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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. How to spot a Russian troll or apologist. They like to claim they are on the fence, objective and seeing things from both sides yet always sneak in misinformation based on Russian propaganda. Their mission is to sow doubt and are easily spotted be that in forums, twitter or the likes of facebook, telegram. How a Sleazy American Dating Coach Became a Pro-Putin Shill in Ukraine an American who’s lived in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv for years and was in Kyiv at the start of the offensive, wrote in a recent post, “trying to be as balanced and factually accurate as I can be.” Lira has portrayed the Russian assault as provoked—and as “one of the most brilliant invasions in military history.” He has insisted that the invaders don’t want to harm civilians or civilian infrastructure and are in fact taking pains not to, that the Russian advance has not stalled but is in fact right on course https://www.thedailybeast.com/gonzalo-lira-is-a-pro-putin-shill-in-ukraine-and-a-sleazy-manosphere-dating-coach
  2. US State Department looking at possibly labeling Russia a state sponsor of terrorism The definition of a state sponsor of terrorism is a country that has “repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism,” according to the State Department. There are only four countries that are currently labeled state sponsors of terrorism by the US: North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Syria. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-new-04-18-22/h_379c2d3bc66d542de9433f5de32fc712
  3. Thats been posted a few times its a pity people don't take notice of it.
  4. Well this looks good. The report is from a tabloid but looks pretty convincing. Major threat to Russian helicopters and low-flying jets. Boris Johnson to hand Stormer armoured missile launchers to Ukraine to unleash hell on Putin’s army Sources say the MoD showed off the Stormers’ punch to Ukrainians at a display on Salisbury Plain two weeks ago. The 13-ton, high-tech launchers can be loaded on to C-17 transport planes and flown to the war in days. They only need a crew of three — a driver, commander and gunner. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18298762/boris-johnson-missile-launchers-ukraine-war/
  5. PCR test positive cases, total of 16,891 official new infections. 129 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 12,945 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 29,836 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 17th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  6. Second British soldier in Russian custody, I saw this reported on the BBC news tv yesterday but this is now published so we can have a link. Captured Briton Shaun Pinner's family hope for quick resolution The family of a British man who has reportedly been captured by Russian forces while fighting in Ukraine have said they are hoping for a quick resolution to his situation. Mr Pinner and Mr Aslin appeared on the Rossiya 24 state television channel on Monday and both spoke, although it is not clear if they were doing so under duress. A Foreign Office source condemned "the exploitation of prisoners of war for political purposes". https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61139735
  7. aaaah he wants to go home to Russia: #UPDATE Ukrainian security services on Monday published a video showing Viktor Medvedchuk, a detained pro-Russia Ukrainian tycoon and politician, calling to be exchanged for Ukrainian forces fighting in the besieged port city of #Mariupol While Ukrainians are returning at record rates. For the first time since February 24th, more people left Poland for Ukraine than entered Poland from Ukraine. The Ukrainian spirit lives on!
  8. 1) Putin demands all money for oil/gas be paid by unfriendly countries with Rubles by 1st April 2) Unfriendly countries refuse. 3) 1st April unfriendly countries carry on as normal 4) No agreement reached
  9. Thanks for the update, sounds more like plan B to me as Europe refused to his demands. It also looks like plan C will soon have to be implemented: New EU sanctions on Russia to target Sberbank, Commission head tells paper "We are looking further at the banking sector, especially Sberbank, which accounts for 37% of the Russian banking sector. And, of course, there are energy issues," she said. The EU has so far spared Russia's largest bank from previous sanctions rounds because it, along with Gazprombank, is one of the main channels for payments for Russian oil and gas, which EU countries have been buying despite the conflict in Ukraine. She also said that the EU was working on "clever mechanisms" so that oil could also be included in the next sanctions. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/new-eu-sanctions-russia-target-sberbank-commission-head-tells-paper-2022-04-16/
  10. Really, didn't he say that would happen on the 1st April? Taking a little longer than expected much like his war on Ukraine
  11. The reality of whats really going on: In recently liberated Trostyanets in Sumy, Bel Trew speaks to torture victims and uncovers fresh evidence of possible war crimes in northeast Ukraine Blindfolded, arms and legs bound, and lying in the corner of the torture room, Dima could only hear his fellow prisoner scream and his ribs crack, as the man was beaten to death next to him. Three of the detainees are dead or missing: Koyla was killed, and two others, including a military veteran, were beaten almost unconscious before they were taken away. Andrei – prisoner number six – says he was stabbed in his left leg, stripped, and threatened with genital mutilation and rape. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-torture-chamber-killing-murder-b2059421.html No Paywall https://web.archive.org/web/20220417153428/https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-torture-chamber-killing-murder-b2059421.html Mass civilian graves have been found in most towns. In Bordyanka, Vorzel, Moshchun and Makariv, Post reporters have documented cases of indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas, torture and summary executions. There were bullet holes in his calves and his arms were stretched out at strange angles between slats of wood with nails through them. Among the filth they found condoms and a woman’s black bralette. Police say that the bodies of women and some minors bearing signs of sexual violence have been recovered from other parts of the town. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2022/bucha-atrocities-civilian-killings/ No Paywall https://web.archive.org/web/20220416180115/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2022/bucha-atrocities-civilian-killings/
  12. May 9th is looming on the horizon for the criminal Putin, there all sorts of tricks up his sleeve to create a false narrative to his attack on Ukraine and call for celebrations. RIA Novosti is calling for a total ideological, economic and military mobilization of Russia against Ukraine and the West A prelude to the message that Putin is likely to communicate on May 9 Victory Day BREAKING: Ukraine says that Russia is planning a referendum in Kherson, which will create a Donetsk and Luhansk style people's republic. The referendum will likely be held from May 1 to 10. Ukraine's human rights Ombudsman describes how the Kherson referendum might take place. Anti-Russian protests persist in Kherson, but the timing of this referendum could give Putin a small victory to coincide with the end with the end of World War II anniversary on May 9 Video: Meanwhile on Russian state TV: a potpourri of propaganda, reminiscent of both the USSR and North Korea. State Duma Defense Committee's head Andrei Kartapolov tells fellow citizens how very lucky they are that their genius president got them into this history-making war. Video: Deputy of the State Duma Vyacheslav Nikonov (a grandson of Vyacheslav Molotov) claimed: “In the modern world, we are the embodiment of the forces of good. This is a metaphysical clash between the forces of good and evil... This is truly a holy war we're waging and we must win.”
  13. PCR test positive cases, total of 16,994 official new infections. 124 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 8,276 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 25,270 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 15th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  14. Ukraine vows to 'fight to the end' in Mariupol as Russian ultimatum expires Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said on Sunday that the strategic port city of Mariupol “has not fallen” and that the encircled forces defending the city from Russian attack will “fight to the end.” Earlier in the day, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he has invited French President Emmanuel Macron to visit Ukraine to see for himself evidence that Russian forces have committed “genocide”. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220417-live-blasts-heard-in-kyiv-mayor-says-residents-who-fled-should-not-return-yet
  15. Those set of numbers that you quoted despite saying there is no set of numbers was from well over a year ago when the experts were predicting herd immunity with the original strain. Since then things have completely changed with the evolution of the variants. Omicron while less deadly has led to a vast amount of re infections in people who had been infected before and we also know it has massive vaccine evasion capabilities. Herd immunity is not a given anymore: Is omicron leading us closer to herd immunity against COVID-19? Experts say it’s not likely that the highly transmissible variant — or any other variant — will lead to herd immunity. Living with covid is all we can do and yes of course there's hope as demonstrated in other countries.
  16. The other point to factor in is that as far as I'm aware the majority of Ukraine soldiers left in Mariupol are the azov battalion, the very ones Putin wanted to eliminate at all costs.
  17. I agree 100% with your thoughts. For Mariupol those troops left on the ground its a decision them to make whether they feel they can carry onto death or surrender. Its too late to save Mariupol. They are holed out in the steelworks area and so the actual town looks like its completely controlled by Russians, busy covering up their awful deeds. Mariupol theater and hospital is scene to one of the largest war crimes carried out by Russia and there are many.
  18. More money needed to cover the rising cost of soldiers' funerals and tombstones as Russian casualties mount in Ukraine war, report says Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) has asked the Kremlin to increase funding for troop funeral services and tombstones, according to government documents seen by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL). The request comes when Russia is suffering considerable troop losses as the war in Ukraine nears the two month mark. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-more-money-needed-for-soldiers-funerals-tombstones-says-fsb-2022-4
  19. Yes saw that and from the same article: “The elimination of our troops, of our men (in Mariupol) will put an end to any negotiations,” Zelensky told the Ukrainska Pravda news website. “We don’t negotiate neither our territories nor our people.”
  20. Did you notice the post I was replying to? The big difference was in the accuracy in numbers. The issue of Delta and Omicron is not in question.
  21. The big difference being some countries at least try to get accurate numbers and are transparent in their reporting. Thailand's testing is evidence to a clearly failed and inaccurate case number count that along with its positivity rate of over 32% and current high excess death counts. Hospitals are not full because this is spread throughout the country, unlike the Delta wave where Bangkok was hardest hit for most of the time and where hospitals certainly were full turning away patients.
  22. PCR test positive cases, total of 17,775 official new infections. 128 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 13,617 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 31,392 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 15th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
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