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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. PCR test positive cases, total of 20,455 official new infections. 128 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 23,347 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 43,802 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 18th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  2. Wrong again.............. Russia bans Facebook and Instagram under ‘extremism’ law
  3. BREAKING: The Pentagon says that Ukraine has "received additional fighter aircraft" from countries other than the U.S. and "additional aircraft parts" that will allow Ukraine to get more planes in the air OTTAWA, April 19 (Reuters) - Canada will send heavy artillery to Ukraine as that country pushes back against intensifying Russian attacks in its Eastern region, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday, promising more details to come soon.
  4. Correspondent from the Economist: Spoke to Svyatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of Azov regiment, part of Ukrainian forces holed up inside Azovstal steel plant in #Mariupol. Confirms was an airstrike on the hospital inside the plant today, with “many people” dead and “many under rubble.” No exact numbers (1) Says soldiers ready to leave Mariupol — if allowed to leave with their own weapons. “We can’t hold on indefinitely. We’re ready to leave‚” he says. But without those guarantees, the Ukrainians will “fight to the end.” (2) There are “hundreds” of civilians still sheltering there. Many are scared to accept Russian guarantees of safe passage because of the “rape, pillage and murder” that has happened in Mariupol, the fighter says. (3) Some criticism for Ukr command, which has “left them one on one with the enemy,” which vastly outnumbers them. “They are concerned with a few rockets, when we have everything thrown at us. We can’t do anything.” (4) The soldier made an urgent appeal to international community to at the very least ensure a humanitarian corridor to civilians, the injured, and the dead — “so they can be buried with honour.” (5)
  5. To be honest how anyone can ignore whats actually going on and instead prefers "whataboutary" and anything other that the war crimes and the attack going on right now has no respect from me whatsoever
  6. Yea thats why I put yet to be confirmed, lets see what transpires and if it gets into main stream media, they are certainly using bunker busting bombs but I thought they were for the steelworks to. Reports show Russia preparing 3-ton bomb to drop on Mariupol The FAB-3000 is an unguided 3,000 kilograms (6,600 pounds) bomb, which was primarily designed for the destruction of industrial, urban, and port facilities. This type of bomb was used by both Soviet bombers, the Tupolev Tu-16 and the Tupolev Tu-22M, during the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s. https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/30700-russia-feared-to-use-soviet-3-ton-bomb-in-mariupol
  7. Video Russian soldiers hoist a Soviet flag in the occupied city of Kherson. Are people in the West seeing what Russia is going for? This isn’t about NATO or Donbas and Luhansk. They want it all.
  8. This needs to be confirmed yet but its not looking good: Russia has just bombed another large hospital in Mariupol. 300 people feared dead. A new, larger bomb was used. Explosion was heard 100km away.
  9. Russia doesn't need to make threats, it just makes excuses for a military drill and build up of forces as a pretense for invasion as in Ukriane Russia threatens nuclear escalation if Sweden and Finland join NATO
  10. For added reading, here's 3 studies from the US: Pfizer, Moderna boosters up to 90% effective against Omicron: CDC Three US studies offer more evidence that third dose of COVID vaccine is highly effective against Omicron.
  11. I've already proved the lie you made on that in a previous post, not going to do it again. I will wait for further false claims from you
  12. I see things through the eyes of those suffering in Ukraine, those getting murdered, those losing their loved ones, those being raped including children and the other war crimes being committed daily, its called human empathy to me, doom and gloom to you.
  13. I'll carry on calling you out on your fake news, claims with no links to back them up and lies and here's your first post of the day that you said you didn't post, another lie. and this one below is a classic example of the fake news you post
  14. Such a sad apologist grasping at straws and ignoring the awful crimes being carried out by Putin on his quest to conquer Ukraine. Shameful
  15. You are a blatent liar. This is your first post of the day and what started your nonsense off. There should be a poll or a survey , *Are your political leanings Left wing or Right wing , and would you like another World war* Seems like people from a certain political persuasion really want another World war
  16. I confirm you made it up. It started with you calling for a vote on who wanted to start a war. Stop lying
  17. Did you think you would get brownie points from Vlad for that inconsiderate flipant post? Ukraine is fighting for its very existence, there is nothing under control. Although they have already foiled Putins plans to have it over in a few days.
  18. What a ridiculous post. Who in that poll would vote for yes they want a world war apart from extremists who want the world to end? Yes I class Putin as one of those extremists: "To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside - if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history." Regarding a no fly zone According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, 74 percent of Americans across the political spectrum said they supported a no-fly zone to protect Ukraine. But there’s a problem here: most people don’t seem to know what a no-fly zone actually is and what it would entail. America would most likely build up to a no-fly zone by destroying the Russian military’s substantial anti-aircraft batteries in Belarus and Russia so that American pilots could fly without the constant threat of being shot down, violating Russia’s sovereignty and bombing Russian military bases outside of Ukraine would also result in direct conflict. To boil it down, implementing a no-fly zone would amount to a declaration of war with Russia. Anyway A US defence official pointed to Russia’s missile attack on Sunday on a base in western Ukraine as an example. The Russians fired about two dozen cruise missiles from aircraft flying over Russian territory at the time. So a no fly zone would be useless in situations like that. The west needs to stop Putin with all other measures available, those have already been discussed and posted.
  19. I was wondering just this morning. Putin still insists on calling this a Special Operation. So how about NATO follows up with its own Special Operation in Ukraine. If they can stop Russia using its veto in the UN Security council then the other option is send in UN peace keeping troops with power to defend themselves.
  20. Here's a brave man who is putting words into action: ???????? "I'm done talking" @MalcolmNance has just revealed that he’s in UA & has joined the Ukrainian Foreign Legion to fight the Russian Army. Nance is an author and media pundit on terrorism & intelligence, He’s a former U.S Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer specializing in naval cryptology. MSNBC Analyst Malcolm Nance Has Joined Ukrainian International Legion to Fight Russia “The more I saw of the war going on, the more I thought, ‘I’m done talking, all right? It’s time to take action here,’ so about a month ago, I joined the international legion here in Ukraine, and I am here to help this country fight, you know, what essentially is a war of extermination,” he continued, “This is an existential war and Russia has brought it to these people and they are mass murdering civilians, and there are people here like me who are here to do something about it.”
  21. I'm afraid Mr Campbell even fails to get back to the original authors of studies when they call him out on invermectin. https://twitter.com/AesBrah/status/1501021357869613063
  22. Thats where the professionals make judgments not us here on forums. People who manage death reporting systems are actually aware of all of this. Indeed, they build their entire systems to acknowledge that death is not necessarily a simple event, because we need to capture that complexity for a whole variety of reasons (if nothing else, it’s important for legal purposes to know what happened when someone dies). So they detailed death certificates, which capture both the eventual and underlying causes of death as well as comorbidities and significant underlying conditions that may have contributed to a death.
  23. R.B just tweeted this from the government for yesterdays stats. THAI NEWS REPORTS: The government is campaigning to encourage the elderly to get a booster as it will reduce mortality by 31 times. Out of the 124 reported deaths, 109 were elderly or people with underlying diseases who weren’t vaccinated at all or weren’t fully vaccinated.
  24. BREAKING: Italy's parliament supports arms supplies to Ukraine The U.S. has expanded intelligence sharing with Ukraine about Russian troops in the Donbas region. The information could allow the Ukrainians to conduct more effective counterattacks against Russian forces in the Donbas or Crimea, or better predict the movement of Russian troops from those areas against Ukrainian forces. Kathleen H. Hicks, the deputy secretary of defense, said that “the intelligence support that we have provided has been vital.” And she said the information given to Ukraine had been “high end.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/13/world/europe/us-russian-troops-donbas-intelligence-sharing-ukraine.html https://web.archive.org/web/20220414033301/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/13/world/europe/us-russian-troops-donbas-intelligence-sharing-ukraine.html This would help a lot as currently their hands are tied with the Russian veto. UN to debate move to limit veto power of Security Council permanent members Liechtenstein is to convene the UN General Assembly on Tuesday to debate a draft resolution -- backed by Washington -- requiring the five permanent members of the Security Council to justify their use of the veto. An old idea aimed at making Security Council permanent members cut back use of their veto powers, it has been revived by Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine. Moscow's veto power has allowed it to paralyze action in the Security Council, which is supposed to intervene in such conflicts as guarantor of global peace, as defined by the Charter of the United Nations.
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