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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You can add this to the list and they are arresting the journalist for revealing it. ‘I’m waiting to be arrested’: Russian ‘fake news’ law targets journalists The veteran investigative reporter had just published an explosive report: 11 members of the Russian National Guard from his home region of Khakassia had refused to fight in Ukraine, he said, and the military was hiding information about their unit’s casualties from the public. The report matched others about refusenik soldiers and reinforced a narrative that the Russian government desperately wanted to suppress: that the invasion was stalling and Russian troops were ill-prepared to fight. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/21/im-waiting-to-be-arrested-russian-fake-news-law-targets-journalists?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  2. there will be many people who will avoid catching covid and go on to live their lives that way. Masks along with vaccines help its avoidance, if they chose to wear one they can. Covid may become endemic that does not mean everyone will catch it at all.
  3. Totally nonsense comment, its about taking personal responsibility for your own health, if someone wants to wear a mask if they feel they are in a risk area then they are entitled to do so without that sort of attitude.
  4. N95 would have certainly helped protect you but I'll give you another experience. My daughter caught covid a few weeks back and I looked after her, she was even sneezing next to me on the sofa while we watched TV, to the point that I felt her droplets fall down on my arms. Neither of us wore masks at home throughout the entire period, only reason I decided not to bother with this was that I was absolutely sure I would get it from her at some point as I was tending to her when she had high fever when it started. Anyway never got it, I tested 3 times all negative. I had 2 AZ plus a moderna booster. She had 2 pfizer. My guess is that her vaccination helped in not spreading it so much and my vaccines gave the other element of protection but just a guess. The fact is I did not get it. I still wear masks as required when going out of course.
  5. Change of tact, Putin now declares victory in Mariupol while leaving the Ukraine forces and civilians trapped in the steelworks Vladimir Putin has declared victory over the city of Mariupol after his forces spent weeks reducing it to rubble in a brutal medieval-style siege. Moscow’s ‘surrender-of-die’ ultimatum expired yesterday having been ignored by soldiers holed-up in the site. But now Putin has ordered his troops to block it ‘so that not even a fly comes through’, leaving those still inside facing starvation. Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu said the steelworks turned fortress, which has taken heavy shelling, is now ‘securely blocked’. https://metro.co.uk/2022/04/21/putin-declares-victory-in-mariupol-and-claims-hes-liberated-city-16507359/ Also being reported on the BBC In a televised meeting, across a small table from his defence minister, Putin said there was "no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl underground through these industrial facilities". Instead, he called for his forces to "block off this industrial area so that not even a fly can escape". He added it would be "impractical" to storm the huge industrial area, where more than 2,000 Ukrainian servicemen are said to remain, and the decision was being made to safeguard the lives of Russian soldiers.
  6. Plus the still yet to be discovered crimes, or they may never be discovered due to the murderers covering up all the evidence? "The BND told German leaders this shows how the killings were normalised and part of a deliberate strategy intended to sow fear and terror among the civilian population. Further recordings are being analysed by intelligence chiefs 'with great concern' which have not yet been pinpointed to a specific place in Ukraine. But they indicate crime scenes similar to Bucha in other cities across the country, particularly around Mariupol which remains under heavy bombardment."
  7. Wagner are a rag tail bunch of assassins, rapists, and mercenaries in true legal definition for many of them as we all know and as you rightly mention they are certainly not all Russian. "Thus, Wagner contractors have been described as "ghost soldiers", due to the Russian government not officially acknowledging them On 7 April, it was reported that Wagner Group PMCs played a leading role in the Bucha massacre, according to Germany's Federal Intelligence Service. Intercepted radio communications allegedly suggested the atrocities were part of a plan to instill fear in the population.[187] Wagner is believed to have a Serb unit, which was, until at least April 2016, under the command of Davor Savičić, a Bosnian Serb[8] who was a member of the Serb Volunteer Guard. SBU issued arrest warrants in December 2017, for six Serbian PMCs that belonged to Wagner and fought in Ukraine, including Savičić.[87] In early February 2018" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group 2018 Donbass Brothers: How Serbian Fighters Were Deployed in Ukraine Serbs carried out combat and counter-intelligence missions for several pro-Russia paramilitary units including the notorious Wagner group of mercenaries, BIRN has learned. https://balkaninsight.com/2018/12/13/donbass-brothers-how-serbian-fighters-were-deployed-in-ukraine-12-12-2018/
  8. PCR test positive cases, total of 21,931 official new infections. 129 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 20,926 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 42,857 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 19th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  9. #UPDATE Ukraine called Wednesday for urgent negotiations with Russia in Mariupol, which appeared close to falling after weeks of siege, as Vladimir Putin flexed his military muscle with the test launch of a new, nuclear-capable ICBM Ukraine calls for talks in teetering Mariupol as Moscow holds ICBM test Ukraine called Wednesday for urgent negotiations with Russia in Mariupol, which appeared close to falling after weeks of siege, as Vladimir Putin flexed his military muscle with the test launch of a new, nuclear capable ICBM. Washington downplayed the test of the intercontinental ballistic missile and said it had been notified in advance, but Putin said it would make the Kremlin's enemies "think twice", raising tensions nearly two months after he invaded Ukraine and ignited a global crisis. https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-calls-talks-teetering-mariupol-213125611.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  10. Lets hope this stands and they get bogged down and destroyed but more weapons needed to keep this up! The battle for #Donbas goes so far by the same script as the battle for #Kyiv. #Russia is like a dog jumping up a fence that’s too high for it. The “fence” being the heroism of #UkrainianArmy, multiplied by help of the world.
  11. Thanks, however the term mercenaries attributed to the Wagner group is commonly used by the UN, the EU, goverments spokespersons and experts. At the end of the day they are a shadowy group of murderers wanted for war crimes in previous conflicts and are the perfect cover to carry that on in Ukraine.
  12. Maybe you again need to read my post and see what the UN says about Wagner and confirming they are a mercenary group.
  13. I give up, read the article links, I provided two of them in the post. Now please provide the link to your claim: "Wagner group are Russians , so they wouldn't be mercenaries if they are fighting on Russia's side of the war"
  14. "Wagner group are Russians , so they wouldn't be mercenaries if they are fighting on Russia's side of the war" Here we go again, more falsehoods, please stop clogging up the thread and derailing it unless you provide links to your claims. The Wagner Group is a Russian mercenary organisation. Sorcha MacLeod, who heads the UN's working group on the use of mercenaries Here's Dmitry Utkin, its original nazi founder and in a meeting with Putin
  15. Robert Jenrick MP accuses Russia of contravening Geneva Convention by broadcasting video of captured Brit Aiden Aslin An MP has accused the Kremlin of contravening the Geneva Convention by broadcasting videos of Aiden Aslin. Aslin was captured by Russian forces and appeared to repeat Kremlin propaganda in a series of clips. Robert Jenrick tweeted a statement from Aslin's family, saying the videos "must stop". https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-broke-geneva-convention-video-of-captured-brit-mp-says-2022-4
  16. Yes thats because running a mercenary army is against the Russian constitution, even though they clearly are running them such as the Wagner Group. Wagner provides the government with a force which is deniable. Wagner can get involved abroad and the Kremlin can say: 'It has nothing to do with us'."
  17. Graham Phillips the non human UK national who filmed the interview with captured/surrendered UK soldier Aiden Aslin. Turns out Graham works for RT news and is a known Russian mole and despicable journalist. Its also clear it was a forced interview. You can still view the video on his own Youtube channel "Graham Phillips" although apparently the channel may be taken down soon. Who is Graham Phillips, the ex-Whitehall civil servant now pushing Russian propaganda? Accused of being a modern-day Lord Haw-Haw, the journalist has been pushing videos denying evidence of war crimes in Ukraine He proceeded to verbally probe and prod Mr Aslin into denouncing Ukraine, recognising the breakaway Russian puppet states in the Donbas and asking for a prisoner exchange to save himself from execution. Legal experts consulted by The Telegraph said they believe that the video was a breach of Geneva Conventions protections for PoWs and should be removed immediately by YouTube. They said that Mr Phillips could be exposing himself to a war crimes prosecution and having his citizenship removed. https://web.archive.org/web/20220419210303/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/04/19/graham-phillips-journalist-civil-servant-russian-propaganda/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Phillips_(journalist)
  18. Ukrainians Are Speaking Up About Rape as a War Crime to Ensure the World Holds Russia Accountable Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman, Lyudmyla Denisova said that 25 teenage girls were kept in a basement in Bucha and gang-raped; nine of them are now pregnant. Elderly women spoke on camera about beeing raped by Russian soldiers. The bodies of children were found naked with their hands tied behind their backs, their genitals mutilated. https://time.com/6168330/rape-war-crime-russia-ukraine/?
  19. Also a perfect force for carrying out the atrocoties against civilians. They awnser to no one.
  20. Foreign fighters: Russia has deployed between 10,000 and 20,000 foreign fighters from Syria and Libya into the Donbas region in addition to Wagner Group mercenaries. All of them will fight as infantry, the official said, as they don’t operate heavy weapons. Low morale vs. high morale: The morale of Russian forces remains low despite the new phase, the official said, because troops “don't like the idea of killing people who speak Russian.” https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2022/04/19/worse-than-bucha-00026326
  21. Ukrainian volunteers recount three weeks in Russian captivity, allege beatings Both said they were then held with around 40 other captives on the concrete floor of a nearby factory, their hands bound. Nearly a week later they were transferred in a military truck to Belarus, and on to detention centres in Russia, they said. The Ukrainian Red Cross confirmed they were both volunteers. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-volunteers-recount-three-weeks-russian-captivity-allege-beatings-2022-04-19/
  22. Mariupol's last stand.................. Surrounded by Russians, commander describes life inside Mariupol plant In his most extensive comments to Western media, Maj. Serhiy Volyna of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade, whose forces have been holding out in the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works against a Russian force that vastly outnumbers them, told The Washington Post that his soldiers would continue “to conduct combat operations and to complete our military tasks as long as we receive them.” “We will not lay down our weapons,” Volyna said. Speaking over a crackling connection made possible by satellite, he said his forces would not repeat the mistake made by others of trusting Russian guarantees of safe passage, only to see the Russians break their word and open fire. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/04/19/ukraine-mariupol-serhiy-volyna-azovstal-factory/ Despair in Mariupol’s last stronghold: ‘They’re bombing us with everything’ With ammunition and supplies sparse, the men who were interviewed said they were carrying on the fight and refusing to acquiesce to the Kremlin’s demand’s for capitulation. But they acknowledged that they were running out of time and increasingly found it difficult to leave the protection of their shelter because of the heavy bombing. “We are putting up a difficult fight with the enemy, protecting our country and our people and our culture, our right to self-determination,” another soldier who gave his name as Kostya said, even as he acknowledged they had little to fight with. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/19/world/europe/mariupol-azovstal-steel-plant.html
  23. Russia's already ended its plan A when they discovered their military prowess is not what it seemed to be. The Ukrainians showed them they are not willing to throw up the white flag. This will war will end when Russia is defeated.
  24. Fighting for freedom, their homes and families. Heart warming, how civilised people behave and support each other, kindness, love and unity
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