “That makes sense,” co-host Brian Kilmeade chimed in. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4069757-fox-news-host-suggests-trump-may-have-leaked-audio-in-classified-documents-case/
  16. I'm starting to think that nobody actually knows, which is quite possible considering the number of lies told regarding this subject But you said yourself you can't be bothered even when given the links that give the answers from people who do know.
  17. I wouldn't mind betting that the people Trump was talking to in this audio are part of the 80 odd included in the prosecution witness list.
  18. My first link supplied to you contained the sub link to the complete WHO list of variants but as you say, if you're too lazy to research it then there's nothing more to be said, don't forget the sub lineages of each major variant in your quest to tot it all up.
  19. I buy the original sauces in Villa Mart: https://shop.villamarket.com/product/220785
  20. This is about as clear as possible: Omicron, Delta, Alpha, and More: What To Know About the Coronavirus Variants A quick guide to the coronavirus variants that have been top-of-mind. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/covid-19-variants-of-concern-omicron
  21. https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/alpha-omicron-everything-you-need-know-about-coronavirus-variants-concern All info contained within
  22. Actually Alpha was more deadly than original strain, then Delta brought it up another notch so that's two.
  23. Is it because you are not selecting the option in tools and click the large image size when searching. It seems to work ok for me when I do that. When I open in new tab its large:
  24. Indeed, here's a few examples: Since the committee began hosting prime-time hearings in June, the nonprofit Advance Democracy has identified a tide of vitriol targeting key witnesses and prominent Jan. 6 committee lawmakers on online forums with reputations for fostering extremism and right-wing views. They include Gab, the .win forums and Truth Social, former president Donald Trump’s social media company. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/10/12/online-threats-insurrection-witnesses-/ Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers Election officials and their families are living with threats of hanging, firing squads, torture and bomb blasts, interviews and documents reveal. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-georgia-threats/
  25. Interesting, listen to Trump, one of the actual audio's cited in the indictments, this has a little more info. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/26/donald-trump-classified-documents-recording-pentagon-iran
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