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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Lots of rumours circulating that the 9th May Victory Day in Russia will be the day that Putin announces a full scale war and that Russia will also be at war with Nato. With Putin's latest threats . Any country trying to intervene in the Ukraine war will face a "lightning-fast" response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned. "We have all the tools no-one can boast of... we will use them if necessary", he said, in what is seen as a reference to ballistic missiles and nuclear arms. Together with the heightened threats on state TV, the odds are stacking up. Putin’s Stooges: He May Nuke Us All but We Are Ready to Die In recent days, Russian state media has been hyping up the same rhetoric, bombarding audiences with jarring declarations that World War III is imminent. Every major channel is promoting the idea of an inevitable, never-before-seen escalation over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which is being portrayed as a war waged against the Kremlin by the collective West. Patriotic citizens are now being primed for the idea that even the worst outcome is a good thing, because those dying for the motherland will skyrocket to paradise. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-state-tv-vladimir-putin-may-start-a-nuclear-war-but-we-are-ready-to-die
  2. Push Russia out of whole of Ukraine, says Truss She said Western allies must "double down" in their support for Ukraine. "We will keep going further and faster," Ms Truss said, "to push Russia out of the whole of Ukraine." This implies that Russian forces must leave not just the territory occupied in recent weeks since their invasion on 24 February but also those areas they invaded and annexed eight years ago, such as Crimea in the south and parts of the eastern Donbas region. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61251698
  3. He said 5 - 10 times and maybe he got it from the "Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)" The lowest estimate is 200,000
  4. Read that but I'm not convinced its true at least I hope not, its in Bloomberg and the source is "a according to a person close to Russian gas giant Gazprom PJSC." Its also in Russian TASS news although they both say "Ten European companies" not sure if you can have more than one oil company per country? If true then my guess would be Hungary, Austria, Swiss and Germany?
  5. Your comrade never told you 5 days ago then? Russian General Lets Slip a Secret Plan to Invade Another Country and Seize Ukraine’s Entire Coastline Russian military commander Rustam Minnekaev now says the second phase of President Vladimir Putin’s “special operation” is focused on establishing a “land corridor” from the Donbas all the way to Moldova, which would cut off the rest of Ukraine from the sea. The general’s words suggest that Moldova’s sovereign borders would also come under threat from further Russian expansion. Phony efforts to protect Russian-speaking peoples have often foreshadowed Putin’s imperial invasions.
  6. I'm sure Canada will be followed by other countries doing the same, good job! Canada giving itself power to turn over seized assets to victims As Russia’s assault on Ukraine enters its third month, the Canadian government says it plans to give itself the power to sell off assets of foreigners seized under sanctions law, and then turn them over to affected victims or pay for rebuilding war-torn countries. This could mean, for instance, that funds or property seized from Russia could be paid out to help reconstruct Ukraine or to compensate those affected by Moscow’s military assault on its neighbour. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canada-giving-itself-power-to-pay-out-compensation-from-sanctioned/
  7. Yes you've been fortunate enough to have your son in an International School which was finally able to take the sensible approach. Unlike the majority of government schools who took the risk free shut em down and keep them closed road, neglecting their education entirely. Its the same for me, my daughter being in an International School has not suffered as much. They've also been opened since around Jan with a very sensible policy similar to your sons school. There are over 800 students in her school and it was reported last week that over half the staff had already had covid and 30% (probably a lot more) of the students have already had it, including my daughter. Not once was the school closed.
  8. Like their other threats this is the response from the west and Ukraine: 8:58 BREAKING Explosions reportedly heard in Russian city Multiple explosions have been heard in the Russian city of Belgorod, about 40km (24 miles) north of the Ukrainian border, according to a local official. Gladkov later said preliminary reports indicated an ammunition depot was on fire in a rural settlement, and "no casualties among the civilian population" had been reported. UK to call for world to supply Ukraine with warplanes UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss will announce on Wednesday that Britain and other Western powers should give warplanes to Ukraine as part of their long-term military support. Ukraine has repeatedly asked for combat aircraft, particularly Soviet-era fighters with which their pilots are familiar. But as Nato members step up their support for Ukraine with longer range weapons, Truss will say they should go even further.
  9. If you need links to evidence that then you missed the boat 2 years ago. Thailand testing rate was and continues to be abysmal.
  10. Thailand keeps doors open to Chinese tourists MASAYUKI YUDA, Nikkei staff writer February 10, 2020 15:22 JST BANGKOK -- Amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, Thailand has not restricted Chinese tourists from entering the kingdom, or dropped its visa-on-arrival fee waiver implemented to mainly attract Chinese. This is in clear contrast with concerned nations around the world. Beijing's ban on outbound tour groups is an even bigger blow for Thailand USA Jan 31st 2020: U.S. declares public health emergency over coronavirus, bans travel from China by foreign nationals
  11. PCR test positive cases, total of 14,887 official new infections. 125 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 12,748 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 27,635 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 25th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  12. Rumblings within the ranks of the Russian Military they want an escalation and all out war. Interesting article here: Vicious Blame Game Erupts Among Putin’s Security Forces Does this mean that the military or the FSB has concluded that the war, with its enormous casualties and incompetent direction, was a mistake? The short answer is no, quite the opposite. Naturally, we’ll further increase air defense units on the border with Ukraine in order to cover our territory from ballistic missile strikes, but it is also clear that NATO countries have far more weapons than Russia.” The author expressed optimism that the Russian air force will be able to staunch the flow of Western supplies, but warned that further Ukrainian victories “will almost certainly prompt the use of nuclear weapons” against targets in Ukraine. https://cepa.org/vicious-blame-game-erupts-among-putins-security-forces/
  13. Breaking: Germany to deliver “Gepard” anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine. According to several German media reports, the government has finally approved the delivery of such heavy weapons to Ukraine. The step will be officially announced at the Ukraine conference in Rammstein today.
  14. It was only a matter of time before this was parroted, its been the solid theme of Russian state TV for some time and we know that their rhetoric is shared by the Kremlin. Perhaps Russia should not underestimate the abilities of the West and Nato as it did Ukraine.
  15. I also like the wig they were asked to plant, they bought a green ladies one.....????
  16. Its becoming clearer that not only were the Russian forces vastly over rated but also the FSB have turned out to be just as incompetent. Putin even went on state TV to publicize this supposed assassination attempt and now its been unraveled as a sham. When agents broke into the house it seems they misunderstood the instructions of the set up and took things a little too literally...???? Russian Spies Hilariously Screw Up Putin’s ‘Assassination Plot’ Claim Russia’s notorious FSB counterintelligence agency released a video of the arrests, as well as so-called “behind-the-scenes” footage of agents searching and seizing property allegedly found at the suspects’ apartment, which was posted in its entirety by state media outlet RIA Novosti on Telegram. Social media users were quick to point that the SIMS game and “Signature unclear” could be signs that the arrest was part of an FSB hoax gone wrong, pointing out the directives for setting up the scene of the crime might have included planting three SIM cards and signing the book with an indiscernible signature—and that these instructions might have been misunderstood or taken too literally by the agents. Perhaps realizing their agents have flubbed, official videos posted by the FSB on its YouTube channel excluded the book and blurred the images of the SIMS video games. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-fsb-spies-hilariously-screw-up-vladimir-putins-assassination-plot-claim?
  17. New study published 25th April: Impact of population mixing between vaccinated and unvaccinated subpopulations on infectious disease dynamics: implications for SARS-CoV-2 transmission Results: We found that the risk of infection was markedly higher among unvaccinated people than among vaccinated people under all mixing assumptions. The contact-adjusted contribution of unvaccinated people to infection risk was disproportionate, with unvaccinated people contributing to infections among those who were vaccinated at a rate higher than would have been expected based on contact numbers alone. We found that as like-with-like mixing increased, attack rates among vaccinated people decreased from 15% to 10% (and increased from 62% to 79% among unvaccinated people), but the contact-adjusted contribution to risk among vaccinated people derived from contact with unvaccinated people increased. https://www.cmaj.ca/content/194/16/E573
  18. PCR test positive cases, total of 13,816 official new infections. 120 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 7,009 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 20,825 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 24th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  19. Another one of those mysterious fires that have been breaking out across Russia for a few weeks ???? 17 dead in Russian military research facility fire last week At least 17 people have died in last week’s fire at a Russian military research facility, authorities said Monday. The regional government in Tver, a city about 180 kilometers (112 miles) northwest of Moscow, said that so far only five of the victims had been identified. The research institute was involved in the development of some of the state-of-the-art Russian weapons systems, reportedly including the Iskander missile. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-moscow-8d6c51c812b41454d39c5ce7e0367399? EDIT aaaaand another one just now: Video Oh no, something seems to be on fire at a Russian airbase in Ussuriysk near (fairly) to Vladivostok. Russia seems to be so unlucky with things catching fire in recent days.
  20. Better luck next time, someone tried to assassinate one of the main Russian state TV pundits...........................???? Vladimir Putin said that the FSB prevented an assassination attempt "on one of the famous #Russian TV journalists". The FSB also stated that "during the searches they seized an homemade explosive device, 8 Molotov cocktails, 6 PM pistols, a rifle, an RGD-5 grenade, over 1,000 cartridges, drugs, fake Ukrainian passports, nationalist literature and nationalist paraphernalia." The FSB and Vladimir Putin have accused Ukraine's SBU of trying to kill Rossiya-1 host Vladimir Solovyov Members of a Russian Neo-Nazi group allegedly linked to the plot have been arrested, while Solovyov claims that Zelensky directly orchestrated the plan to kill him. Putin is personally highlighting this case because it backs his argument that Ukraine is a "Nazi regime" that silences critics at home and abroad, and that Ukraine poses a security threat to Russian citizens These two narratives drive Russian public support for the war
  21. Here we have one of the major problems with disinformation to the Russian public, after having this thrown at you on a daily basis no wonder some end up believing it. All it does is facilitate hatred and further rapes and executions of innocent Ukraine civilians let alone the rhetoric regards nukes. Russian state TV has historically been viewed as a reflection of thinking within the Kremlin and state-approved discourse The FT's latest investigative report suggests that state TV could also be shaping Putin's views on the war This is important, especially regarding nukes Here's a brief summary of some of the disgusting highlights that are aired on state TV all taken from this source. A pundit argues on state TV that the exits at Azovstal should be sealed off with concrete. Host prefers the idea of capturing Ukrainians and showing them at public markets, allowing anyone to do "whatever they want" to them. The UK is a prime target for a nuclear strike, it has weak defenses and being an Island nation would not impact Europe. During last Friday’s broadcast of 60 Minutes, State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin asserted: “Nuclear mushroom may rise over Ukraine, but the NATO flag may not.” Russian state TV propagandists hysterically claim that Russia is willing to pay any price & the conflict could become nuclear: "Our hypersonic weapons are guaranteed to produce a response that is so unpleasant for America: being reduced to radioactive ash"
  22. Crystal clear definition of US aims here from Austin/Blinken: "weaken Russia" so it can't repeat Ukraine attack vs Eastern Europe; and Ukraine to be a sovereign country able to protect its own territory. image source
  23. Targets have not just been limited to oil depots, last nights one near the oil depot also struck a large military ammunition facility of the 29th brigade of the Russian Railway Troops whose duties are logistics command. Lots of artillery and missiles located there. They help supply the entire Russian armed forces. Railway lines, oil facilities and military bases in Belgorod - another logistical hub in Russia but close to the Ukrainian border - have been targeted several times in recent weeks, including by low-flying helicopters. Klimovo, a village with a nearby military base in the wider Bryansk region, was also struck. Rob Lee, a respected military analyst, said Monday's strike on the city of Bryansk itself could have been carried out using Tochka-U ballistic missiles fired from within Ukraine which would be capable of ranging both the oil facility and nearby military base.
  24. Plenty of intervention from western countries, maybe you missed it all.
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