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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yes but you said you have to see a doctor. Anyway https://onlinedoctor.lloydspharmacy.com/uk/contraception https://www.lovima.com/
  2. Some fail to see that most would be alive today had they not caught covid. Vaccine misinformation caused so many unnecessary deaths.
  3. Not necessarily, they can have a consolation with the pharmacist who can also dispense them. Contraceptive pills are available to buy over the counter in pharmacies for the first time in the UK. https://news.sky.com/story/contraceptive-pill-can-be-bought-over-the-counter-in-uk-pharmacies-for-the-first-time-12364140
  4. Are you being serious? They did not serve Trump with a subpoena, they served him with a warrant. This warrant was backed by an affidavit.
  5. He's got a history for revealing classified intel, this from 2017: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html
  6. You're ignoring the facts that have been stated many times on why their are redactions While you continue to do that you are doing nothing but ranting.
  7. Calm down buddy, wait till it goes to trial and most of its closed to the public, you need a little more energy left for your hysteria......
  8. Looks like this delay tactic may go through: Judge plans to appoint special master in Trump records case A federal judge in Florida told the Justice Department on Saturday to provide her with more specific information about the classified records removed from former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate and said it was her “preliminary intent” to appoint a special master in the case. The special master appointment, if it happens, is unlikely to significantly affect the direction of the Justice Department investigation, though it’s possible an outside review of the documents could slow the probe down. https://apnews.com/article/florida-government-and-politics-1cc6c63010da10a19fb8cfc8595ffe38
  9. Nothing makes me feel better about people using bankruptcy on a regular basis to stop paying loans and bills yet keep themselves rich
  10. Trumps a master at not paying off loans, 6 businesses so far that declared bankruptcy because they couldn’t pay their bills. How the Bankruptcy Laws Helped Donald Trump Stay Rich
  11. Powerful piece by the editorial board of the New York Times detailing many of the cases against Trump including this latest Investigation Donald Trump Is Not Above the Law Mr. Trump’s actions as a public official, like no others since the Civil War, attacked the heart of our system of government. He used the power of his office to subvert the rule of law. If we hesitate to call those actions and their perpetrator criminal, then we are saying he is above the law and giving license to future presidents to do whatever they want. https://web.archive.org/web/20220826194000/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/opinion/trump-documents-jan-6-prosecute.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/opinion/trump-documents-jan-6-prosecute.html
  12. Ukraine train system attacks may be war crimes, experts say While Russia claimed that it had targeted the train because it was carrying Ukrainian troops and equipment on Wednesday, an Associated Press reporter on the ground said there was no visible indication that Ukrainian troops were among the dead, who included children. If civilians were the target, experts said Thursday, the attack could be considered a war crime. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crimes-government-and-politics-0abd99fd89a62042287341e88758d32f
  13. I would say that depends on the circumstance and I am sure there can be context around it where it is used in a derogatory manner but generally I don't think it is. Not sure its used on a daily basis either, never heard my Thai wife or any of her friends say it despite most of them having children to foreign husbands
  14. Both of the above and possibly to hide info damaging to him personally.
  15. I agree with that, my daughter here in Thailand is British/Thai however the term referred to, "luk-krueng" for want of a better word, is not as far as I'm aware derogatory, not according to this thread anyway: https://aseannow.com/topic/746771-what-do-thai-people-think-about-luk-kreung/
  16. The federal judge who bounced back this motion and appeared to join other legal experts in their bafflement over what specifically Trump was looking for gave Trump and his team till the 26th August to re submit....Oh well more B.S. from him
  17. Good example of the concerns on who was able to make their way into Mar-a-lago The FBI has launched an investigation into a Russian-speaking Ukrainian immigrant named Inna Yashchyshyn, who allegedly posed as a member of the Rothschild banking family to gain access to former President Donald Trump's inner circle at Mar-a-Lago, according to reporting from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. The FBI investigation appears focused on whether Yashchyshyn was part of a broader criminal network that attempted to make inroads with politicians and businessmen, according to the report–investigators have reportedly obtained two fake “Anna de Rothschild” passports as part of the probe. https://web.archive.org/web/20220827005006/https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/08/26/russian-speaking-immigrant-allegedly-entered-mar-a-lago-using-fake-identity-met-with-trump-report-says/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/08/26/russian-speaking-immigrant-allegedly-entered-mar-a-lago-using-fake-identity-met-with-trump-report-says/
  18. Yep and there's more than one "Safety of civilian witnesses"
  19. Bucha set the stage for their ongoing mass crimes and murders of civilians
  20. Maybe ask Trump why he put in a student loan Forgiveness program in 2020 Suspended payments count toward the Public Service Loan Forgiveness programs. If you are enrolled in the PSLF program, you will receive credit for a payment each month, even if you chose not to make one. That last bullet point is HUGE for those participating in the PSLF program. They are being credited with at least 18 months of payments (out of the 120 needed in the program) whether they made payments or not. https://www.debt.org/students/loan-forgiveness/
  21. Whataboutery....lol Would you care to explain how Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven, Vern Buchanan had over $2.3 million in PPP loans forgiven, Markwayne Mullin had over $1.4 million in PPP loans forgiven, Kevin Hern had over $1 million in PPP loans forgiven, Mike Kelly had $987,237 in PPP loans forgiven and Matt Gaetz had $482,321 in PPP loans forgiven. Yet they hypocritically are some of the biggest and outspoken critics of this proposal by Biden?
  22. Whitehouse trolling some of the Hypocrites.............. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven. Greene: "For our government just to say ok your debt is completely forgiven.. it’s completely unfair" Congressman Vern Buchanan had over $2.3 million in PPP loans forgiven. Buchanan "Biden’s reckless, unilateral student loan giveaway is unfair to the 87 percent of Americans without student loan debt and those who played by the rules." Congressman Markwayne Mullin had over $1.4 million in PPP loans forgiven. Mullin "We do not need farmers and ranchers, small business owners, and teachers in Oklahoma paying the debts of Ivy League lawyers and doctors across the U.S." Congressman Kevin Hern had over $1 million in PPP loans forgiven. Hern "To recap, in the last two weeks, the "Party of the People" has supercharged the IRS to go after working-class Americans, raised their taxes, and forced them to pay for other people's college degrees." Congressman Mike Kelly had $987,237 in PPP loans forgiven. Kelly "Asking plumbers and carpenters to pay off the loans of Wall Street advisors and lawyers isn’t just unfair. It’s also bad policy." Congressman Matt Gaetz had $482,321 in PPP loans forgiven. Gaetz "Everyone knows that in a $60 Billion+ European land war, it's always the last $3 Billion that kicks in the door"
  23. Republicans are in a panic about the student loan forgiveness plan because 43 million people directly benefit, and their parents, spouses, and children all indirectly benefit as well. Their attacks on it only makes it worse for them, but they have nothing else in their playbook. ????
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