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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Fake news, he will resurface it soon and provide the evidence Image source
  2. Maybe Zelensky had a premonition.................... An interesting detail — yesterday, the Postal service of #Ukraine️ presented a new series of postage stamps “Russian warship, go <deleted> yourself”. And guess what? The ship in the picture is Russian missile cruiser #Moskva, the Black Sea Fleet flagship that was destroyed today.
  3. The forced deportations go hand in hand with the genocide rhetoric. 500,000 Ukrainians forced to go to Russia so far according to the OSCE report. Normally to far off places such as Siberia
  4. How's that a lie when you are asked to evacuate due to the Russian invasion? Consequences of the ‘Temporary Evacuation’ of the OSCE from Ukraine From the Secretary General Due to the ongoing fighting and deteriorated security situation in Ukraine, in coordination with the Chairman-in-Office, I have decided to temporarily evacuate all international mission members from Ukraine as soon as possible. https://www.osce.org/secretary-general/512953
  5. The full report is a chilling read of the atrocities up till 1st April. There will be a follow up for the more recently discovered ongoing war crimes found since then.
  6. They evacuated Ukraine for their safety due to the Russian unprovoked invasion, clear enough for you.
  7. PCR test positive cases, total of 24,134 official new infections. 115 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 19,054 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 43,188 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 11th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  8. Details in this new OSCE report are horrific: > a Ukrainian interpreter held in captivity for 9 days by Russian forces in an icy cellar, beaten w/ an iron bar & rifle butts, tortured w/ electricity. > 500,000 Ukrainians forcibly deported to Russia & some put in filtration camps.
  9. This is great news. The Moskva is the flagship of the Russian naval forces black Sea contingent and will be a huge blow to Russia. There are reports on twitter that its sending out distress signals and sinking. The Russians have also confirmed its on fire. This is the same ship that the Ukraine border guards told to f### off on Snake Island at the start of the invasion....???? Russian cruiser was hit by missiles - Ukraine More on Russia's Moskva missile cruiser, which Moscow says has been badly damaged by a fire. Ukraine earlier claimed the warship was hit by Ukraine-made Neptune missiles. Ukrainian presidential aide Oleksiy Arestovych said Russian rescuers were unable to reach the vessel, which could have had as many as 510 crew members on board. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61101906 Image source EDIT Reports now coming in saying that the Moskva has now sunk to the bottom of the Black Sea. This is most likely the largest mass-casualty event that the Russian Armed Forces have suffered since Putin launched this war of aggression.
  10. Of course, its an independent report by experts they do not brush aside war crimes or violations from either side. Did you think that after the illegal onslaught by the Russians, murdering and raping civilians that the Ukraines would remain white than white? Speak for yourself on what people here will become, personally I hope they are informed of the atrocities by independent experts From the report: "As this report shows, violations occurred on the Ukrainian as well as on the Russian side. The violations committed by the Russian Federation, however, are by far larger in nature and scale." From the US OSCE Ambassador: The report documents many particularly egregious attacks, such as the March 9 attack striking the Mariupol Maternity House and Children’s Hospital, determining that the hospital was destroyed by a Russian strike. The mission concluded that this attack was deliberate, with no effective warning given, and thus constitutes a “clear violation of IHL” –international humanitarian law — and “a war crime” (page 47). While the Russian government alleged the hospital was used for military purposes, the mission categorically dismissed these claims. Similarly, the mission found that the March 16 attack on the drama theater in Mariupol that killed approximately 300 people was most likely an egregious violation of international humanitarian law and those who ordered or executed it committed a war crime. The mission also dismissed the Kremlin’s attempt to blame Ukraine for this and other attacks (p 47-48).
  11. There's a good summary of it here which is worth reading rather than over 100 pages of pdf just published by the US OSCE Ambassador: Evidence of direct targeting of civilians, attacks on medical facilities, rape, executions, looting, and forced deportation of civilians to Russia. The report documents many particularly egregious attacks, such as the March 9 attack striking the Mariupol Maternity House and Children’s Hospital, determining that the hospital was destroyed by a Russian strike. The mission concluded that this attack was deliberate, with no effective warning given, and thus constitutes a “clear violation of IHL” –international humanitarian law — and “a war crime” (page 47). While the Russian government alleged the hospital was used for military purposes, the mission categorically dismissed these claims. Similarly, the mission found that the March 16 attack on the drama theater in Mariupol that killed approximately 300 people was most likely an egregious violation of international humanitarian law and those who ordered or executed it committed a war crime. The mission also dismissed the Kremlin’s attempt to blame Ukraine for this and other attacks (p 47-48). https://osce.usmission.gov/moscow-mechanism-as-a-step-towards-accountability-for-russian-war-crimes/
  13. OSCE Expert Mission report has just been published, this only takes into account war crimes and violations from the 24th Feb to 1st April, the other numerous crimes committed in Bucha and other places since then will be in a follow up. It should also be noted that Russia refused to take part in the investigation. Link here, Its a pdf download of 108 pages so here's just a few quotes from the first couple: https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/f/a/515868.pdf REPORT ON VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN AND HUMAN RIGHTS LAW, WAR CRIMES AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY COMMITTED IN UKRAINE SINCE 24 FEBRUARY 2022 credible evidence suggesting that such violations concerning even the most fundamental human rights (right to life, prohibition of torture and other inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment) have been committed, mostly in the areas under the effective control of Russia The Mission is not able to conclude whether the Russian attack on Ukraine per se may qualify as a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. It however holds that some patterns of violent acts violating IHRL, which have been repeatedly documented in the course of the conflict, such as targeted killing, enforced disappearance or abductions of civilians, including journalists and local officials, are likely to meet this qualification. Any single violent act of this type, committed as part of such an attack and with the knowledge of it, would then constitute a crime against humanity. the mission found clear patterns of IHL violations by the Russian forces in their conduct of hostilities. If they had respected their IHL obligations in terms of distinction, proportionality and precautions in attack and concerning specially protected objects such as hospitals, the number of civilians killed or injured would have remained much lower. Similarly, considerably fewer houses, hospitals, cultural properties, schools, multi-story residential buildings, water stations and electricity systems would have been damaged or destroyed. Furthermore, much of the conduct of Russian forces displayed in the parts of Ukraine it occupied before and after 24 February 2022, including through its proxies, the self-proclaimed “republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk, violates IHL of military occupation.
  14. Looking forward to this OSCE report when it gets published later today or tomorrow: The full OSCE expert mission report, which is a chilling read, will be published today after the special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council. Follow-up will also be discussed. The report investigates events 24 Feb-1 April, meaning it does not cover the atrocities committed in villages in the proximity of Kyiv, incl. Bucha. Russia was invited to cooperate with the expert mission but it refused. There is an exchange of letters attached to the report. @OSCE expert mission report finds "clear patterns of international humanitarian law violations by the Russian forces in their conduct of hostilities" in #Ukraine. The report also finds "credible evidence" that "the most fundamental human rights" have been violated.
  15. Published by the BBC 1 hour ago, not yesterday Ukraine: British man fighting in Mariupol 'forced to surrender' The family of a British man fighting in Ukraine said he has told them he will have to surrender to Russian forces. Aiden Aslin, from Newark in Nottinghamshire, has been fighting in Ukraine since he moved there in 2018, and became a marine in the country's military. His unit has recently been defending the besieged city of Mariupol, which has been heavily bombarded by Russia. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-60894476
  16. We all know the Ukrainians can't hold out in Mariupol for much longer but its been a brave fight. My concern is that when it has finally fallen to the murdering Russians, what will happen to the over 100K civilians still there? I wonder how many are missing and been executed? Will the remainder be forced to go to Russia even the ones that don't want to go? This has just been announced by the Russian Defense Ministry: Russian ministry of defence claims a total of 1026 Ukrainian marines from 36th brigade surrendered at Azovmash plant in Mariupol yesterday, including 122 officers. Military propaganda posts multiple photos and videos of the event. POWs say they’ve run out of ammo, food. The Russian will also have plenty of time to cover up their atrocities of murder and rape. Powerful video: This is how the russian army has been destroying and continues to obliterate Mariupol, killing thousands of Ukrainians. This is what hell looks like in 21st century Europe. Footage by @AP The Kremlin plans to send 100,000 Ukrainians to Siberia and the Arctic Circle, report says, as Zelenskyy warns of 'filtration camps' for captured people A Kremlin document, cited by The i, shows Russia made an emergency order last month to forcibly move 95,739 Ukrainians to far-away regions in Russia. The document suggests that Ukrainians will not be sent to major cities like Moscow or St. Petersburg, but rather to remote areas located thousands of miles away from their homes. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-plans-to-send-ukrainians-to-siberia-arctic-circle-report-2022-4
  17. No when taken out of context it is against the rules. Try reading up on them you may eventually learn something, rather than off topic trolling
  18. Next time quote my full post without edit and taking out of context. It relays to you exactly what he thinks of Putin's actions now
  19. Renowned movie director...lol Do you mean this Roger Stone, the one that also asked Putin to be a godfather for his daughter? Oliver Stone Criticizes “Mr. Putin’s Aggression In Ukraine” After Previously Saying There Was “No Proof” Russia Intended To Invade "Russia was wrong to invade. It has made too many mistakes — 1) underestimating Ukrainian resistance, 2) overestimating the military’s ability to achieve its objective, 3) underestimating Europe’s reaction, especially Germany upping its military contribution to NATO, which they’ve resisted for some 20 years; even Switzerland has joined the cause. Russia will be more isolated than ever from the West. 8 ) putting cluster and vacuum bombs into play, " https://deadline.com/2022/03/oliver-stone-criticizes-putin-ukraine-1234973037/
  20. PCR test positive cases, total of 23,015 official new infections. 106 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 15,059 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 38,074 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 11th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  21. Great news “The Biden administration is poised to dramatically expand the scope of weapons it’s providing Ukraine, with the Pentagon looking to send helicopters that can be equipped to attack Russian vehicles, armored Humvees and a range of other arms.” Paywall but the above quote from the article is from their tweet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/04/12/pentagon-ukraine-weapons/
  22. I'd appreciate it if you cease to misconstrue my posts. I gave the original twitter link from a Daily Mail article on an English fighter who was going to surrender. Nothing to do with the BBC link we are still waiting on claiming this. "BBC world reporting Ukrainian soldiers surrender no ammunition left not good hope there treated well." The only article I can find from yesterday on the BBC is: Ukrainian forces are holding out against Russia in the southern port city of Mariupol, officials say, despite some reports suggesting the battle was nearing its end.
  23. Ukraine conflict: 'Russian soldiers raped me and killed my husband' The Russians have withdrawn from areas around Kyiv, but they've left deeply wounded lives that might never recover from the trauma. The BBC has heard first-hand testimony and found evidence of Ukrainian women being raped by invading soldiers. Warning: This report contains graphic descriptions of sexual violence https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61071243?
  24. I saw this on twitter earlier. A brave and courageous soldier, just like the rest of them fighting against all odds in Mariupol. The were encircled by Russian forces and had been for weeks, yet they fought till their last bullet and ammo. Impossible to get them any help or supplies with Mariupol being besieged by Russia. If they run out of food then what's it like for the 100k civilians still left. Despicable. This is the original tweet where the Daily Mail got its story British #Ukraine Marine Aiden Aslin (AKA Cossack Gundî / Johnny) has had to surrender with his unit to Russian forces in Mariupol. They fought like hell for 48 days and have now run out of food and ammunition due to #Russia’s siege and destruction of the city. Aiden will become a Prisoner of War of the Russians. His family agrees that this information should be shared far and wide, so please share. He is a friend and fellow East Midlands lad. He previously fought against ISIS in Syria with the YPG.
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