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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You've not heard of speed breeding then? How do you think they have so many tiger cubs in captivity? “Speed-breeding” is also a common practice at many of these entertainment venues, the investigation found. Removing cubs from the mothers in the first few weeks allows the female to start breeding again sooner, the report notes, leading to greater numbers of litter per female. Two tiger entertainment venues — Sriracha Tiger Zoo and Samui Aquarium and Tiger Zoo — also offer circus-style tiger performances for visitors, such as jumping through burning hoops. Tigers at tourist entertainment venues are typically kept in extremely poor conditions, the investigation found. https://news.mongabay.com/2016/07/grim-reality-of-tiger-selfies-speed-breeding-cruelty/ Captive tiger facilities have been documented speed breeding females, holding cats in inadequate enclosures, drugging them to make them safer for tourist interactions, and feeding them poor diets that lead to either emaciation or obesity. Connections to criminal enterprises have also been documented. https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/environment-and-conservation/2021/07/controversy-brews-over-leaked-tiger-breeding-report
  2. They are abused simple as that, to say they enjoy their time there being petted is ignorance. "Bangkok post article 19th Feb 2020 article can't link to it. regards the drugging of tigers" They endure a lifetime of suffering starting with early removal from their mothers followed by unrelenting handling and stressful interactions with visitors. As they grow they are often confined to small, barren cages, chained, and subjected to harsh training regimes to prepare them for distressing, unnatural performances and behaviours. https://www.worldanimalprotection.org/sites/default/files/media/int_files/tiger_selfies_exposed_a_portrait_of_thailands_tiger_entertainment_industry.pdf
  3. Whats that got to do with drugging them? How many more links would you like of the abuse they suffer?
  4. A viral video of a heavily sedated lion being used as a photo prop at Thailand's Taman Safari park in 2016 drew brief worldwide attention to the issue. In the footage, a park worker repeatedly pushes a drugged lion cub’s head up while visitors drape their arms over it and say "cheese" for the camera. https://www.vice.com/en/article/935vx5/image-of-woman-holding-drugged-tigers-testicles-at-thai-zoo-prompts-backlash
  5. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed as it would make a lovely present for the 9th May in Russia, wonder how they will spin this one if true.....now also on BBC Russian frigate hit by missile in Black Sea - Ukrainian report A Russian warship, Admiral Makarov, has been hit by a Ukrainian Neptune missile in the Black Sea and has been badly damaged, according to an unconfirmed report by a local website in Odesa. Dumskaya's report, which has been widely picked up by Ukrainian media, says the Makarov was hit near Snake Island and Russian rescue ships sailed to its assistance from Crimea. Western defence officials said they had not seen "anything at the moment" that confirms the frigate has been hit. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61343815
  6. Probably best to take that up with the Ukraine diplomat who tweeted it, I'm sure he'll be happy to clarify your confusion.
  7. Indeed and something that Russia never planned for in the 3 day invasion plan A The Biden administration in recent days has made plain its commitment to support Ukraine and bolster Eastern European allies for the long haul. And the decision to deploy 20,000 additional U.S. troops in response to the conflict — and possibly more in the weeks and months to come — has the potential to drastically alter the U.S. military footprint across Europe for decades to come. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/05/there-is-no-going-back-how-the-war-in-ukraine-has-pushed-biden-to-rearm-europe-00030352
  8. The lapdog is not happy..... Belarus' dictator Lukashenko, widely seen as Putin's puppet, says it would be 'unacceptable' for nukes to be used in Ukraine Lukashenko, widely seen as Putin's puppet, said the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine would be "unacceptable because it's right next to us — we are not across the ocean like the United States." https://www.businessinsider.com/belarus-lukashenko-says-use-of-nukes-in-ukraine-would-be-unacceptable-2022-5?
  9. Western artillery probably also helps in this: Useful infographic illustrating how arriving Western artillery systems can help Ukraine out-range Russia's big guns
  10. Would you like to demonstrate in my posts where I discussed Vlad? You missed the bit that Vlad was not even mentioned rather his henchmen ie the foot soldiers some of who are already captured because of the war crimes they committed in the military conflict. Other posters brought in Vlad and started discussing him including you above.
  11. How is the war crimes Putin and his forces are committing hijacking this thread, I made a post on the Ukraine delegation raising this yesterday at the UN Security Council. If other posters wanted to take it from there then thats up to them not me.
  12. Agreed the Russians need to be defeated but Re Putin and the charges, it can only be a hope and thats all but hope its important. However the reference to war crimes is mentioned daily and quite rightly so. These crimes all need to be thoroughly investigated and documented and there's a lot of hard work going on in Ukraine with experts doing that right now. Charges are the next step and ones that the victims will be grateful for. That said Sergiy Kyslytsya did not mention Putin, he mentioned his henchmen and I have no doubt this also includes the frontline soldiers who have been carrying out the rapes, tortures and executions of civilians. Ukraine prepares war crimes charges against Russian military personnel, including pilots https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-prepares-war-crimes-charges-against-russian-military-personnel-including-2022-04-26/ The Prosecutorʼs Office has announced the suspicion of a captured Russian pilot who bombed Chernihiv The Prosecutorʼs Office has announced the suspicion of Russian SU-34 pilot Alexandr Krasnoyartsev, who was detained in Chernihiv on March 5. This is stated on the website of the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office of Ukraine. The text of the suspicion states that Aleksandr Krasnoyartsev bombed UFZAB-500, UFAB 250-270, and FAB-50 bombs in Ukraine, including civilian objects. 'You're not going to get away with it': Ukraine unveils first war crimes charges amid 8,000 investigations Ukrainian authorities unveiled their first war crimes charges Thursday against members of Russia's military, as the U.S. and other countries worked behind the scenes to help Kyiv with more than 8,000 criminal investigations connected to potential atrocities in the two-month old war. The first charges accuse 10 Russian servicemen of holding civilians hostage and mistreating them in Bucha
  13. How do I propose? I suggest that question is put to the chief prosecutor of the ICC or the one of numerous international prosecutors who are currently helping Ukraine in the investigations. As for Sergiy Kyslytsya speaking at the UN Security council yesterday and referencing Milosevic, the fact he is dead was the whole point of the reference.
  14. Stand tall and strong ???????? Victory over russist army comes closer by the day, as does the time when putin’s henchmen will sit on the bench at a trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Punishment is imminent. Milošević won’t stay lonely for too long. Speaking @ UNSC meeting on security of Ukraine
  15. Pentagon says Russia's attempts to hit Western weapons flowing into Ukraine having 'no impact' A senior Pentagon official said Wednesday that despite Russia's efforts, "there's been no impact to our ability to continue flows into Ukraine. We've seen no indications that any of this Western aid has been impeded or even struck." "There's no indication at all that there's a Russian impediment to the flow" of U.S. arms to Ukraine, the Pentagon official said. "Our focus is on getting it to them. Their focus is on getting it into the fight and using it. And that's happening." https://theweek.com/russo-ukrainian-war/1013265/pentagon-says-russias-attempts-to-hit-western-weapons-flowing-into
  16. PCR test positive cases, total of 7,705 official new infections. 62 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 5,288 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 12,993 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 3rd May https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  17. They can't help themselves with the nuclear threat rhetoric, if they were doing well this wouldn't be mentioned. Russia Ambassador to U.S. Says NATO Not Taking Nuclear War Threat Seriously Russia's envoy to the United States has told Newsweek that leaders of the U.S.-led NATO military alliance do not grasp the true gravity of a potential nuclear conflict erupting, as a tense war of words among powers looms over the ongoing fighting in Ukraine. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ambassador-us-says-nato-not-taking-nuclear-war-threat-seriously-1703968?piano_t=1
  18. Keep it coming ???? U.S. intel helped Ukraine sink Russian flagship Moskva, officials say The flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet sank on April 14 after being struck by two Ukrainian Neptune anti-ship missiles, according to U.S. officials. Intelligence shared by the U.S. helped Ukraine sink the Russian cruiser Moskva, U.S. officials told NBC News, confirming an American role in perhaps the most embarrassing blow to Vladimir Putin’s troubled invasion of Ukraine. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/us-intel-helped-ukraine-sink-russian-flagship-moskva-officials-say-rcna27559
  19. I understand who's side you're on thats for sure. Putin and you can call it a Special Operation as much as you want, here's what it actually is. An illegal attack on Ukraine followed by a mountain of evidence of war crimes. The tribunals and prosecutors do not refer to Special Operation crimes, they are war crimes. It is a war. Putin also accused the leaders of Ukraine of being nazi and drug addicts and a host of other evidenced lies and conspiracy theories. You've fallen into a dark place and I see no reason for any further debate with you.
  20. Here's the history for you https://www.newyorker.com/news/essay/the-war-in-ukraine-is-a-colonial-war Now back on topic, I fixed this for you: Russian special mission Invasion of a sovereign country and subsequent multiple war crimes
  21. He finally got the memo from Zelensky ???? Lukashenko: If There Is A War With Ukraine, It Will Last 3-4 Days Lukashenko downplayed the prospect of war in Ukraine, and that if it occurred would only last 3-4 days and that their weak president, Zelensky, would run away. As the war enters its third month, Ukrainians, ever adept at social media, sent this reminder of what he said on Russian state television.
  22. This is extremely worrying, it was reported a few weeks ago that children who go to Russian territory are given re education. Its also a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits the forcible transfer or deportation of civilian populations and classifies this action a breach of the laws of war. Russia says that 200,000 children from Donetsk and Luhansk have crossed into its borders and 2,100 in the past 24 hours alone This is causing more alarm in Ukraine about Russia's forced deportation policy This from a week ago: Russian media is boasting of filtration camps in Donetsk that could include up to 100,000 people per camp Based on the scale of filtration camp incarcerations in Chechnya, which reached at least 200,000 throughout the war, this is scarily plausible
  23. Unfortunately with Russia still able to veto this will not go anywhere: The UN Security Council will discuss Thursday the protection of civilians on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.
  24. This is rather apt for those who prefer to hide and let others suffer while they remain neutral: Romanian born American Jewish writer, professor, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor.
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