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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Where do they get these figures, a kilo of coke can be had for $35,000 in Canada? I don't know what is goes for in the UK but they look like they were tempted by the huge markup. Even so it is not a good business to be in, first you loose your dope second you do twenty years in jail.
  2. You cannot say that Taksin's and her convictions were not political. So a political solution will be found, simple.
  3. They have yet to master two dimensions here ,three would be a disaster.
  4. Could be worse in Canada I had to show ID to change two Yankee $5 bills for a $10. At least I didn't have to tell them where I got them but I guess that's coming.
  5. I don't care to much for either side but as an independent observer there is no doubt who the biggest murderers are.
  6. If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle, check the body count.
  7. Hamas is bad, Israel is worse, just because you criticize one does not mean you support the other
  8. I like Orban, he is the only member of the EU that has any sense. The rest of them screwed themselves trying to screw Russia, what a bunch of idiots.
  9. A lot of high ranking police getting involved over a dog. Don't they have anything more important to do?
  10. He's off his rocker, Hitler would have put him in the zoo.
  11. No chance to get back the cheap beer and fags or villas in Spain if Farage gets in. Isn't he a staunch Brexiter. The Tories have always been an old boys club but the Labour party that used to be the working man's party was ruined by Tony Blair. Farage is too close to Trump to be healthy. Labour needs t get back to its roots.
  12. They didn't have to beat him to death, a kick in the ass should have been enough.
  13. It makes sense but he'll have lots of opposition. Fighting drugs is just as big a business as selling them.
  14. I don't know why people get their nickers in a twist, throughout history royals have.always been a lecherous lot. GIV, EVII, prince Albert, EVIII always providing good fodder for the tabloids. It's plain and simple ,they have opportunities others don't have and they take advantage of them, old news
  15. Who controls the constitutional court?
  16. Any society that trades thirteen year old girls for goats should not be allowed to gain a footing in the UK.
  17. I mean those that deliberately go to where the smoke is so they can complain about it in areas that are 99% smoke free.
  18. The government did not stop collecting duty on low value items because they are nice guys. They stopped because at some point it costs more to collect than it's worth.
  19. Smoking rooms in Incheon not very smokey ,good place to sit when the covid was happening as it was the only place you didn,t have to wear a mask. Smoking rooms in Taipei very busy.Bring them back so the doo gooders can stand by the door and have something to complain about.
  20. A 410 would work fine ,small enough there would be no collateral damage. Would be fun for the guards better than trap shooting.
  21. The sad thing is this madness was not stopped sooner ,had to go all the way to the top .
  22. I had an Asus zenphone 3 ,good till the battery died ,would not hold charge. I upgraded to a zenphone 8, a big mistake. Lost my two favorite features and the screen is smaller ,making it difficult to type messages. I will not buy another phone online , i will go a shop where I can check it out first.
  23. Foreign aid is a sneaky business, a lot of it never leaves the country. Remember the shipload of tractors Canada sent to Africa , nobody wanted them. Once you got out of the city there was no fuel available plus they had no money to buy fuel and no way to fix them if they broke down. They all rusted on the dock but the manufacturer got paid and that's what it was all about. How much of the so called aid to Ukraine goes direct to US arms manufacturers?
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