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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Splits definitely going on The Wagner Private Military Company today launched its own private Telegram channel, indicating that Wagner financier Yevgeny Prigozhin may want a voice that is clearly his own to compete with milbloggers and possibly Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov. https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-october-6 RIFTS OPEN UP AT THE TOP In an unprecedented sign of infighting in the higher echelons of the government, the Kremlin-backed regional leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has scathingly criticized the top military brass, accusing them of incompetence and nepotism. Kadyrov blamed Col. Gen. Alexander Lapin for failing to secure supplies and reinforcements for his troops that led to their retreat from Lyman. He declared that the general deserves to be stripped of his rank and sent to the front line as a private to “wash off his shame with his blood.” https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-6ef2407371c67f0736459378833fab7a
  2. LOL, this is just a leak, he's not even been charged yet and you've got him down as guilty already and speculating on pardons!
  3. Oh don't, that's heartbreaking.....???? The only ray of hope is that the child will recover in time both physically and emotionally
  4. If thats your only takeaway from my post then you missed entirely the message. So I will leave it there.
  5. My wife tried to show me photos of the scene as it broke, I saw one, that was enough, didn't want to see anymore, awful unimaginable horror. My heart goes out to the victims, survivors, friends and families involved.
  6. Maybe a timely reminder on why Russia started this and how it would like to end it! This piece and video is not some, tv pundit, lowly official or journalist but Russian General and Deputy Defense Committee Chairman Vladimir Shamanov, one of Putin's henchmen The script below is from me copying what he said from the video in parts but its English subtitled to. It echos Putin's Peter the Great Speech where its clearly not anything to do with NATO "Our nation was built through territorial enlargement outside of the boundaries of our nation, regardless of the nationality, that person is Russian. We stand far apart from other nations, surpassing all others, our superiority is recognized worldwide We'll need to take 20 - 40 years changing one or two generations to fully uproot this disease, it won't be easy, it has to be under our control, no need to delude ourselves that somebody else will do this for us. Thinking Ukrainians would greet us with flowers was one of the main mistakes, we felt it in the first 5 days. We don't know the future mindset of the population, or our future relations with neighbouring countries. A long time period is ahead of us when we will be the only ones present in Ukraine, because we have to fully demilitarize Ukraine and this is not a simple issue, it will take 5 to 10 years. Secondly its denazification which will be happening simultaneously and the formation of the government." Deputy Defense Committee Chairman Vladimir Shamanov talks about Russia's horrific plans for Ukraine Alternative sources Daily Beast Daily Express Putin's general unveils horrifying 20-year genocidal plot to 'uproot disease' of Ukraine
  7. I echoed a similar statement a couple of pages back unfortunately he's persistent, probably best to ignore further posts by him. I've reported one just now.
  8. Welcome to the censorship & control of state media in China, Russia and NK, here and now
  9. I don't respect anyone that constantly lies, be it Trump, Putin or John Doe
  10. All well established tactics of the 50 cent troll army. Mix in a few facts, intermingled with incoherent rubbish, sow doubt, add some whataboutism, derail anything that does not fit in with their agenda and presto, job done
  11. Due respect to someone who lies? I don't think so, or did you not know that Obama never took 30 million pages of classified documents, these records were given to NARA in 2017, upon the end of Obama’s term, and they remain in NARA’s sole custody.
  12. So that's a no then, you didn't know what was in your own article and yes I did, are you feeling ok
  13. Oh lord, you post an article and then don't even know whats in it..................here again for you
  14. At times of war I'm pretty sure military manufacturers always make huge amounts of money, its been that way since year dot. Considering Russia is reduced to going to North Korea for shells and Iran for drones then others are also benefiting along with Russia's own military machine that's attempting to ramp up their depleted arms
  15. Yes indeed and in your article it refers to the the previous statement as I did, thanks. Pity he condemns it after the fact when the vast majority of the developed world had already sided with Ukraine. Earlier this week, Mr Trump irked some Republican party members by describing Mr Putin's actions in Ukraine, where cities have been pounded by Russian artillery and cruise missiles, as "genius" and "pretty savvy".
  16. So you were just wondering out loud not expecting a response....You said: "Maybe the Ukraine war wouldn’t have happened if he was still president. We will never know." My reply was on point:
  17. Get a grip man. This is what Trump said: Trump said he saw the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis on TV “and I said: ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.” The former US president said that the Russian president had made a “smart move” by sending “the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen” to the area. I see the NARA said he's still not given back his letters from dictator Kim Jong Un yet either.
  18. Very simply because you are again derailing a thread and on top of that taking out of context Trumps votes without including Bidens historic win. Accusations of trolling should be addressed and reported to moderators.
  19. According to this OP its about National Archives saying Trump still has more docs, my thoughts on the Schiff or a judge's wife have no bearing on this
  20. 80+ million votes for Biden in the same elections, the most in history ever too
  21. They'll be stabilised when Putin and his murderers are kicked out completely. He should also remind his State Duma Defense Committee that not agreeing with him can lead to an unexpected fall from a high rise. Putin vows to 'stabilise' annexed regions as Ukraine makes gains In a speech to teachers on Russian teachers' day, Mr Putin said he would "calmly develop" the annexed territories. But Andrey Kartopolov, the chairman of the State Duma defence committee, told state media that Russia needed to stop lying about what was happening on the battlefield, saying that Russians were not stupid. Ukrainian forces are making gains in both the south and the east. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63149156 Here's some reality for Putin direct from the Ukraine Ministry of Defense. Great vid showing his potential recruits fleeing Russia for their lives, also a warning for those that don't possess basic life saving instincts
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