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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Wrong in Thailand that would be against the Thai wishes who voted in the UN for Russia to stop the illegal invasion
  2. Never argue with a fool - They will drag you down to their level
  3. Yesterday I saw a car outside Villa Mart in Phuket with the Ukraine flags and streamers draped all over it. I wanted to find the owners and offer support.
  4. We're talking about the abuse of tigers being kept in captivity for selfies and your continued defense of this deplorable act
  5. When he was just 6 weeks old, Pika was taken away from his mother at the Safari Park Open Zoo and Camp in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, so tourists could bottle-feed him and take selfies. Then, when Pika was about 2 and a half months old, he was sent to a vet to be declawed, a dangerous procedure in big cats that basically amputates their toes at the first knuckle. https://www.thedodo.com/in-the-wild/zoo-declaws-tiger-lion-cubs-thailand
  6. Atrocious..............now in the Guardian Live updates Dozens feared dead after Ukrainian school is bombed At least two people have been killed and 60 more are feared dead after Russian bombs hit a school in the Ukrainian village of Bilohorivka, Serhiy Gaidai, governor of the Luhansk region, said on Sunday. Separately, Gaidai said that according to preliminary information, shelling in the village of Shypilovo destroyed a house and 11 people remained under the building’s debris.
  7. Yea and finally closed its doors to the abuse that was within: Victory! Phuket Zoo Is Finally Closing Its Doors Footage of a tiger who paced in circles on a small platform all day was also captured at the zoo. The heavy chain around his neck was so short that he could barely lift his head. Often, tigers are drugged and declawed so that tourists can take selfies with them without worrying about their safety. Sadly, this is not uncommon in Asia, where more than 8,000 tigers are held in captivity and forced to pose for selfies. To end such cruelty, it’s vital that tourists never pose for a selfie with animals or visit facilities where animals are held captive. https://www.petaasia.com/news/victory-phuket-zoo-is-finally-closing-its-doors/
  8. Russian Generals getting nervous...lol Russian generals turning on each other to avoid Putin’s purge, says Ben Wallace Russian generals are “turning in on themselves” because the war in Ukraine is not going to plan, the defence secretary said today. During a visit to Finland, Ben Wallace said military leaders were blaming each other for the “disaster” and feared being purged if the “quagmire” turns into a panicked retreat. Military chiefs in the general staff were the scapegoats for President Putin’s failed invasion, he said, adding that those in the military system were “always terrified they are about to be purged and pushed out”. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/russian-generals-turning-on-each-other-to-avoid-putins-purge-says-ben-wallace-tkg5m3c9z
  9. WHO Gathers Evidence for Possible War Crimes Investigation Against Russia The World Health Organization (WHO) is gathering evidence for a possible war crimes investigation into attacks it says it has documented by Russia on healthcare facilities in Ukraine, it said in Kyiv on Saturday. "Intentional attacks on healthcare facilities are a breach of international humanitarian law and as such - based on investigation and attribution of the attack - represent war crimes in any situation," Ryan said. "We continue to document and bear witness to these attacks ... and we trust that the U.N. system and the International Criminal Court and others will take the necessary investigations in order to assess the criminal intent behind these attacks." https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-05-07/who-says-it-stands-with-ukraine-has-documented-200-attacks-on-health-facilities
  10. Ukraine: Russian forces must face justice for war crimes in Kyiv Oblast An Amnesty International delegation, led by the organization’s Secretary General, has been visiting the region in recent days, speaking with survivors and families of victims, and meeting with senior Ukrainian officials. “The pattern of crimes committed by Russian forces that we have documented includes both unlawful attacks and wilful killings of civilians,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General. “We have met families whose loved ones were killed in horrific attacks, and whose lives have changed forever because of the Russian invasion. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/05/ukraine-russian-forces-must-face-justice-for-war-crimes-in-kyiv-oblast-new-investigation/
  11. Russian Pullback Seen Near Kharkiv, Despite Victory Day Push for Gains SLOVIANSK, Ukraine — Russia’s push to give its president a showcase victory in Ukraine appeared to face a new setback on Saturday, as Ukrainian defenders pushed the invaders back toward the northeast border and away from the city of Kharkiv, with the Russians blowing up bridges behind them. With less than 48 hours before President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia aimed to lead his country in Victory Day celebrations commemorating the Soviet triumph over Nazi Germany, the apparent Russian pullback from the area around Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, contradicted the Russian narrative and illustrated the complicated picture along the 300-mile front in eastern Ukraine. https://web.archive.org/web/20220508011043/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/07/world/europe/russia-ukraine-kharkiv-victory-day.html The Ukrainian counteroffensive northeast of Kharkiv is making significant progress and will likely advance to the Russian border in the coming days or weeks. This Ukrainian offensive is likely intended to push Russian forces out of artillery range of Kharkiv city and drive to the border of Russia’s Belgorod Oblast. As ISW previously forecasted, the Ukrainian counteroffensive is forcing Russian units intended for deployment elsewhere to redeploy to the Kharkiv front to halt Ukrainian attacks. Given the current rate of Ukrainian advances, Russian forces may be unable to prevent Ukrainian forces from reaching the Russian border https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-7
  12. Thats exactly whats happening, it may take a while but Ukraine will overcome the illegal invasion
  13. Video from Ukraine Defense Ministry: Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 destroyed another Russian ship. This time the landing craft of the "Serna" project. The traditional parade of the russian Black Sea fleet on May 9 this year will be held near Snake Island - at the bottom of the sea.
  14. Quick update on state of play with peace talks conditions: Ukraine war: Russia must withdraw to pre-invasion position for a deal - Zelensky The Vice-Speaker of the Russian State Duma called Russian troops on the border with Poland a condition for completing the "operation" in Ukraine https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/russia-wont-stop-until-it-reaches-poland-says-tolstoys-great-great-grandson-q58tqf5rr So about a million light years away from each other
  15. Same, I've got 2 loving cats that enjoy touching and stroking but any strangers in the house approah them and they will hiss violently to them.
  16. A new alternative David Attenborough with a brand new outlook on wildlife conservation. Try watching the original one first before making any further comments on a tiger or its cubs best interests
  17. Chiang Mai Tiger Kingdom. A money making machine purely for profit not for the tigers welfare. Tiger Kingdom runs a breeding program, which operates under the guise of being part of their “conservation” efforts. However, after being hand-reared these tigers can never be released into the wild, raising the question as to what the funds generated by the facility are actually going towards. Hand-reared is essentially a euphemism for saying that cubs are taken from their mothers at a young age and raised by humans instead. Doing so makes tigers completely reliant on humans for food and care, rendering them virtually unable to fend for themselves in the wild.
  18. Go away with your conspiracy theory nonsense with the anti vaxxer Steve Kirsh https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/sep/22/steve-kirsch/no-evidence-pfizer-vaccine-causes-deaths/ https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/21/steve-kirsch/contorted-claim-children-killed-covid-19-vaccines-/ https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/10/05/1036408/silicon-valley-millionaire-steve-kirsch-covid-vaccine-misinformation/
  19. I have it from an authoritative source that they are well underway with dress rehearsals
  20. Phuket Zoo years ago at the Tiger enclosure. Handler had no arm due to an attack, not my video but I remember going there and seeing him. Never went there again, disgusting place and fortunately now shut down
  21. Sky News, Putin on Russian forces in Ukraine "Only professional military men are resolving the problem" ???? Ukraine War: Russian reservists being contacted
  22. Found it in their archive section https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61343815?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=62753512c6835775caca7463%26Russian frigate hit by missile in Black Sea - Ukrainian report%262022-05-06T15%3A13%3A20.395Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:66d68656-eb60-44f4-9d7b-a46418e875f7&pinned_post_asset_id=62753512c6835775caca7463&pinned_post_type=share
  23. PCR test positive cases, total of 8,450 official new infections. 58 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 10,467 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 18,917 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 5th May https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  24. The article I quoted above in the link is now missing from the BBC website or at least I can't find it anywhere. I've also seen no other confirmation from any officials yet? There's a very foggy video of a distant ship on fire doing the rounds on twitter but thats also impossible to say if its the Admiral Makarov That said with all these rumours around you would also think Russia would provide a recent image video or image of the ship? Still holding out hope for today....
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