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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I believe you're right but unfortunately to get a good comparison the road accident/death figures will not be revealed for another year or so, too late for those who have already suffered.
  2. LOL, you do love to cast the US as the villains and war mongers in this unprovoked illegal invasion by Russia. So if Russia uses a tactical nuclear warhead killing hundreds if not thousands in Ukraine then it would be the fault of the US's deliberate experiment due to their lack of care for the lives of Ukrainians. Honestly you really do live in an alternate reality
  3. You've got that the wrong way round comrade, you made an unsubstantiated claim. I have no need to find links to disprove it so pointless discussing further.
  4. Are you trying to imply that the US wants to provoke a nuclear war?
  5. Or you could go direct to the source with the latest update on the 24th June direct from IAEA which I posted yesterday for you. Update 82 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/pressreleases/update-82-iaea-director-general-statement-on-situation-in-ukraine
  6. New, damning allegations about the final days of Donald Trump's presidency have emerged during the latest hearing about the Capitol riots. One committee member said the latest revelations made Watergate - one of the biggest scandals in US political history - look like "a cub scout meeting". https://news.sky.com/story/capitol-riot-hearing-white-house-brawl-a-call-to-arms-twitter-workers-fears-about-trump-tweet-12650989
  7. ???? #ElonMusk responded to Former US President Donald #Trump’s comments over the weekend that Musk was not going to buy #Twitter and that he had got himself a mess.
  8. Well there's a surprise.................... Putin set to visit Iran next week MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Iran next week, the Kremlin said Tuesday, a day after the U.S. warned that Tehran could provide Moscow with drones for its action in Ukraine. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-iran-turkey-82923dbd64f26caa0339b00cd92d1a4d
  9. Yes your remark was misleading, completely out of context with no links and different to what I said so please don't bring me into your misleading statements, you may want to look at the fact check I also posted. As for censorship yes the Russian's are good at this: VIDEO: Head of RT News Margarita Simonyan admits that for 10 years or more, she's been dreaming about censorship, banning Western media and Russia becoming like China by achieving total information control. Most of all, Simonyan doesn't want the idea of freedom to ever come back to Moscow.
  10. Very misleading. It was of concern and the reason it was of concern is that the power plant is under Russian control: "Mr Grossi added that the IAEA is seeking to visit Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station, under occupation by Russian forces, to verify that the 30,000 kg of plutonium and 40,000 kg of enriched uranium stored there have not been deviated for other uses." Yes you did miss an update on the 24th June direct from IAEA and Grossi where again he expressed his concern because of the Russian control of the plant: “The situation at this major nuclear power plant is clearly untenable. We are informed that Ukrainian staff are operating the facility under extremely stressful conditions while the site is under the control of Russian armed forces. The recent reports are very troubling and further deepen my concern about the well-being of personnel there,” he said. Further underlining the necessity of an IAEA-led mission travelling to the facility in southern Ukraine, several other safety and security pillars have also been compromised at the ZNPP in recent months, including those regarding the physical integrity of nuclear facilities, secure off-site power supplies, and uninterrupted logistical supply chains, he said. In relation to safeguards, IAEA inspectors and safeguards technicians must carry out important verification activities at the site, where large amounts of nuclear material are present. https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/pressreleases/update-82-iaea-director-general-statement-on-situation-in-ukraine Also, here's a fact check for you: Russian media also write that Rafael Grossi has expressed fears that several hundred kilograms of nuclear-weapons materials could disappear from the nuclear power plant. This is not true: IAEA Director did not say that. https://voxukraine.org/en/false-there-are-30-tons-of-plutonium-and-40-tons-of-enriched-uranium-stored-at-the-zaporizhzhia-npp-which-can-be-used-to-create-weapons/
  11. You've now lost all credibilty in your argument when coming out with that rubbish.
  12. Perhaps the president knows more than you when he mentioned it. Why would he need to go into details.
  13. Who said its fake? I think you want it to be fake but you cannot prove that to be the case. Just as it cannot be proven to be true, so back to my original post to you: "Personally I air on the side of caution on the possibility that it is true. To argue against something that could well have happened seems extremely immoral top me."
  14. Russia's desperation and limited options in supplying weapons for its war in Ukraine now has it going to Iran. One state sponsor of terrorism to another. Iran preparing to send ‘several hundred’ drones to Russia, Sullivan says The Iranian government is preparing to send “several hundred” drones, including some equipped with weapons, to Russia at some point in July, national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters Monday. Russian troops could be trained to use the technology quickly, said Michael Kofman, a research program director in the Russia Studies Program at the Center for Naval Analyses. “We will continue to do our part to help sustain the effective defense of Ukraine and to help the Ukrainians show that the Russian effort to try to wipe Ukraine off the map cannot succeed.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/11/iran-uav-drones-russia-00045195
  15. I just hope to god that if its true the ordeal of having to travel to another state for an abortion did not add to the already horrific experience she went through just because of some extremely in just law that has put the US back years in rights for women and children
  16. No not curious, I have no morbid fascination with delving into the details of what could be another horrible tragic crime against a minor. As far as I'm concerned this case true or not is a very good example of the injustice of this law.
  17. I'm not forgetting anything, a doctor is obliged to report it to a local social welfare agency charged with protecting children, not the police.
  18. You're very keen to dismiss this story yet rape is the most under reported crime and only 12% of child sexual abuse is reported, just because there's no police report in this case does not mean it didn't happen and the issue being it highlights the complete injustice that can occur. Personally I air on the side of caution on the possibility that it is true. To argue against something that could well have happened seems extremely immoral top me.
  19. More feel good news that no doubt feels even better for the Ukrainians: “If the Russians think they can outlast the Ukrainians, they need to rethink that,” the official said. “We are already pivoting towards thinking about what the Ukrainians will need in the months and years ahead.” https://www.defensenews.com/land/2022/07/08/us-to-send-more-himars-precision-rockets-to-ukraine/ Ukraine’s Defense Minister Says It Has ‘Passed Test’ on New U.S. Guided Rockets, Needs More Himars launchers that can reach far behind enemy lines are a game-changer, says Oleksii Reznikov https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraines-defense-minister-says-it-has-passed-test-on-new-u-s-guided-rockets-needs-more-11657455388 Russia suffers ‘wild shell hunger’ as Ukraine hits arms depots with long-range Western rockets Russia is running short of ammunition for its armies fighting in Donbas after Ukraine hit several arms depots with new Western long-range artillery https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/russia-suffers-wild-shell-hunger-as-ukraine-hits-arms-depots-with-long-range-western-rockets/ar-AAZq8IM
  20. The article is there but nobody can read it being behind a paywall and in German plus its claim that "United States and its European allies will likely hold silent consultations on the diplomatic resolution of the Ukraine conflict" Is hardly a revelation, ongoing discussions on a diplomatic deal have probably been going on daily since 24th Feb. Your own opinion piece "I highly doubt the Ukrainians are invited to these talks." is also hardly a revelation based on your previous posts.
  21. All negotiations are a prelude to a diplomatic deal, thats how the majority of wars end but I see you've posted another article and claim with no link with claimed sources being a journalist and ex diplomat: Die Welt: US and European allies likely to hold tacit consultations on a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Ukraine MOSCOW, 9 July/ Radio Sputnik. The United States and its European allies will likely hold silent consultations on the diplomatic resolution of the Ukraine conflict. think Former American diplomat John Kornblum and German journalist Rüdiger Lenz in an article for Die Welt. “Secret consultations between the United States and its key European allies seem to continue to consider diplomatic avenues to end the war,” the article says. https://newsunrolled.com/world/55863.html
  22. Strange because your linked article is referencing a poll funded by the WSJ and carried out by (NORC) at the University of Chicago. It has no link to the article from the WSJ or the actual poll. So for some clarity, here is what it actually found direct from WSJ, there is no mention of the claims from your article. WSJ Poll: Ukrainians Reject Ceding Land for Peace An overwhelming majority of Ukrainians say it would be unacceptable to reach a peace deal with Russia by ceding territory to Moscow, according to a new WSJ-NORC poll carried out earlier this month. "they're unified behind President Zelensky. He has something like 78% support in how he's handled the war. And when we ask, "Generally, do you trust this person or this institution in Ukraine?" over 80% of Ukrainians say they support him." https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/google-news-update/wsj-poll-ukrainians-reject-ceding-land-for-peace/8cf942f8-79bc-480e-8b7e-f799fc5c4f8c
  23. You are trying to making an argument that nuclear weapons are going to be used and that you.............. "personally have no intention to finish my life like this, because of a war in some remote part of the world which can go nuclear." Well here's a thing, nobody intends finishing their life like that not just you! As I stated, if they are then it would be by Russia and the whole world would lose. As for your claim that human life doesn't matter much there. That's just pure ignorance, that exactly why Ukraine has so much will, far more than Russia to see this through, because its their lives on the line and their country.
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