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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. So whats it to be Russia? The bridge committed suicide The bridge was just re organizing itself Another goodwill gesture Or do we have another explanation until the truth is officially released?
  2. The cop led of life of rule breaking while in the RTP, no consequences for his actions for over 2 years, carried on displaying violence and intimidation for all that time. It doesn't take a genius to realise that this learned behaviour sanctioned by officials who did nothing for 2 years led him to think he was above the law. After 2 years he was finally sacked but too late, damage done. My opinion only but basic psychology 101.
  3. Well actually i was not referring to you but since you've identified with it then sure you can be added to one of those I was referring to
  4. I started what? At what point did I bring in other hypothetical senarios?
  5. They were far from successful in routing him out, it took two years and why are the police having a full review of their procedures now if they felt they've got nothing to learn?
  6. Yes I know and why the Police have promised a full review of their procedures
  7. Ok well I do understand that a police officer who while serving repeatedly annoyed colleagues and the public with belligerent behavior including shooting while drunk and shooting a dog dead. should draw the attention as to why this was allowed to go on for so long, particularly since he had another court case due the day after he carried out the attack.
  8. Yes but I could also go to other countries and cite different cases where cops are immediately suspended, this is about this cop in Thailand
  9. May be because in 2019 while a serving police officer it was discovered that Panya was in possession of yaba (meth amphetamine mixed with caffeine) and he was prosecuted for possession. But it was not until January of this year that he was suspended and then sacked in June. He still was getting his drugs from another ex cop
  10. Its certainly funny that some prominent posters have made this thread their home due to their hatred of Biden, forgetting that Trump was much worse when rambling off script.
  11. Yea right, what about Russian media then are they also gaslighting........???? Russian state TV says traps are being set up for those who try to leave Russia to evade mobilization
  12. The same institute, SAS world rankings per capita 50: Thailand 15.1 per 100 people 142: Philippines 3.6 per 100 people
  13. Did'nt Prayut mention transistor radio and battries a couple of days ago re the floods. May be he knows something we don't. Lol
  14. Ukraine war: Biden says nuclear risk highest since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis The risk of a nuclear "Armageddon" is at its highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, US President Joe Biden has said. Mr Biden said Russia's President Vladimir Putin was "not joking" when he spoke of using tactical nuclear weapons after suffering setbacks in Ukraine. However, the US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan last week said that, despite Moscow's nuclear hints, the US had seen no signs that Russia was imminently preparing to use a nuclear weapon. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63167947
  15. Putin and the prince: fears in west as Russia and Saudi Arabia deepen ties Nearly eight months into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, relations between Riyadh and Moscow are at a high point. As much of Europe, the US and the UK double down on attempts to combat an ever more menacing Russian leader, Prince Mohammed has instead chosen to deepen ties. “Putin sees this as new world order stuff, and thinks he can bring MBS along with him,” said the British official. “The Saudis sit on a very powerful asset in oil, which still has a strategic role to play. Don’t write off carbon as a political tool for decades. MBS knows the optics of being seen to help out Putin, but he doesn’t care. Neither are progressive liberals. They see leadership through the same lens.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/05/putin-mohammed-bin-salman-russia-saudi-arabia-deepen-ties
  16. Kim's last letter to Trump, kinda of broke of their love affair ???? “As of now, it is very difficult for me and my people to understand the decision and behavior of you and South Korean authorities,” read Kim’s letter, dated Aug. 5, 2019. Kim expressed how “offended” he was by the “paranoid” war exercises jointly conducted by the U.S. and South Korean soldiers. “As your excellency indicated at some point, we have a strong military … and it is a matter of common knowledge that the [South Korean] armed forces are no match for our military,” Kim added.
  17. Yes read that, heavy rain and a broken down school bus fortunately led to many less children there than should have been
  18. Aren't there normally packs of soi dogs at many temples? Perhaps those monks could leave his body to them.
  19. Guns are rampant in Thailand, even if mass shootings aren’t. But Thailand, a majority Buddhist country of about 69 million, has some of Asia’s highest rates of gun ownership and gun homicide. It is also a key underground market for firearms in Southeast Asia, and experts say that many unregistered weapons have been brought in from neighboring countries. “Thailand is seen as the region’s principal arms black market, followed by Cambodia and Vietnam,” according to gunpolicy.org. Mass shootings are rare in Thailand, but in a country with millions of firearms, the authorities have long worried about the potential for more gun violence. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/06/world/asia/thailand-shootings-guns-firearms.html
  20. Ukraine's New Offensive Is Fueled by Captured Russian Weapons “The Russians no longer have a firepower advantage. We smashed up all their artillery units before launching the offensive, and then we started to move ahead so fast that they didn’t even have time to fuel up and load their tanks,” said the officer. “They just fled and left everything behind.” Combined with weapons taken during Russia’s retreat from Kyiv and other parts of northern Ukraine in April, these recent gains have turned Moscow into by far the largest supplier of heavy weapons for Ukraine, well ahead of the U.S. or other allies in sheer numbers, according to open-source intelligence analysts. Western-provided weapons, though, are usually more advanced and precise. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-s-new-offensive-is-fueled-by-captured-russian-weapons/ar-AA12CIDc
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